I'm Lazy...and it blows

What are some goals or rewards I could give myself for hitting the gym? I'm a walking contradiction and basketcase. I sit here at work and look at all the success stories and all the awesome weight loss people have done and think wow she looks amazing, I wish she was mine or damn he's really cut down I wish I looked like him, but then I get off of work and go home and play madden 12 for 8 friggen hours and think that eating right and doing 15 leg lifts and 10lb curls 10 times is gonna get me abs and a hot body. Plus it doesn't help i'm scared to go to the gym cause im afraid people are gonna laugh at me cause I look dumb doing all the machines. I'm outgoing in EVERY aspect in life besides fitness so I have no idea what the hell my problem could be.

I'm very goal/reward orientated but can't get myself enough energy/courage/whatever to start pounding away all this bull**** fat.

Help? :/


  • Legalchica
    Once you get moving you will keep moving! It feels GREAT! and rewarding yourself is a great thing to do! just figure out something you want that you can get like if you go to the gym three time this week you get some sort of reward. what works is up to you and just dont get it if you dont. I stay away from free wieghts cause i feel the same way. get on the cardio machines and use the machines for the weight training at first if your worried. Track your food intake!! That is the most important part!
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Your reward would be getting the body you want! You have it you just need to work at it!
    You need to want it enough to be honest and ok you are saying you are lazy! well stop being lazy haha! get out there and start doing your thing, once you see the results it will keep you going :)
    Also dont be scared about the gym, everyone is there for the same reason and no one will laugh at you and you are NOT going to look dumb!

    Stop putting yourself down and just start...and the rest will follow
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    You have to find something you like and look forward to. I really loved spinning. It was a group atmosphere which made me work harder BUT the room is usually dark so you can kind of go into your own world. No one is paying attention to anyone but themselves. Plus the burn is incredible...probably the highest if not one of the highest burns per hour you can do. It helped me lose 40 pounds. You have to start somewhere. I started at the gym overweight in baggy gym clothes. Now I'm an instructor wearing form fitting overly priced gym clothes. :-D A year from now you will have wished you started today. You can DO this! Add me if you want as a friend...oh, and sell that damn video game system! ;-)
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    What are some goals or rewards I could give myself for hitting the gym? I'm a walking contradiction and basketcase. I sit here at work and look at all the success stories and all the awesome weight loss people have done and think wow she looks amazing, I wish she was mine or damn he's really cut down I wish I looked like him, but then I get off of work and go home and play madden 12 for 8 friggen hours and think that eating right and doing 15 leg lifts and 10lb curls 10 times is gonna get me abs and a hot body. Plus it doesn't help i'm scared to go to the gym cause im afraid people are gonna laugh at me cause I look dumb doing all the machines. I'm outgoing in EVERY aspect in life besides fitness so I have no idea what the hell my problem could be.

    I'm very goal/reward orientated but can't get myself enough energy/courage/whatever to start pounding away all this bull**** fat.

    Help? :/

    Thank you for posting this. I suffer from the same condition. It does, in fact, blow.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    who cares what people think at the gym??? Personally, me and like most people are just SO focused in on their fitness regiume that I tune out other people. Also I go to the gym and hop on the treadmill and watch the latest episode of a tv show like Biggest Loser or I watch the news
    Not to mention the only person you should be losing weight is for yourself and you need to want it bad...I have goals set up and it motivates me like one of mine is in a couple more pounds and Im gonna get my cartledge pierced when according to the BMI Im no longer overweight...I set big prizes like that and then when I reach my goal weight Im gonna buy new clothes...but it sounds like you would benefit at starting out with smaller prizes and smaller weight loss in between

    Good Luck
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Just have to do it! Don't be scared of other judging at the gym. I don't even notice anyone if im really into my workout.

    Remember its 80% diet and 20% exercise :]

    Try to find your max on a few lifts. Like deadlifts! Then work on trying to increase that number :]
  • landis2011
    start small, if you don't want to go to the gym then walk for 10 minutes every 2 hours at work. I sit behind a desk all day and now I make sure I get up every couple of hours and do somtething. i even walk to the post office instead of driving each day. it takes almost the same amount of time so my boss doesn't care. the little things add up
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Hate to be harsh, but it sounds like you know what you need to do. Suck it up and get moving. Also, no one at the gym cares what you're doing. They're much more interested in what they're doing... Plus you can always get a trainer to show you how to use the machines so you don't look like an idiot.

    Best of luck to you!
  • landis2011
    start small, if you don't want to go to the gym then walk for 10 minutes every 2 hours at work. I sit behind a desk all day and now I make sure I get up every couple of hours and do somtething. i even walk to the post office instead of driving each day. it takes almost the same amount of time so my boss doesn't care. the little things add up
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I would rather watch paint dry or grass grow than go to the gym or do an exercise dvd or anything like that. I find it mind numbingly boring. The whole nice body thing isn't enough motivation for me to get off my backside and go to the gym. I walk the dog but that's about it. I'd love to go swimming but my doctor has strongly advised me not to do so and my hubby is enforcing that.

    Unfortunately I think it's just a case of getting off our backsides and making ourselves do something we don't really want to do. And sticking to it. I've done it before, never came to enjoy it and didn't miss it in the slightest when I stopped so I don't think there's much hope for me growing to enjoy it lol.

    Edited coz the dog pressed the send button before I'd finished!
  • cc8088
    cc8088 Posts: 41
    I have the same problem when my energy crashes in the middle of the day! Are you taking any vitamins? A super B complex may help you to get moving.
  • char2009
    Why don't you check out bodyrock.tv? It's a free website with amazing workouts that you can do in your home...no going to the gym!! Plus, on avarage they only take out 15 minutes of your day :)
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    So what's worse? Sitting there worrying about what people might think or going to the gym realizing that those tards have nothing going for them other than in impressive vein structure you can see from space?

    Stop letting other people dictate your actions. If you are truly that worried about it look into a personal trainer. One that can work with you during off hours in the gym to help you feel better. You are taking good steps by eating better and doing some form of exercise. Get out and go walking. Do you have a dog? Maybe a friend who has a dog that you get along well with (friend or dog whatever), ask if you could take it out walking. The cuter it is the better your chances are of meeting a girl who likes animals. And you're getting exercise.

    So start rewarding yourself with stuff if you get your chunky butt in the gym. Go for an entire week, you get a lapdance (no I'm not giving it), go for a month, get a tattoo, go for 6 months (on a regular schedule like set it up to be at least 3 times a week or whatever), take your hot g/f on a road trip, because if you do 6 months in the gym and keep eating less you won't care what people think or say anymore. You are not living for the rest of the jamooks, you are living for you, and you need to live for the best you, you can be. God that's a lot of commas...
  • Jessica2Skinny
    Jessica2Skinny Posts: 118 Member
    Dont go to the gym if your nervous. Go outside and walk/run. Download one of those apps on your phone that GPS how many miles your walking and everyday just try to walk a little bit further than that. Go to Target and get dumb bells and an excerise video and work out at home. Get a buddy to go to the gym with you that knows how to do the machines and then you will be confident to go by yourself the next time. Or go to a gym that offers a personal trainer for 1 session. He will show you the machines and give you a personalized work out routine. GOOD LUCK!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    If you don't have a specific goal, then you need to give yourself rewards for working out. I reached my goal in June (which was when the event I wanted to lose for occured), so I try to plan random events so I want to maintain my weight (got a party in November that I have a tiny dress to wear). If that doesn't work for you, then you need to give yourself rewards.

    For instance, you get an hour of Madden after you complete a specific workout routine -- all stuff you can do at home -- push-ups, burpees, jumping jacks, running, etc. And if you have some weights, use those. I lost all my weight (around 60-70 pounds in all) without a gym.
  • leeshults
    leeshults Posts: 223 Member
    I have a game online that I look forward to playing every single day. So when I get home I make myself walk and get some exercise in for about 30 minutes or so and then I go play my game. However, NO EATING while playing! And I must drink a whole bottle of water. That's the deal I made with myself and so far I've been sticking to it. If you cheat, you must "ground" yourself from your game. I figure playing on the computer and not eating is way better then watching TV, laying on the couch with my friend Mr. Frito Lay.........
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    What are some goals or rewards I could give myself for hitting the gym? I'm a walking contradiction and basketcase. I sit here at work and look at all the success stories and all the awesome weight loss people have done and think wow she looks amazing, I wish she was mine or damn he's really cut down I wish I looked like him, but then I get off of work and go home and play madden 12 for 8 friggen hours and think that eating right and doing 15 leg lifts and 10lb curls 10 times is gonna get me abs and a hot body. Plus it doesn't help i'm scared to go to the gym cause im afraid people are gonna laugh at me cause I look dumb doing all the machines. I'm outgoing in EVERY aspect in life besides fitness so I have no idea what the hell my problem could be.

    I'm very goal/reward orientated but can't get myself enough energy/courage/whatever to start pounding away all this bull**** fat.

    Help? :/

    I have several comments. Some of which you may not enjoy but for some reason you strike me as the type that can handle forwardness.

    1) You probably don't want it bad enough.
    2) I very much doubt people in the gym will pay any attention to you. ESPECIALLY the more hardcore folks. They're too busy focusing on the task at hand--- smashing weights and setting PR's. They could give a fook about what you're doing as long as you're not curling in the squat cage or texting someone while sitting on the leg press.
    3) Learn to use freeweights. Machines are fine and better than nothing but what is stopping you from learning to squat/deadlift/etc?

    And just so you don't think I'm trying to hammer on you, here's some more friendly advice:

    You should take measurements, and photographs, and log everything. Start weight training NOW, and get your diet in check. Throw away your scale or stop looking at it for a while. See what happens in a month.

    And see sig.

    Good luck.
  • BrandNewMia
    I think most of us are nervous about going to the gym in the beginning. We all look silly on the machines, some of them are complicated! The people that work at the gym will show you how to work them if needed.

    To answer your question - how about for every hour you exercise, you get an hour or two of Madden when you get home? Reward your exercise with your hobbies. If you want to play, you gotta burn FIRST. It's all about will power and determination - you have to FORCE yourself to stick with it.

    Once you get in the habit of exercise you will crave it and this will be a lot easier. Just START - the rest will fall in to place eventually.
  • Emagali74
    Emagali74 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi, your post made me laugh......!!

    Its hard to know what goals or rewards you could give yourself without knowing what you like to do-apart from video games, and those arent very productive for keeping you at the gym or eating right!!

    My goal is to get to a certain weight which should go hand in hand with a certain dress size I want to be (fingers crossed)- are you more interested in a certain weight you want to get to? If so could you then break this down into mini goals. So reward yourself after each 10/20 pounds lost or something?

    A lot of women I know reward themselves with something not food based!! lol- like a manicure/pedicure/ a new outfit or even a weekend away with their partner/boyfriend or whatever...... Im not sure what the male equivalent would be?

    Like I say, pretty hard to know what to suggest without knowing you better and because Im not a man!!! lol

    Good luck anyway with it, you have to be in the right frame of mind to lose weight and FOCUS!! A will power of steel is required if you have a significant amount to lose. Just remember though its not a race so you should never pressure yourself into losing for a certain date because you might then be setting yourself up for failure :0/

    You have made the first steps by joining the site and acknowledging that you want to do something about it. I wish you every success for the future.

    Feel free to add me- I have lost 49 pounds so far and Im nearly at goal. You may not need/want any new friends but if you do , send me a request.

    Emma x
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    The reward is getting results after your consistency and dedication.

    The reward is having clothes fit better. Being able to wear a button down dress shirt and slacks, and have women give you double takes when you walk by.

    The reward is when you go to the pool or to the beach.

    The reward is being healthier and living longer so you can walk your daughter (if you have kids) down the aisle one day.

    There are alot of rewards.