SAHM looking to get fit!

I'm taking my life back from food.
I often find myself over eating to deal with being bored or too much stress.
I have gone a week now w/o over eating and I completed 14 days in a row with no fast food!
I am looking to lose about 80 lbs and learn to eat healthy, exercise regularly and gain my confidence back.
I'm a stay at home mother of my 2 year old son, and I am taking online classes full-time. I am looking to network with other stay at home parents trying to make a better lifestyle for them and their family!! I have recently started taking zumba, body pump and cardio mix at my local ymca and I tell yoiu that taking exercise classes rather than exercising on a machine for hours is way better for me! I push myself harder, my classmates motivate me and I have something to look forward to each day.
I have plenty of friends there, but only one on here =(

If you are interested in being friends please add me!


  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    welcome! congrats on your journey. I'm not a say at home Mom but if you'd like a friend to help with motivation, support I'm always around...
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    SAHM here!! I run a daycare at my home. I would love to be an encouragement for you.

    I love Zumba. I started gathering at my church with some ladies and we do the dvds together! Helps a lot!

    I am so glad you have decided to make a change and I wish you the best.

    Feel free to friend me!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Wow, you are one busy woman! Lol, you have classes, fitness and a kid to take care of... I am not a mom yet (although I love to be one), but I know how tough it is to juggle all these at once! Let us work together towards our goals! :D
  • vintx
    vintx Posts: 34
    i'm a SAHM too and recently went back to school. i have 4 kids, ages 11 to almost 3. good luck on your journey! you will find a bunch of support here if you need it. :)

    feel free to add me if you need a cheerleader. :)
  • I'm not a SAHM cos my girl is 18 now but I love your kick *kitten* attitude :D. I'd like to add you if thats ok?