Round 3, Fit-n-Trim to Win (closed group) Week #6



  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    Whatever works for you, Kim. Considering the circumstances I'm cool with the pics being posted late.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I've have to use my daughter's phone a few time too.... Last summer when i lost my phone in a drunkin' stooper! I stole her phone while she was sleeping so she never knew:mad: :tongue:

    Kim, I think we all trust you though so whatever you decide to do should be fine. Not weighing in till friday gives you guys a major disadvantage which I don't think is very fair beings that you are doing this challenge for us. Besides if you lie about your weight your really just cheating yourself and again giving yourself a disadvantage for next week.

    Naomi, I wouldn't reccomend replacement drinks. I use to drink them when I was younger but I was always still super hungry after drinking them so I'd eat anyway. I think you'd be better off just to eat balanced meals. Maybe you could try changing your workout routine a little too.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Just weigh in late Kim like you're on a holiday haha.
  • losemybabyweight
    losemybabyweight Posts: 225 Member
    I agree with Kasi - you should just post them tomorrow - and don't worry about the pictures - weighing in late will only give you a disadvantage. I trust you :)
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I agree Kim just post, not Ron tho. Bahaha j/k

    I was trying to find next years WI WD which isnt posted yet BUT I did find the Beach version in Galveston (30 min from where we'll soon be calling homeand amazing!). Just a thought! Lol. Sadly tho I have a feeling it's during the WI WD bc this past year was sept 24th

    Made myself do yoga for the second night, im sleeping better and can feel my muscles and joints thanking me. Excited to see if only 3 days worth will show a difference tomorrow, even more for the weigh ins to come!
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    Made myself do yoga for the second night, im sleeping better and can feel my muscles and joints thanking me. Excited to see if only 3 days worth will show a difference tomorrow, even more for the weigh ins to come!

    Jessica, are you doing a yoga video? I'd like to start doing yoga, but need to do it in the comfort of my own home - I don't want others to have to see me attempting it. Ha! If you watch a video, which one do you use?
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I do use a video. Its by Gaiam and titles "Yoga conditioning for weight loss". I really like it, i have muscle and joint issues and i have no problem- it gives different modifications to help you slowly advance yourself. On average (so far-2 days) I butn just over 100 cals during about 50 min. Its nice too bc it starts you off with lught stretching and breathing.