I need help!

Help! Help!

Okay, I am fairly new at this whole thing, but I know I need to lose weight.
It wasn't until yesterday, did I really start listening to what my mom had been saying about me..
Every day that I would walk out of my house, she would say that I was getting fat, or eatting too much fast food.
I am not going to lie though, I loveeee fast food. But, I had my yearly physical yesterday, and my doctor told me that I weighed 160 pounds. I wanted to CRY!! That's almost more than my boyfriend!! I am horrified. I don't even want to celebrate Halloween now!

But, I need your help guys! Help me stay motivated to keep with this! I want to be about 115-120 by February (That's when my birthday is.)

Please help me! :]


  • danyelle318
    danyelle318 Posts: 9 Member
    As long as you're ready for the change, you can do it!! We all have our bad days, just know how to pick yourself up and look at the next day as a new day. You'll be fine! Good luck to you, you've got this!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It's all up to you, but we are here for any questions.
  • Jalachri
    I started out at 155. I just stuck with my 1200 calories a day and didnt eat any of my exercise calories. I worked out 6 days a week. Every Sunday (you can whenever you want) But every Sunday I would eat 1 meal and not worry about the calories. I would just enjoy it. I love the Jillian MIchaels videos. Those videos are what I worked out to everyday. I bought a few different ones and traded off. I started in March and now weight 125. I wont lie, I have had a few weeks here and there where I dont do as well but all in all if you stick with 1200 and exercise daily you will do just fine, im living proof! GOod luck and dont be so hard on yourself :)
  • jessicax221
    jessicax221 Posts: 3 Member
    ahhhh! Thank you guys sooo much!. I am leaving work today and getting some Jillian movies. I bought her wii work out video at TJ Maxx last night, and I am going to start using that tonight.

    Thank yall so much for your motivation!!
  • Snickers6961
    Snickers6961 Posts: 11 Member
    You can do it! What helps me is to not have cash on hand. No cash, no fast food. It is too easy to go grab something bad. Plan ahead to stay ahead, if you plan out your food for the day, you are less likely to "need" to go out for fast food because you have good food with you. The first 10 pounds for me that I lost was when I stopped consuming pop and sugar! I found it only took me 2 weeks of no fast food and I didn't think about it anymore. Also, most places have salads now, they are better for you and taste great! Stay positive and I agree, one day at a time is all you can do. If you slip, just tell yourself I will do better today.... : )
  • lorishultis
    lorishultis Posts: 95 Member
    I WISH i was 160... I am bad with fast food too - not that i like it I HATE IT ACTUALLY but I am always busy and it's easy... the next time you want fast food - look at it on here first... the salt; the fat; the grease! It helps me - a lot... I stop and think Is my entire days sodium worth 1 burger??? NEVER!

    Throw some snak stuff in your car or purse. I take my lunch to work and even though I am part time and leave at 1 pm I make sure to eat before I leave so I have no reason to stop.

    Then when you do treat yourself to fast food be smart and go small... I get the bigger value meals for the larger drink and throw away half or more of the fries before I begin eating so I cant eat them all. Or I get the happy meals...
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    We all reach our need to healthy point somewhere.. Simply decide which you want more, the fast food or to be the size you want?
    Sure let yourself occassionally splurge but be smart and stay motivated.. Feel free to friend me if you like :)