Day 2 and need some friends! 50 lbs to lose.

Hi there. I am new and on day 2. I cannot believe some of the stories on here and am so impressed by this site. I want to lose 50 lbs. I have tried Atkins and lost but can't do long term. Also, weight watchers and did well but I just cannot afford it. I love having the MFP app on my phone and on my computer. I want to meet some peeps who I can celebrate successes with.

I am a happily married mom of two boys ages 5 and 12. I work for my husbands plumbing company from home. I am in NC. My husband and kids are very fit. I carry my weight around my midsection which is very bad for heart disease. My face looks so round and my fingers look like sausages. Need a change!

Friend me if you want to keep eachother motivated! I am a great listener!!!


  • vballscriscuolo
    vballscriscuolo Posts: 39 Member
    Hello! I am new to MFP as well and need to lose about the same amount of weight. I just logged in a couple hours ago and already I am getting friend requests and messages from great people. I recently got married and am looking to start a family and that is part of the reason why I want to lose weight.

    I also carry weight in my midsection...not good...I would be more than happy to help anyway I can. I think we'd be good for motivating each other! good luck and feel free to add me if you'd like!!
  • blisslynn
    Hi! Your story sounds so much like mine! I have tried both Atkins and Weightwatchers and quit both for the same reasons as you. I am also trying to lose about 50lbs. I just started last week and I am already starting to see results! Feel free to add me and we can help each other reach our goal!
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    Hi there :) I'm also new (this is my day 2 as well!) and so far love the idea of this. I think this is what I needed to get motivated.

    I know what you mean about those diets. Its hard for me to stick to them and they get expensive. However, I was doing weight watchers for free... my only problem is I didn't have the motivation to follow through with counting points... if you are still interested in giving it a shot without having to pay for the membership, the site I was using was called "" you can calculate how many points you are allowed throughout the day, and there's a nifty calculator directly on the site where you input the calories, fat, protein, fiber etc and it will calculate the point value for any item. It even has restaurant lists, so you can look up your favorite foods at restaurants and it has the points already calculated. I really liked it, but like I said, my problem was the motivation factor. Since I work in fast food, its so easy to just give in to temptation.

    I will be friending you if thats cool :)
  • onyx2010

    I need to lose about 20lbs and sticking to diets is so hard. Add me as a friend, lets motivate each other :)
  • BetteEdmonson
    Looks like I'm the "oldie but goodie" in the bunch so far. I'm 63 and was recently diagnosed as being pre-diabetic so doc gave me a choice: 1) meds or 2) healthy food choices + exercise. I chose #2! In the 8 weeks since I joined mfp, I've lost 26 pounds. It's a lifestyle change for me...not just a diet to buy cute clothes. I do not want to be a diabetic so will do whatever it takes to turn my blood sugar around. So on August 21, I jump in with both feet and have loved every minute of it. Water aerobics is my exercise of choice so I go 6 times per week (5:30 a.m. during the week) and on Saturday at my local YMCA. The inches are just falling off of me. Gone down 2 sizes so far. It works if you put your mind to it. My diary is open for you to look at to get some ideas.

    I think you've made a good decision to request friends. We can encourage each other as we travel this path to better health. I will "friend" you if you like. Best of luck to you.


  • triciap79
    triciap79 Posts: 121 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I started out with a goal to lose 50lbs as well. I have currently lost 27 and it is all thanks to this site and the wonderful support and motivation from the amazing people here. If you need any additional support or motivation add me as a friend. Best of luck to you :o)
  • akgirl42
    akgirl42 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I am day 3. I like this site and looking forward to making friends. I have used weightwatchers several times before, and it works but is expensive. I am glad I found this site/app for my phone. I have about 50+ pounds to lose. I also carry all of my weight around my mid-section. Today is also the first day I have not had a cigarette. I almost lost my will power. lol

    I am pre-diabetic (last time I checked), have sleep apnea and high blood pressure and I am only 42.

    I am trying to understand how all of this works a far as how many calories you can eat daily but then when I logged in a workout, my calories to eat increased.. I guess not that i am paying attention, this is confusing. Can anyone help answer why I have to eat more? I want to lose the weight not stay the same.
  • wizpaw2
    Hi Tracey, i read your message, you sound very modivated. My name is Theresa i live in Lillian Alabama. I just moved here from CT. I need to lose 30lbs and joined water arobics this morning, also i walk my 3 Portugese Water Dogs a mile each day. I am 47 years old on disability, my legs were badly injured in a car accident in 2006. I did nutrisystem and lost 47lbs, but gained back 20. I never reached my goal and quit the program. Now i have high calesterol so my doctor suggested this web site, This is my first day. Keep me posted
  • ImChar
    ImChar Posts: 56 Member
    Hi, I have been on MFP for about a week now, just kind of checking it out and seeing how things work. I too have 50lbs to lose. I was on Weight Watchers and was very successful until they changed the program and then I never could adapt after that. I have since gained all my weight back. I now have high cholesterol and was told by my doctor that I needed to lose weight and exercise or he was going to put me on meds to lower my cholesterol. I am ready to make this life style change and become a healthier and happier person. With the support and motivation of friends we can do this together. Feel free to add me as a friend!!!
  • horaks
    horaks Posts: 124 Member
    Looks like I'm the "oldie but goodie" in the bunch so far. I'm 63 and was recently diagnosed as being pre-diabetic so doc gave me a choice: 1) meds or 2) healthy food choices + exercise. I chose #2! In the 8 weeks since I joined mfp, I've lost 26 pounds. It's a lifestyle change for me...not just a diet to buy cute clothes. I do not want to be a diabetic so will do whatever it takes to turn my blood sugar around. So on August 21, I jump in with both feet and have loved every minute of it. Water aerobics is my exercise of choice so I go 6 times per week (5:30 a.m. during the week) and on Saturday at my local YMCA. The inches are just falling off of me. Gone down 2 sizes so far. It works if you put your mind to it. My diary is open for you to look at to get some ideas.

    I think you've made a good decision to request friends. We can encourage each other as we travel this path to better health. I will "friend" you if you like. Best of luck to you.


  • horaks
    horaks Posts: 124 Member
    Good Jobe Bette!!
  • kjraye5
    kjraye5 Posts: 40
    HI Tracey! I am also in NC and just started about 2 weeks ago. I also have about 50 lbs to lose, but I am determined this time. =)

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I know it's nice to have the motivation from others.

    Good luck to you!
  • kritik
    kritik Posts: 110 Member
    I'm pretty new to MFP, also. Lots of motivation and support from online friends is what helped me lose 52 pounds four years ago. I'm back at it to lose the 15 or so pounds that I've recently gained. Feel free to add me as a friend! We can motivate each other.
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    Healthy nutritional diet is key to weightloss. Adding an exercise routine will boost fatburn and muscle gain. :-)

    Motivation, Inspiration, and Support are what keeps it all going! I keep positive support around me at all times.

    Add me and I will root you to meeting your goal!

    Much luck in your Life Changing Journey.
