annoyed with comments..

Ugh so just need to get this off my chest ...
I was on the phone with my grandma and she asked what i was doing i said eating a chocolate bar (cant always be perfect lol) and her response.. well what kind of diet are you on.. in that voice that is judging you... i said well i eat what i want when i want it just stay in my calories.. she goes well that doesnt sound like a diet .. imnot on a DIET im changing my life..

that wasnt the only thing either.. my MOM is the worst.. speically going grocery shopping with her always get questions like well why do you need this why do you eat that .. thats not good.. and this is coming from a woman who told me i should be giving my 3 year old juice not water because he needs the calories.. HELLO WATER IS GOOD FOR YOU TO .. UGH .. so frusterating

Im not even that big 148 and 5 3... so its not like im HUGE and NEED to loose.. im doing this for MYSELF and no one else..

Sorry for the rant justneeded to get it out some where


  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I just smile at their lack of knowledge and say "Well, it works for me" and change the subject :)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    And that's why I don't tell anyone I'm dieting! ;)
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    WOW! I would stop shopping with her and would attempt to limit all conversations regarding food. She sounds very controlling.
  • And that's why I don't tell anyone I'm dieting! ;)

    its very noticable that i am loosing now down 33lbs and my grandma wants to try and loose some weight so when she asked what i was doing i told her .. if i would have known it would have turned into being judged for every "bad thing" i eat i wouldnthave said anything lol !!
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    And that's why I don't tell anyone I'm dieting! ;)
    Exactly!! Good way to eliminate judemental comments!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    hahah my mother came over the same day I bought my new spin bike and I was setting it up in the livingroom, she was like, "what's that for?" and I said, "oh a new bike, I need something new to do to break through my plateau and get rid of the last of my belly" her response was : "cycling won't get rid of your stomach it will only make your legs big" =) oooooooh, mother.....
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    My mom told all my family members I was anorexic, even though she does HCG and only eats 500 cals a day. I eat double, sometimes triple that.. Families suck sometimes.
  • WOW! I would stop shopping with her and would attempt to limit all conversations regarding food. She sounds very controlling.


    Maybe you could actually show her the site and show her how much weight has been lost by others who have used it for a long time.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yeah talking to them about your non-diet might not be a good idea if you ever want to stop hearing their opinions.

    Just set boundaries.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    And that's why I don't tell anyone I'm dieting! ;)

    its very noticable that i am loosing now down 33lbs and my grandma wants to try and loose some weight so when she asked what i was doing i told her .. if i would have known it would have turned into being judged for every "bad thing" i eat i wouldnthave said anything lol !!

    Well sooner or later it will show and they'll figure it out. ;) I've had several people ask me what I'm doing, but they lose interest with my answer, which is I'm simply counting calories and exercising, that always seems to end the conversation. lol
  • Hiya, First of all never ever apolagise for a rant, thats what MFP is here for,
    2nd off all well done for your weight loss up to now, take everything with a pinch of salt keep doing what you are doing, would'nt be surprise that they say you look amazing when you get to your final target, we all have friends or family who will do exactly the same to us, also i agree it is not a DIET it is life changing healthy eating plan :flowerforyou:
  • Mom's are so much fun sometimes! (complete and utter sarcasm)
  • janarmac
    janarmac Posts: 45 Member
    Those who judge are just jealous that they can't/haven't done it for themselves!
    Enjoy your rewards and keep up the good work!
    I have a mother, sister and grandmother who are all exactly the same, all are atleast 40lbs bigger than I am with no intention of changing their lifestyle to live healthier but are the first to judge me when I do anything outside of what they consider a "healthy diet".
    It can be a real challenge at times but do your best to ignore them and not let them get you discouraged.
    Or you could do what I do....take that negative talk as motivation to prove the nay-sayers wrong lol :)
  • WOW! I would stop shopping with her and would attempt to limit all conversations regarding food. She sounds very controlling.


    Maybe you could actually show her the site and show her how much weight has been lost by others who have used it for a long time.

    i tried showing my mom this site but instead she decided to do the south beach diet.. i think because they show "fast results" good thing with this is i shouldnt gain it all back if i stick with it !!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    And that's why I don't tell anyone I'm dieting! ;)

    its very noticable that i am loosing now down 33lbs and my grandma wants to try and loose some weight so when she asked what i was doing i told her .. if i would have known it would have turned into being judged for every "bad thing" i eat i wouldnthave said anything lol !!

    i know what your saying. i didn't tell anyone i was dieting but it was obvious. i lost 50lbs in less than 1 yr and got down to 125 at 5ft5in. Now everyone is really judgmental, "are you still losing, stop losing cause i'm jealous" its like ok, if your jealous take control of your life and start eating healthy.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    their jus jealus cuz your loosing weight....
  • traceycrapper
    traceycrapper Posts: 18 Member
    even family can be a little insensitive but i find it best for me if i dont tell anyone and then i know if its working cos of their comments .
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    And that's why I don't tell anyone I'm dieting! ;)

    its very noticable that i am loosing now down 33lbs and my grandma wants to try and loose some weight so when she asked what i was doing i told her .. if i would have known it would have turned into being judged for every "bad thing" i eat i wouldnthave said anything lol !!

    i know what your saying. i didn't tell anyone i was dieting but it was obvious. i lost 50lbs in less than 1 yr and got down to 125 at 5ft5in. Now everyone is really judgmental, "are you still losing, stop losing cause i'm jealous" its like ok, if your jealous take control of your life and start eating healthy.

    Gotta love it, last week two women I know said they didn't think I should lose anymore, that I look fine the way I am. I'm still not in a healthy BMI yet, I look better but I'm a long way off from looking too thin LOL. Some people are just jealous. Sighhh....why can't they just leave us alone.
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    Obviously they aren't going to stop your fantastic work so smile and keep doing what you're doing!
  • wybolo
    wybolo Posts: 2 Member
    I just act like nutrition is confusing and shrug it off... which is mostly true anyway. ;)
    Sounds like you are getting results, hence more comments, so I'd take it as a good thing. I'm personally not used to all of the "What are you doing?" "How are you losing weight?" questions.