Do you remember your tipping point?



  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    When I leaned over to look at something and the weight from my stomach caused my back to tighten up to balance it and I ended up on the floor at KMart from a back spasm that felt like a ruptured disk. Couldn't get up and couldn't walk. Had to be helped into a motorized cart to get to my mom's car. Still couldnt' walk after I got home and had to crawl to the bathroom. Got stuck on the floor in the bathroom and couldn't move. After the paramedics injected me with morphine twice I could tell it was a spasm and not something that was damaged and being damaged further by movement. Was treated like a fat, useless, waste of human cells in the ER when they told me it was a spasm caused by my weight. Spent 8 days unable to walk and lost 8 pounds because I couldn't eat because the muscle relaxers and pain pills made me sick to my stomach. I figured 8 pounds was a good start and once I could move again, I kept on moving until I lost 100 pounds, because I didn't ever want anything like that to happen again.
  • When I was about to give my favorite pants to Goodwill because I couldn't get them zipped anymore. Now they fit again!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Yeah. When I got blood clots in both legs, and a guy at work who was 3 weeks younger than me had a minor stroke. I was waddling around, miserable, and suddenly came face-to-face with the very real possibility of serious medical issues. I have a totally different and much healthier body now than I did 5 years ago!
  • Linda1053
    Linda1053 Posts: 45 Member
    When having slimmed down to a UK size 14 and suddenly found myself back in a UK size 20 which were getting too tight. I was determined I wasn't going back up to the UK size 24 where I had started. Also when I became divorced after 34 year, this made me really happy and I promised myself I would not be come a fat divorcee.
  • Watching Biggest Loser eating an entire big bag of Candy Corn. I realized that I could not be that way anymore. That was February 24th, 2011, February 25th I started MFP. Haven't looked back. 78 pounds and 4 dress sizes later I will never go back. Still have half to go but better then nothing!
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    When I saw pictures from NYE in 2008 and I seriously looked pregnant in every picture.

    I have one of those pictures in my profile in a grey/silver dress. Before going out that night I had half a pizza hut pizza to myself, then at the party they had a buffet dinner, and after the party I stopped on the way home for late night food. SERIOUSLY???:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    In March of 2009 I found MFP, and the rest is HISTORY!
  • It's a vanity thing, but family pictures. After my daughter was born, we had portraits done. They were awful, but I blamed it on being 6 weeks PP. So we did updated pictures when she was 18 months old, and when we got the proofs back, I wanted to cry. I hated how I looked in all of them (more than 100 shots done)


    I finally decided that enough was enough, I was going to stop complaining about my looks and do something. That was five years ago, when I first decided to get healthy.

    My most recent burst of motivation came about because my work clothes are getting tight, and I can't afford to waste money on a new wardrobe when self control is free! :bigsmile:
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    While I don't remember the exact date, I remember the evening as if it was last night. I walked to the corner, and was exhausted. I felt like the fat in my legs was going to explode through the skin.

    That night I remembered Susan Powter, and her mantra of just get out and walk. I started the next day, joined MFP 2 weeks later, and have never felt better in my life.
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    Seeing my wedding pictures for the first time 5 1/2 years ago. It still makes me sick to my stomach to look at them.
  • DJParrish01
    DJParrish01 Posts: 38 Member
    I guess... it was when I finally realized that at 41, I was sick of feeling like crap all the time. I was sick of being the biggest woman everywhere I went.... It wasn't really vanity for me, though... it was more of a realization that I was completely unhealthy.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    I went wedding dress shopping.... and had a horrible time because I looked like a hippo in all the dresses.... due to money problems we postponed the wedding... but I told my fiancee we aren't getting married until I get at least back to what i was when we met which was 180 and even though thats a big number for some, I will admit I looked good.
    I also realized that when I was down at 180 i had tons of those cheesy pictures i had taken of myself for facebook and myspace and they were all cute... I stopped taking those piucs when i gained wieght ... I havent taken another in almost 2 years :( I want to take cute pictures again. And i don't feel sexy at all :(
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    A few things all at the same time - 1 looking the mirror and actually being disgusted, not just unhappy but really dusgusted by my own body!

    Health issues that popped up that were uncomfortable and painfull. Id already had some problems from my weight gain but even though they were painful i lived with them, but the extra health issue was the last straw.

    No more uni as an excuse, no more iratic lifestyle, and less stress - time to stop using those an excuse and get up.

    Was job hunting and trying to change my life - new outlook , new job, new me, no more bad stuff!
  • While vacationing in the Dominican Republic with my husband, one of the tour guides asked - "so when are you due?" - as if I were pregnant. To make this worse, this is the second time I get this comment on vacation. The first was in June in Jamaica. No more!!
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    When I got on the scale and was almost 150lbs.
  • I was in Turkey and really didn't like the food that much so I didn't eat too much. When I got back and realized I had lost some weight I realized I could do it.
  • ajmaccar
    ajmaccar Posts: 65 Member
    I was at my sister's house and helping my then 4 year old niece in the bathroom. We we alone, and she looked up at me and said, "You're fat." It was then that I realized that I'd been in denial about my weight and everyone else had just been too polite to say anything.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I was trying to get ready for a job interview. I've been at the same place for two years, so I didn't wear my "nice clothes" very often. I went to put on my pants, and they wouldn't come close to fitting! I had to go to this interview dress in jeans and a T. Of course I didn't get the job.

    Now I have to wear a tight belt when I put those clothes on :)
  • ChristyU74
    ChristyU74 Posts: 234 Member
    When I realized how close I was to the weight I was the day I gave birth to my daughter, who is now 10. I didn't actually gain a lot of weight with my pregnancies, but still...I weighed the same as when I was 8 months pregnant! I figured it was time to make a change. Not just to look better, but to feel better and to live longer and be healthier for my family. I have lost 16 pounds since that day, and I have about 5 more to go! But I already feel so much better about myself!!
  • I went out with some friends at an amusement park so we could go to the scary Halloween mazes. If getting pushed into the "fat row" wasn't embarrassing enough, when the pictures from that night went online I got to see how horrible and bloated I looked. I was embarrassed and furious at myself. I couldn't believe that I'd let myself get that way. So I bought a scale, started to cook for myself and work out religiously. It's been about a month since that incident, but I've already managed to get rid of almost 13 pounds.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    When my son asked me to MC his wedding and I realised that yet again I would be the fat one - in his photos, wheezing into the microphone, squeezed into a dress I didn't really like.

    Instead I won't be the fat one in the photos, I won't be wheezing into the microphone, I will wear a dress that I love and I will dance all night.
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