

  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?
    I eat 3 meals and 3 snacks. I continue to work on portion control.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    This is where I am struggling.....I do not eat three meals a day like I should. I will eat a small breakfast (sometimes) and maybe a snack later in the day. I will usually have a healthy dinner and a snack after dinner. I definiately need to get on more of a schedule to where I am eating more frequently. We have changed the way we eat for the most part. We never have white flour-bread. We will always have whole grains and brown rice. We never eat anything fried. We always eat lean meat. We never eat anything that has high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils. I would have thought by incorporating those changes in the last year that I would have lost some weight, but hasn't happened yet :(

    the thing is that some of that stuff like whole grain bread sometimes has MORE calories than white bread and both brown rice and white rice are about the same cals so if you are still eating the same sized portions you are still getting basically the same calories even though you are also getting more nutrients. those are good changes for health but only a calorie deficit will give you weight loss.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    Depends on how my day was but usually I would say it looks like:

    Morning: protein powder in water, coffee or tea with skim milk, or nothing at all. Sometimes if I wake up super hungry I get a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks - either a turkey bacon one or an artisan one.

    Lunch: largeish meal. Most commonly a sandwich, dim sum, chicken salad, or ....lately thats about it. If I don't have some kind of carb I usually don't feel satisfied so I tend to get a sandwich over a salad.

    Afternoon: either nothing, or coffee/tea, or sometimes a quick pre-workout snack. If I am hungry around 4 and I have a workout right after work I try and have a little something, usually 100-150 calories.

    Dinner: Largeish meal. varies wildly.

    Evening: depends on how I feel and what I did/ate that day. If I'm sore I try to have protein powder - but I'm so sick of htat its actually nauseating to me right now - otherwise I don't eat. IF I'm hungry, I might have a snack - a cereal bar or some cheese or whatever I have around. If I'm craving something sweet I either have a few bites of ice cream or a yummy earth lollipop (or 2)

    So mostly I do 2 large meals with potentially a few small snacks in between. I can't stand eating 300-400 calorie meals, I feel unsatisfied afterwards. a 650-750 cal meal makes me much happier. This is the same schedule I was eating on when I was gaining weight but I am making small choices - choosing the lower calorie option between two sandwiches, getting veggies or fruit instead of fries. And I used to have YUMMY pastry snacks several times a week - a cookie or a pastry in the morning or afternoon and I have cut that out which is about 400-500 calories right there.
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    I usually just eat dinner and snack throughout the day... I have been working on this and have been eating at least three meals and of course my snacks... i am a snacker and i am trying to work on that too
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    Uh guys...I am staying around my calorie goal but I'm not losing weight. I eat too late at night and I'm not working out. The only thing I do is eat the correct amount of calories and log it, but it's not working. I got my period which threw me off. I felt sorry for myself and didn't log yesterday. I have so much going on in my life with the care of my daughter and her special medical needs, but I know that I need to do this for myself. I'm so discouraged.

    Luvabee, I'm so sorry to hear that you are having a hard time. I know what it feels like to have a lot on your shoulders. They say that losing weight is 80% eating so if you are eating within your calorie goal than you are already succeeding in your weight loss journey. I know for me when I started to zig zag my calories it really helped me push pass the plateau. You body may have gotten use to your daily calorie goal. Search calorie zig zag on the message boards, there is a lot of information out there.

    Hope this help. Your in my thoughts:flowerforyou:
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    Yes. Food is the #1 thing for me. I am changing my relationship with food and the foods that I choose to put in my body. I try to eat smaller portions at my meals and have 2 larger meals (lunch and dinner) and have a smaller breakfast and then a couple snacks when needed. I try to eat when I'm hungry only. Sometimes nothing sounds good, but I'm hungry so I pick a green smoothie or something like that and have found that my hunger can be tied to thirst.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    Uh guys...I am staying around my calorie goal but I'm not losing weight. I eat too late at night and I'm not working out. The only thing I do is eat the correct amount of calories and log it, but it's not working. I got my period which threw me off. I felt sorry for myself and didn't log yesterday. I have so much going on in my life with the care of my daughter and her special medical needs, but I know that I need to do this for myself. I'm so discouraged.

    Luvabee, I'm so sorry to hear that you are having a hard time. I know what it feels like to have a lot on your shoulders. They say that losing weight is 80% eating so if you are eating within your calorie goal than you are already succeeding in your weight loss journey. I know for me when I started to zig zag my calories it really helped me push pass the plateau. You body may have gotten use to your daily calorie goal. Search calorie zig zag on the message boards, there is a lot of information out there.

    Hope this help. Your in my thoughts:flowerforyou:

    I did a combination of zig-zagging and eating more to break through a plateau. It wasn't strict zigzagging becuase I found it REALLY hard to plan to eat more on certain days and less on certain days so I just went wiht the 'if you're hungry, eat' approach and made sure that during the week I had a couple lower days and a couple higher days.

    I still 'zig-zag' but I do it more naturally - some days I have 1500 and some days I have 2000 and some days I fall in the middle. Seems to be working ok so far and it lets me eat my high on big exercise days so my diet fits the exercise rather than trying ot make my exercise fit the diet.
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    Yes I can!! And I am excited about that...I have tried to be really "hush hush" --except for my closest friends, and MFP, of course--and people are finally starting to ask questions about my weight loss. I can tell in my endurance ...when I workout, run, in everything.... Seeing this progress and all the encouragement from MFP keeps me going....You all mean so much to me!!!
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    I have always been someone who prefers to eat smaller meals during the keeps me from going overboard when I do eat. However, when I try to really watch my calories, etc and lose weight that has always caused me problems...the reason being....well, my hubby. He has always been a big eater. When he comes home for supper, its always so hard for me to keep my portions under control......He would say "thats not all you are going to eat is it???" ....arrghh....

    But here's the best part....HE IS ON MFP with me now...and it help so much to both watch our portions at supper!! We are BOTH changing old habits...together!!! :)
  • tessacope2
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    I am not a big breakfast fan, but I've trained myself to have something every morning. Usually I will have an oatmeal on the go bar (220 calories and yummy!) or a whole wheat english muffin with a tbsp of peanut butter. For a snack, I will have a string cheese or cottage cheese with blueberries. Lunch is either a salad, sandwich or left overs from the night before.

    Come 2 pm though, my struggle begins. I crave chocolate! And I find myself grazing in the breakroom at work. By the time I get home (and commuted - ugh!), I want a glass of wine. Then my inhibitions go down and I'll eat a larger portion that I actually need. Then I have a second glass of wine and finish with a skinny cow.

    I have to eat right and exercise. I can't do just one and lose weight!

    Advice - go to for amazing recipes. I made stirfry last night and tonight we are making spicy meatball tortilla soup. Both are under 400 calories a serving and are filling. Add a side salad or veggie and you have a great dinner!

    Hope everyone is having a great week!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I am craving craving craving a pastry today. a cookie, a brownie, a piece of cake. It will NOT fit into my calories today AND today is a rest day so I cannot have it! No no no!

    I'm wondering if some oatmeal would make me feel better - am I just wanting something carby/floury and sweet?
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    I ave been MIA lately and aven't been able to answer any questions. But I can definitely notice that my clothes are fitting better and I am looking a lot cuter in them. I also notice that I think before I eat now. Even wen I am tired. But on the flip side I have a pattern of falling off after 2 weeks so I need to consistantly stay motivated.

    I just keep thinking about te end result and that keeps me motivated.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    I eat aome small meals and some big meals. I do eat all day. I try to space my meals out. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doensn't. I really haven't changed my eating habits so much. I don't eat as much junk food though and I do eat more fruits and veggies.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    I am not a big breakfast fan, but I've trained myself to have something every morning. Usually I will have an oatmeal on the go bar (220 calories and yummy!) or a whole wheat english muffin with a tbsp of peanut butter. For a snack, I will have a string cheese or cottage cheese with blueberries. Lunch is either a salad, sandwich or left overs from the night before.

    Come 2 pm though, my struggle begins. I crave chocolate! And I find myself grazing in the breakroom at work. By the time I get home (and commuted - ugh!), I want a glass of wine. Then my inhibitions go down and I'll eat a larger portion that I actually need. Then I have a second glass of wine and finish with a skinny cow.

    I have to eat right and exercise. I can't do just one and lose weight!

    Advice - go to for amazing recipes. I made stirfry last night and tonight we are making spicy meatball tortilla soup. Both are under 400 calories a serving and are filling. Add a side salad or veggie and you have a great dinner!

    Hope everyone is having a great week!!

    We need each other!!!! What you wrote about your day is EXACTLY like mine! Almost to a T! WOW!
  • 6eighteen11
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    I have a pretty weak stomach in the mornings, which means breakfast is usually out. I've been that way my whole life...the thought of eating within an hour of waking up makes me nauseous. What that used to mean is that by lunch I was completely starving. I'd eat just about anything in sight to make up for two meals. By suppertime, 5-6 hours later, I'd eat a big meal with my husband, which a that point put me far beyond my calorie limit for the day. I've started forcing myself to pack a breakfast food (bagel, box of cereal, etc.) so that at around 9:30 I have something once my "morning sickness" passes. I'm able to stick to my lunch plans, now that my stomach isn't miserably empty by noon. I also started planning ahead and bringing a snack for mid-afternoon (usually something pretty small like a granola bar or yogurt), that way I'm able to make healthier decisions about supper (again, because I'm not famished and willing to eat the first thing I see).
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    It really varies a lot. Sometimes I am not hungry until around 10 or 11 am but I try to make myself eat something because it is "suppose" to rev the metabolism. When I do, if it includes any carbs all, I am ravenous the rest of the day. I do like a snack but I have to be really careful with portion control. I do better the more structured I am and I am working this week on preplanning my
    meals. I too think that what I perceive as hunger may often be thirst.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    I definitely eat three normal meals a day. I have tried to do the 6 small meals a day, but I feel full all the time. The three meals that I do eat are all about the same size in calories (although they consist of very different foods), and I usually add a snack after dinner. My snack is almost always chocolate because I crave it. I have definitely changed my eating habits over the last few years. I used to be able to eat a ton of food. I could carbo load and not think twice about it. But, now I can't eat many carbs before feeling full (and sick). I stay full longer, and I have more energy. Changing my eating habits has made me much more comfortable in my skin. :)
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    Uh guys...I am staying around my calorie goal but I'm not losing weight. I eat too late at night and I'm not working out. The only thing I do is eat the correct amount of calories and log it, but it's not working. I got my period which threw me off. I felt sorry for myself and didn't log yesterday. I have so much going on in my life with the care of my daughter and her special medical needs, but I know that I need to do this for myself. I'm so discouraged.

    im really sorry your finding life difficult at the moment but just know that we are here for you. try and stay positive - i know it is easier said than done some times - have you been to a dr about how your feeling?

    keep your head up yopu are doing a wonderful job! :flowerforyou:


    Thank you for your reply!!! Yes, I go to the doctor and I am on an antidepressant. The problem is that the higher dosages make me so fatigued and like a zombie, so I went down on my dose. I believe I am leveling out. I wish that my pill would cure everything though...but I think I just have to get through this difficult time in my life :( Thank goodness for medication.
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you to everyone who gave me encouraging words. There's no way around it...I am at a really hard time in my life :( Five months ago my beloved dog of 11 years had a sudden illness and I had to put him down. It literally broke my heart in two. I stopped eating completely. In 2 months I lost 10 pounds, but then gained it all back when I started eating again. I'm wondering if this is why I am not losing. Maybe my metabolism is completely messed up.

    I still cry for him every day. My dog. Only some people understand and it is embarrassing to admit, but it's just one more thing that I'm struggling with right now :(
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I remember years ago Oprah made a big deal about not eating after a certain time. She swore by it. I have never been able to completely cut myself off though. Sometimes laying in bed and eating a small treat at night gives me something to look forward to. I must admit that when I do cut myself off around 7pm, I do lose more, however, I lose my will to keep eating healthily and I just want to binge if I deny myself. I have been eating a skinny cow ice cream late at night for 140 calories, and I really feel like this is hindering my weight loss. When I lost my weight before I would nibble on a few sugar free candies and that helped tremendously. Maybe I need to find another tiny something to nibble on at night.