Do you plan your meals ahead of the time



  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    Yes and no ... I try to stock the freezer with a variety of veggies, chicken, ground turkey, turkey sausage etc .. so that I have basics on hand for quick low cal meals.

    I truly plan when I know something bad is coming ... going out and having cocktails, or definately not cooking so we're having take-out.

    I also keep protein shakes on hand (zoic and EAS advantage) that are about 100 calories because often when I'm hungry, a protein fix will do it, and I can save my calories for a "bad" night out.

    But truly, I've changed how I shop and my portions on carbs, etc. I eat what my family eats. Often then don't realize or care that I've substited something healthier (i.e. olive oil in lieu of butter ... whole and long grain rice in lieu of white ... baked potatoe in lieu of mashed ... grilled in lieu of fried ... etc etc etc),

    In fact, my overall goal has been for this to be a lifestyle change, not a diet ... and 90% of what I am doing for myself is shared by the family, including have large salads with dinner (I often fill half the plate and choose an expensive balsamic in lieu of bottle dressing of any kind, this truly helps me "eat what they eat" but stay within the calorie goal and get a grip on portion sizes).

    I just can't get it together financially or time wise to eat off a meal plan ... (cottage cheese once breakfast, yogurt the next, etc and each day a different fresh fruit).. I buy what is on sale and eat it every day or two until it is gone .. I figure the meal plans are to get your mind around what constitutes a healthy meal .. great for training and I do read them, but unrealistic to stick to in the long run, unless you live alone, and have the time and money to make it real. I'm sure they work, but I just don't have the lifestyle to make it real.
  • Anonymity
    personally i go through phases where i plan and don't plan. i can tell you that it is a lot easier to eat healthy if you plan for at least 3 reasons;
    1- if you plan it's easier to stay on track & meet your goals
    2- if you know what your going to make/eat for dinner you wont snack yourself to death or stop to get connivence food/fast food
    3- planning snacks helps prevent overeating

    right now i'm on a planning phase :) each sunday my fiancé and i sit down and plan the dinners for the week and make a grocery list so that we have the odds and ends for the meals. (we usually eat left overs for lunch). i have been using google calendar to plan my meals, i include a link to the recipe if it's on-line and full instructions when i can.

    i have found some great recipes on food network and from cook yourself thin. the latter is great b/c at the very least calories/serving is always disclosed.
  • jenniferhe
    jenniferhe Posts: 52 Member
    Here's a few websites that have helped me.


    I've found meal planning worth it both in calorie counting and budgeting :)
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I plan my dinners ahead for the week, then at the start of the day I log what I will eat for the day and work out how to try and make my macronutrient goals. I will change what I eat around a bit prior to the end of the days - substituting small snacks in and out and changing the timing of when I eat them, changing around dinner or lunch if I am eating out and have changed my mind. It seems to work for me.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I try to plan out my day the night before. I tried to do dinners a week in advance and it just didn't work- by Thursday whatever I thought I might want on Sunday never sounded good anymore. I type in what I'm planning on eating and my excercise and make sure it's within my limits. It really helps me a lot. Today, for example I planned everything out and realized I had about 200 calories left, so I knew I was able to have an afternoon snack at work today. Had I not planned it, I wouldn't have realized I was under until nighttime, and then you don't want to overeat at just works out well for me! If for some reason my plans change I simply edit my diary.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    PS - if i go out to dinner or something, i plug in choices into MFP before ordering - sometimes the amount of calores changes my mind. :bigsmile:

    I started doing this about a month ago and it drastically changed my mind about certain restaurants/meals! Very good idea!

  • buckaroos30
    buckaroos30 Posts: 127 Member
    I also plan a whole week ahead for supper menus I search the receipe sites,,make the list for things that I don't already have. I only make fresh foods no processed foods for us. good luck