Just cancelled my Weight Watchers membership and joined



  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    Okay please hear my story:
    I joined this site, MFP in January and did it for a month and followed perfectly and did not lose any weight. I decided to join weightwatchers in february and lost 10 pounds by mid-may. I gained 5 of those pounds back this summer and have not been able to get them off (stayed on weight watchers). I went to my nutritionist last week and she told me to do this site instead. It's been a week and I still have not lost a pound. Which is annoying since I had immediate results when I joined weightwatchers.
    This site never worked for me but weightwatchers stopped working for me...
    I am willing to give this site another shot but I am afraid it won't work still.
    Anyone have suggestions?

    I think the quality of your calories is important. Your total calories combined with a good balance of carbs, proteins and fats = quicker success on here.
  • TeletextPear
    TeletextPear Posts: 8 Member
    Best of luck with your journey, you'll find tons of support here :)
  • liz_lemons
    liz_lemons Posts: 4 Member
    hello fellow WWer. not sure if you know who this is haha..:) Lets see if this site gives us both the tools that others haven't in the past.
  • liz_lemons
    liz_lemons Posts: 4 Member
    I thought you were someone from the 20's boards sorry! Good luck anyhow! :)
  • ffhsanfran
    ffhsanfran Posts: 63 Member
    welcome here. I like the MFP better than WW. I was looking for more control and tracking, at least reporting, on nutritional elements like calories, sodium, fat, protein, and carb, ... I am exercising, and it really helps to keep an eye on that.
  • Just be patient with your body. As long as you are staying within your daily allowed calorie intake and exercising
    you will see results. Don't give up before the miracle happens :)
  • Jenninedinburgh
    Jenninedinburgh Posts: 70 Member
    Good morning :)

    Thanks again all. Really great to see such wonderful support :D

    Have a great day!

  • I joined MFP yesterday and, so far, find the site very interesting, but I admit I have not yet fully explored the system. I've made use of the food diary and the forum, but that's about it. I am a member of WW and find it rather expensive, but they also provide a lot of support. It's no secret how WW is able to keep their site and support operational through membership fees and advertisements. On MFP, I see lots of ad banners, but so far, have not seen a membership fee. So, how does MFP maintain all of these great features? Surely it's not just the ad banner revenue. I ask because I don't want to commit to MFP if, down the road, they are going to start charging me the way WW does.
  • Jenninedinburgh
    Jenninedinburgh Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Zenful,

    As I see that they are based in San Francisco, I imagine MFP's business model is just like that of Facebook/LinkedIn. In essence, they are a social networking platform. They are probably in their late-early to middle stage of the execution of their business plan. Within this stage, they are probably looking to get as many members as possible by offering cool functionalities and a platform that people enjoy (just like Facebook). Once they have reached their membership targets, they will open up to investors to help them grow (if they have not already as the site looks like it's developed quite well). Once they've gained a certain level of membership, advertisers will pay and they will pay WELL. This will be through either pay-per-click or number of impressions (up to the advertiser). Once the number of memberships reaches target and ad revenue has reached optimal projection, the site will go for an IPO.

    What all of the above means is that the site won't change too much - what will potentially change is the interface and the number of adverts and how the adverts are targeted toward you (potentially more so in the future as their technology improves) - think of Facebook and LinkedIn - they both have followed this model. But MFP won't change the basis of calorie counting/exercise - this is the core offering to their customer and they would be ill-advised to change it unless there was great demand to do so (which I doubt there would be as we all love it so much! - the only potential prompt for a change would be if a competitor entered their space and did something better - which ultimately would still make things better for us as the customer because whatever it was would have to be good enough to lure us away from this site - so any change would essentially be a desired improvement).

    For me, the advertising part is worth the value I derive from the site versus any annoyance with the adverts. WW became a real turn off in the way they changed their plan (doing so as a commercial move to gain more members rather than anything that is truly of use or healthier for their customers) - it became confusing and complicated - something people really don't want or need.

    Good luck with everything - hope that you obtain every success in your weight loss goals.
  • imaraboto
    imaraboto Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, I am thinking if canceling WW it work great and I lost 30 pounds but slowly I gained back 10 and I haven't been able to loose them do you think I sould cancel it?

    Also how does everyone get that bar that marks your weight lost

    Thanks keep,up the good work