cold weather --- and cravings

I've only lost 20 pounds over the summer, but it's enough to make me feel colder temps more. Our nice warmish fall suffered a cold snap the past few days, and suddenly I find myself RAVENOUS and craving "hearty" stuff I thought I'd lost the taste for --- pasta, bread, cheese, etc. Is this my body hoping to hang on to fat as a "survival" instinct?

Anyone else have this issue? How do you stay the course? I don't want to undo all my hard work and need some ideas to ward off giving into bad temptations!


  • mjmcdon
    mjmcdon Posts: 33
    I agree! Of course I have no helpful tips as I'm kind of suffering the same problem! I think it gets colder out and people tend to stay indoors more so it seems all there is to do is eat. :/
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Well, why not have some hearty food... just maybe half the portion you might have been used to.

    And if you're feeling the cold... thin layers are better than bulky sweaters/fleeces... and more flattering :wink:

    Well done on losing 20lbs... it might take a bit longer over the winter.. but all too soon it'll be spring and you will be in a better position to start a new year with renewed energy :flowerforyou:
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    You get a bit hungrier when it's cold because your metabolism raises a bit while your body is working harder to keep you warm. You just have to be extra careful not to let that cause you to overeat, because it's also normal to be less active in cold weather. That's part of the reason people gain weight over the winter.

    I started losing weight in October, the next winter I thought I was going to die! (lost 100 lbs) Three years later I can still feel the cold more, but I don't need to bundle up in 3 hoodies, a coat, 3 pairs of gloves, a hat, and scarf. Your body will get used to it.
  • McSnoozle
    McSnoozle Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I think before I let myself cave on something, perhaps a mandatory 25 jumping jacks? That'll warm me up and perhaps remind me of my goals!
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    I think it's as much about social conditioning as it is a real change in one's metabolism. We're finally in a cooler, seasonal weather pattern, so what comes to mind in my household? Chili, homemade chicken and dumplings, crock pot roasts, etc. Why? Because my husband grew up on a farm, working outside in the winter burned a lot of calories and hearty meals were the staple for the season.

    Look at women's magazines--they're not adversiting salads in November.
  • idcatiej22
    idcatiej22 Posts: 49 Member
    you can have the hearty stuff, just try to include lots of veggies and lean proteins! try women's health and rachael ray for some ideas. drinking hot tea is another great way to warm up, and as long as you go easy on the sugar, tea can be very good for you and diet friendly.

    ps - don't be so hard on yourself! twenty pounds is an accomplishment! treat yourself to some awesome shoes or a massage :smile: