gained 2 pounds dont know why ?? help !!!

so ive been on this diet for 2 weeks exactly today. eating healthy portion control absulutly no junk food or foods high in fat onlycarbs i eat are whole grain but i havent ate any after 3 pm im a hairdresser so im on my feet all day and i run for about an 1 hour at least 5 times a week! i lost 6 pounds in the first week and a half and in the last 2 days ive gained 2 pounds back ??????? im really confused as too why i havnt chnaged anything at all .... all i can think of is pms i feel bloated 24.7 . any suggestions? its very discouraging to work so hard and then gain 2 pounds.


  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    Why aren't you eating after 3pm?

    Would you mind opening your diary?
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    It's possible you aren't eating enough. if you aren't eating after 3pm. Can help more if you open your food diary...
  • don't worry about it as long as you follow the recommended calorie intake. it might just be the water weight. just keep doing what you doing!!!!!!!!!
  • sorry let me rephrase im no eating carbs after 3 pm just protein and vegtables
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    Do you own a food scale? Are you weighing anything not liquid, or just guesstimating?
  • sorry im new to this site how do i open my diary ..... im trying a new diet today worked for my friend he lost 56 pounds on it ...its a mainly protein diet im not fond of it but ive become obsessed i just want t see results fast
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    sorry im new to this site how do i open my diary ..... im trying a new diet today worked for my friend he lost 56 pounds on it ...its a mainly protein diet im not fond of it but ive become obsessed i just want t see results fast

    You open your diary under 'settings'.

    You won't see results 'fast' after the initial quick loss....look at it this way. You've netted a 4 pound loss in 2 weeks, which averages out to 2lb a week---which coincidentally, is the highest loss per week MFP recommends. I'd call that GREAT.

    I've lost 6 in almost 4 weeks and I'm thrilled.

    Slow and steady wins this race.
  • Are you getting close to having your period?
    About how many calories are you eating? Are you consuming alcohol? Are you getting enough sleep at night?

    You can't really gain two pounds back in a day unless you've consumed an additional 7,000 calories between those two days. If you weigh yourself everyday, because you feel it works better, then okay. A lot people advice against it , but don't put much stock into what the scale says until your weekly weight in time
  • ive completly cut out alchol and yes im aveeraging about 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night my period is also 1 week late (im not pregnant!!!!!). so im really hoping that is the reason for the weight gain
  • If you're running as much as you say you are, and are on your feet all day long, i'm sorry but your food diary says you're at under 400 calories. You don't eat breakfast, you're not really eating much at all. It's not wonder you lost 6 pounds in the first week and now you're not losing.

    You're not eating enough. Period.
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    Are you getting close to having your period?
    About how many calories are you eating? Are you consuming alcohol? Are you getting enough sleep at night?

    You can't really gain two pounds back in a day unless you've consumed an additional 7,000 calories between those two days. If you weigh yourself everyday, because you feel it works better, then okay. A lot people advice against it , but don't put much stock into what the scale says until your weekly weight in time

    ^This could be it. I was a little late for my cycle last month and ended up gaining 2 pounds (probably from water retention). If your gain IS because of fun female cycles, it should easily come off again once things get back to normal.
  • According to your food diary you are not eating enough and you are in starvation mode so your body is storing fat.

    When you select complete entry in your food diary you should get a warning that if your body goes into starvation mode you will store fat.

    You are not eating enough to support your lifestyle.
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    I scrolled back to October 10, and you only had today tracked in your diary. Today is starvation mode. Are you REALLY tracking??
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Increased Exercise? You have some wear and tear on your body and you'll have more fluid in your tissue to support the repairs - it's a GOOD thing not a bad thing. Remember you don't want to gain fat but having the scale go UP from time to time for good reasons is fine!

    Also you may just have more fiber in your gut than you're used to and after a good erm... anyway it may come off (or out as the case may be).

    Chillax - keep moving and eat healthy 1200 calories a day and the weight comes off :)
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I can gain 7 pounds before my period. SEVEN POUNDS!

    I weigh myself every day but I don't fret over gains as long as I know I've been doing what I am supposed to.
  • i just joined the websit today and the reason i have such low calories for today is becasue i kind of paniced with the weight gain s i thought i would try this new diet which worked for my friend i dnt usually eat this little
  • I wouldn't really weigh myself daily; If you are now excersing more then you ever had, you are starting to gain muscel and muscel weighs more then fat. So what can happen is you can gain a little back but this is good because muscel will burn calories more, they use up more fuel. You should see what athelets caloric intake can get to, to keep those muscels happy. It will also help you burn more fat so keep up the good work, get the water, rest and nuterients needed and keep running and you will see in a week or two those 2 lbs and more will go!
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    i just joined the websit today and the reason i have such low calories for today is becasue i kind of paniced with the weight gain s i thought i would try this new diet which worked for my friend i dnt usually eat this little

    Try it, and trust it for 4 weeks. You will see results. :-)

    It won't be fast, but it'll be lasting results if done right.
  • jbudge1
    jbudge1 Posts: 62 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it at this point. You have only been on the diet for 2 weeks. I lose and gain daily up to 6 lbs depending on exercise and time of day I weigh in.