How do you interact with your kids?

Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
I know I am meeting their needs but sometimes I have no idea how to spend time with them. What I mean is, my kids are 1, 2 & 3 and they are all on different levels. However, I dont ever have the opportunity to spend time with just one. So, ive tried crafts and my 3 y/o loved it but my 1 year old ripped up all the paper and my 2 year old kept trying to color on everything...
I've tried ABC games, blocks, coloribg, baking, dolls... I just dont know what to do with all three.

Any ideas? Whatever I try becomes overwhelming and we end up stopping. They also wont sit still for movies.


  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    My dog and working the MFP forums take all of my time. I leave it all up to the TV.

    Oh, I kid. Good luck. Thank heaven you are concerned. I'm sure that you will get it figured out.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Hmm...Irish triplets is a tough situation.

    I don't have kids, but I'd expect it would be the same as hanging out with your three least-developed friends. Start an argument between two, watch the third pick a side, and pour yourself a few shots.

    That or Legos.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I wish I have kids to join in this discussion :(
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    It is a tough situation. I only have one child and she's 2 and sometimes it's hard enough for me to find ideas to keep her busy. On Saturday nights we have movie night. She gets to pick a movie and we have some snacks and watch it together. We started doing that when she was about 15 months old or so. She didn't do as well with it then as she doe snow though. Also, blocks work well with those age groups, maybe some outside games if the weather is nice. Follow the leader? If all else fails try googling some ideas. Hope you find some fun things to do with the kids! =)
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    You could go to a playground with them or take them for a walk in the woods? That way they can run and can't really get to far.

    Finger painting is good or playing in the tub - shaving cream "paint".
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I wish I have kids to join in this discussion :(
    I don't wish I had kids...oh wait, I really don't. yay!!!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    My boys are 21 months apart. One game they really like to play is for me to call out different 'things' like animals or vehicles, etc. and then they have to go across the room imitating that creature. A turtle crawls slowly, a penguin waddles, etc. Then they run back to me and I give them a new thing to act out. It is really funny some of the things they come up with!

    Another fun one is to get some sugar cookies from the store (dough) and let the kids decorate them, they can frost them, or put sprinkles on, etc. It is messy, but they have fun.

    Last year, my boys made all of our ornaments for our tree. I got a bunch of wooden ornaments from a craft store - really cheap. I got some paints, glitter, and glitter glue, covered the entire room in plastic, put them in old clothes, and let them go. It was the most beautiful tree ever!
  • kissiefish
    Don't stop interacting with them. Remember you have minutes per age. a 3 yr old has a 3 min attention span. A 1 yr old..yup, you have them for about a minute.
    Plan activities with the 3 yr old and corral the other two with something harmless yet fun. If you want to teach letters, get cookies sheets out....put pudding or something similar in the pans (pie tins work too) and let the little two go at it....all about texture and temperature for them (cold pudding is best!!) and they will practice food to the face/mouth. Then help the older one fashion letters in the pudding...and then eat. Fun with food. There are a LOT of websites out there to help you with ideas for age ranges.

    1 yr olds are about shape and color. Get the older ones to help the young one FIND things they hide in doll houses, cars, etc but make sure they are big enough that the baby does not swallow them. building blocks are fun for a few minutes too....but you don't have to entertain them all at the same time.

    Find age appropriate activities and distract the other two in a play pen or play room or high chair etc while you focus on the one you want to focus on. As they all play together, as they get older they will entertain others and you will have more fun planning.

    In the winter we did "beach in the bath tub day" where we laid out beach towels in the bathroom and "sunned" under the lights and space heater (WAY AWAY from the tub please) and spashed in our bathing suits in the tub.

    FORTS and TENTS among the furniture are always fun. Stories in a special tent are great memories.

    all in all, they will remember that you loved them and took time for them...individually and as a group.

  • autiemommy
    My kids arent that young anymore mine are 9 5 and 3 but the younger two are special needs have you tried building a fort with them in the living room and bringing things to play in or turn on a kids music cd and running around or having a dance party. My kids arent big into movies either so we make it a slumber party or picnic and we all bring blankeys and pillows and have snacks and make funny faces with all the diff foods and it can be educational by cutting the fruit veggies in diff shapes and such and asking for that color or shape. etc. I hope you find some ideas that work.. You have your hands full.
  • NeePants
    I'm not sure exactly what their developmental levels are but you could try building a blanket and cushion fort in the lounge room, reading stories and engaging each of them with an age appropriate question (Johnny can you find the puppy?, Sarah what colour is the flower?, Tim how many ducks are there?), taking them out into the back yard or local park and looking at nature and encouraging them to show you what they find or just generally being there for them to guide you in what they want to do.
  • Iheartsushi
    Iheartsushi Posts: 150 Member
    Hmmm..entertaining kids can sometimes be challenging..especially when you have three different ages going on. I would pick an activity but give them different tasks that are suitable for their age. So maybe with finger painting the 1 year old can just play with the paper, the 2 year old and stick on some stickers, and the 3 year old can 'paint' the final touches? Kind of like an assembly line, you know? could always get the three year old set up with their own activity and find something else for the other two.

    Also..getting out and active is always fun. My 3 year old loved taking walks at 1, 2, and 3 lol. Get the three year old on a scooter, have the 2 year old walk and hold onto the stroller you have the baby in lol

    Good luck!
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Just sit on the floor and let them bring things to you. Have your 3yo teach the younger ones how to complete puzzles or other cognitive toys. Just be patient and if things get out of control clean it up and take a snack break, try again later. The attention span of a 1-2 yo is only about 15-20 minutes anyway. When the little ones are napping try a 1-on-1 with the 3yo. The important thing is that you are there! That's what counts in the end:bigsmile: Hope this helps! Sincerely, a mom of 4.
  • autiemommy
    Finger painting is good or playing in the tub - shaving cream "paint".

    My kids love playing in shaving cream. And of course we have a small inside sand box that they like and a tote full of beans and such and they dig through to find little plastic toys ... Fun
  • AloyMomNwife
    AloyMomNwife Posts: 146 Member
  • melissalan
    melissalan Posts: 75 Member
    My son and daughter were 14 months apart and total opposites. They shared a room until ages 4 and 5, so I was able to go into their room with them and let them do what they wanted. I would just engage in whatever they were playing with.
    Don't worry, you don't have to constantly "entertain" them.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    bubbles... everyone loves bubbles.... get 4 so there is no fighting, the one year old will drink it, the 2 year old will drink it, and the 3 year old will attempt to blow bubbles getting them all over their clothes.

    and you will blow the bubbles and everyone else will chase them.

    crafts, just get old magazines, cards, wrapping paper and cut them into small pieces and paste them onto something. it doesn't matter if it's drawing, pasting, ripping, whatever goes. don't stress about the mess or the end product, just let them enjoy creating, or ripping their own artwork.

    music and dancing is always fun (and good exercise too). stick on some kiddie music and dance away, get a couple of hairbrush microphones going and you'll be set (until someone loses an eye).

    it's the nature of the beast, they fight, they cry, they carry on, they interrupt, but occasionally they have some fun in between.
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    Hmm...Irish triplets is a tough situation.

    I don't have kids, but I'd expect it would be the same as hanging out with your three least-developed friends. Start an argument between two, watch the third pick a side, and pour yourself a few shots.

    That or Legos.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Honestly, your presence in everyday life with them is great interaction. The oldest might appreciate that your're doing something with him/her and the siblings can tag along, but they're never going to remember what you did with them, just that you were always there with them. As they get older it'll get easier. The interaction with all three will blend together better. But for now, try not to stress out. These are the perfect years to work out the kinks :)
  • TracyJackson1969
    TracyJackson1969 Posts: 11 Member
    I have a 3 year old grandson and twin granddaughters and they are on totally different levels. I believe your 1 year olds attention span is not going to coincide with the 2 or 3 year olds no matter what activity you decide on. So, you will have to find a variety of things to do to keep the 1 year olds attention. I know this is not the answer you were looking for but this is a hard situation.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Sometimes its just simple things like blowing bubbles, going for a walk and looking for bugs, birds, etc, Playing simple games like rolling the ball back and forth to each other. Building blocks and letting the older two knock them down