my disgustingness

About 10 minutes ago I ate an entire lemon poppyseed loaf. :noway: I feel awful. It was 2100 calories and I've already had 600. I don't know what my problem is. I really really don't want my family to find out. I think I'm going to have to run out to the store and buy another because last time the family saw the loaf it was full. :mad: :sick:


  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    About 10 minutes ago I ate an entire lemon poppyseed loaf. :noway: I feel awful. It was 2100 calories and I've already had 600. I don't know what my problem is. I really really don't want my family to find out. I think I'm going to have to run out to the store and buy another because last time the family saw the loaf it was full. :mad: :sick:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Oh honey.....that sucks. You have to stay away from that have done so well. Workout and you have to figure out why you ate it. What is triggering you to think this is ok??????Hang tight honey.

  • dzenhye
    dzenhye Posts: 11
    Don't be so hard on yourself. I think we have all done something like that at one time or another.
    Now that you realize what you did...just start over again. Look how far you have can right back on track!! We are here for you!
  • rstarks54
    rstarks54 Posts: 163
    Realize that you made a mistake, resolve not to do it again, and DON'T beat yourself up over it. Best to you always, Rick
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I agree with Rick it's done. Two of my favorite tools are denial- pretend it never happen and move on. And acceptance- admit I did it exercise and move on. Either way I move on. :laugh:

    Don't go buy another loaf. If they ask about it tell them it's gone. If they want another they can go buy one. Hopefully they will realize it is a hinderance to your weight loss and won't buy them anymore.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Its a drag when that kind of stuff sneaks up on us. Rick is right, DON'T beat yourself up. Rather, reframe it - its not like you. (Or, you would not have lost 26 lbs!) Move on. And, if something is going on to trigger that kind of eating, Sassie is right, too - figure that thing out! You can do this! You've demonstrated you have what it takes, because you've been doing great! Go for a walk, or to the gym if its bad weather. Get your mind off the mistake, and on to the future.
  • happyhubbard
    When I even THINK of doing something like that- I penalize myself with 2 minutes on the elliptical to remind myself of my goals. It works pretty well because 1. I don't like exercising and 2. I take the time on the elliptical to think about my goals, which re-focuses me. Maybe try doing this next time. If you don't have exercise equipment, it could be a brisk walk, running stairs or doing push-ups. Good luck and thank you for being honest with us!:wink:
  • bbybug
    bbybug Posts: 7
    What's done, is done. Maybe this will help...

    "Finish each day and be done with it.
    You have done what you could.
    Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.
    Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Just learn from it and carry on :smile:

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • pamelawilliams
    Tomorrow is another day. On our journeys for lifestyle change and weight loss we make mistakes. We eat too much; don't eat enough; don't exercise or exercise too much. Tomorrow will be a better day.:smile: Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    Thanks guys, you made me feel so much better, I told my mum and she was annoyed but I overestimated the rath. I did a good hard workout today, I called my girlfriend and we went over to the gym and had a great time. I'm so glad I joined this site.
  • greysweatshirt
    I went out and bought two full sized candy bars and ate them both back to back! I wasn't planning on doing that (especially with my weigh in tomorrow) but, did it anyway! Ugh! But like the others said, tomorrow is a brand new day!
  • Deelightful
    sounds yummy, but forgive yourself, and move on,, maybe tomorrow spend 5 more minutes on that walk.
    Great advice from a newbie,,, LOL
  • katrana
    katrana Posts: 66 Member
    this may or may not help in the future, but one thing that has helped prevent me from binging so far, is to record *everything* before I eat it. It gives me an extra minute to think, "do I *really* want this?" "is this something I can fit into my diet in a healthy way?" "why do I want this food, am I hungry or just bored?" (if I truly am hungry, I first eat something like eat an apple with a bit of peanut butter and a big glass of water first, or plain yogurt with strawberries mashed up in it, that sometimes cures the sweet craving, if not, then I plan on a small amount of a sweet)

    I have an incredible sweet tooth and I used to *binge* on candy (specifically chocolate). I haven't been able to cut them out completely, but I have been fitting in a couple of (small) pieces of candy, like 2-3 hershey "nuggets" or a spoonful of my favorite ice cream. I find that after that, sometimes I still want more, but I am overall really happy because I can still eat those foods and am not completely depriving myself. A *slice* of that bread *could* fit into your diet no problem, you just need to be *conscious* of the decision so you make it rationally after recording it, not just eat it mindlessly.

    No sense in beating yourself up over it now, just make sure you record it, and move on. That is great that you went to the gym with a friend, keep up the good work! :)
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I so know how you feel. The difference is that I am alone - so I can just avoid even buying my trigger foods. Which is what I have to do. I don't buy chips, and I don't buy my favorite ice cream, and I certainly do not buy any baked goods. I know that any one of those things, if bought...I will eat them. The entire pint of ice cream or bag of chips...I can be not hungry at all, and still, I will eat it.

    Try your hardest to just stay away from it. If you feel a craving coming on, leave the kitchen, and go for a walk. At the very least leave the kitchen. Find a paper and pen and write down all about your craving and why you think you're craving it.

    For me, I know why. Knowing why doesn't help at the moment, so I just stay away all together.

    Sounds like you're moving on though. Way to work out with your girlfriend! That's great!!! Here's to another day like THAT!!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Sweetie, I love ya, I think you're a wonderful person, but DON'T YOU DARE go out and buy another loaf. Own up to it, take responsibility, and then sit down and examine why you felt the need to eat the whole thing. It wasn't hunger, you know that as well as I do. Or if it was, then you may have a gland issue that would need checking into.

    Most likely you have something sitting up there in your head and you're using food to cope with it. You may not even know that it's there, or what it is, but that's the rub with food addiction, it's usually not food that's the issue. So (and this is truely just my opinion) I would suggest doing some serious thinking on how you feel, I mean REALLY feel, when you sit down to do something like this. Maybe you need to talk to someone for it, maybe you can do it by yourself, but it's very rare for someone to do things like this just because they are hungry.

    And let me just say, it's not IN THE LEAST, disgusting, or shamefull, or wrong. It's a symptom of a problem you have, that's ALL it is! Its no different from a soar throat or watery eyes. Don't worry about the symptom (even though it's the most obvious thing to treat.), rather find out what the issue is and work on that, the symptoms will dissapear with a minimum of effort if you do that.

    I hope this helps, and I hope I'm not overstepping saying this stuff.:flowerforyou:

  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    Thanks, you certainly were not overstepping in any way. Somehow when I weighed myself this morning I'm 1 pound less, not really sure how that happened. lol I guess that cake got me really motivated in the gym or kick started my metabolism. Whatever, I'll take it :laugh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Thanks, you certainly were not overstepping in any way. Somehow when I weighed myself this morning I'm 1 pound less, not really sure how that happened. lol I guess that cake got me really motivated in the gym or kick started my metabolism. Whatever, I'll take it :laugh:

    Where can I buy one of those loaves?? :laugh:

    Glad it wasn't too fatal to ya! :flowerforyou:
  • dmoulton123
    I used to do that with foods I told myself I'm not allowed to have... which makes me want them even more. I've since changed my attitude and I allow myself to eat anything I want (in moderration of course) but I find that if I know I can have something, I usually choose not to and if I do eat it, there is no guilt afterwards. I also exercise a little more that day. :wink:
  • stahlight
    stahlight Posts: 119
    I wouldnt call it disgustingness first... It happens. For me a pot of spaghetti is like sex... I have a little, I want more and more... until I feel too full. [For you dirty minds, at this point, the analogy is over. So no comments. kthx!]

    I agree, let it go, but I would recommend not buying another -- why have the temptation?

    As for the family, tell them it molded :bigsmile:

    Keep it up, and get some exercise in. Your body will not make use of all 2100 cals, so you can rest easy on that. Just get some exercise in...

    Lemon cake? What lemon cake. I didnt see a cake. The cake is in your mind. *BuRp* :blushing: