In a crummy need of a lil support.

I started on this journey to a new me on July 4th. Since then I have managed to lose 32 lbs and go from a size 20 jeans and 2x shirts to 15/16 jeans and Large shirts. I've done all of this by staying within my calories and watching what I eat. I have done very very little to no exercise. I have a gym membership but its just not convenient to drop all my parental duties and hit the gym. I wanted desperately to get a treadmill so after weeks of research I gave in a purchased a Nordictrack T5.7. It was scheduled to be delivered today. The delivery guys showed up and then decided there was no way they could fit it through my bedroom door (it is 31") and since there was no where else in the house for it go I had to send it back. I know that at some point I'm going to have to incorporate excercise into my plan in order to keep losing and I really really want that treadmill. I was hoping to start on the C25k plan so that I could run my first 5k in the spring. I'm just really frustrated because I feel like the delivery guys could have turned the treadmill on its side and worked it in the door. They never even unloaded it!!! I'm just feeling really nervous and am worried all of this will be for nothing. For the first time in seven years I'm starting to actually feel good about myself. I just so don't want to put this weight back onl I feel like that treadmill was my only hope!


  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    Don't give up. You are doing amazing! Imagine how great you will feel both eating right and exercising :)
  • kalexander2005
    kalexander2005 Posts: 223 Member
    So what happened? Did you get it into the house? I was wondering if you could call a moving company and they ought to be able to help you out for maybe 50 bucks or so. Now I want to know how it turns out. :)
  • It sounds like you're doing an amazing job and well done on you're fantastic weight loss! I know how hard it can be to get exercise in with kids. I was looking at getting a treadmill myself but decided to get a vibration machine instead. Maybe look around a little more at some different treadmills and compare packaged sizes? At least that way you can measure it up and see if it will fit in your door before you buy it. Also if you have to put it together yourself then maybe you could leave it in the hall and take it in your bedroom piece by piece? It won't be for nothing, you've come this far and are doing so well! Don't give up, just keep your head up and look for other options if the treadmill can't be worked around. Good luck :)
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Have you tried DVD's I like cathe friedrich she is tough but good, Step aerobics is my passion but i also jog outside.. is it to cold where you live? Maybe you can go jogging or walking outside for a while. Id also complain to the company about the delivery guy not even getting it in the door. Maybe you can even get a discount on a smaller one and because of the enconvience of it all.

    Im sorry to hear you are discouraged. If nothing else get you some music on and dance around, anything will be better then nothing and try some situps and push ups after the dancing.

    good luck to you i hope you will get your treadmill that works for you.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Thirty two pounds without exercise is amazing in my book!! Good for you!

    I also would be so bummed if I had to send back the thing I'd been looking forward to for so long. They are probably correct in saying that it wont fit but that doesnt make it any better.

    Still, if you have a TV and DVD player you can always do a workout DVD. I never thought I'd be saying this but they actually do work!

    I did Jillian Michaels 30DS and its only 20 minutes. Its really easy to find 20 minutes. If you think that might be too difficult for you, Leslie Sansone has some GREAT walk DVDs. I was very skeptical at first since I thought how could you "walk" a DVD. But its got great low impact exercises and you can incorporate 3lb weights if you want.

    Its wonderful that you are thinking of incorporating exercise. And I really do highly recommend Leslie Sansone for someone just getting into the whole exercise thing. You can get her DVDs on for under ten bucks and theres lots to pick from.

    You are doing great!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Did you send it back and get your money back as well? Couldn't they just stuck it somewhere and you have someone help you put it where you wanted it? They were in the wrong. That kinda irks me a bit. Don't give up now! You have come so far!
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    Don't give up! Every few mins of exercise helps. I try to do some while I'm cooking dinner.

    Delivery guys are always hokey. we had some tell us they wouldn't put our couch down the basement. I"m sure they could have if they tried.

    Eating healthy is a big part. Keep it up. It might take more time but you will get there.

    The other ladies are right too, DVDs are great. I'm on day 3 of the 30 day shred right now and its a great work out!
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    You are doing great! I started the c25k yesterday and it is a major workout and only took 30 minutes. I was able to do it while dinner was simmering and hubby watch it and the kids while I looked silly throughout the neighborhood. Running and walking. I worked up a great sweat and kept my heart rate. You have done fantastic so far. I think the addition of a running program will help. There is also a web site that is great for abdominal exercises. It is free and has different workouts every day. Good Luck!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    No, don't give up hope, I'd like a treadmill too but in the absence of one, grab a friend or a dog or your portable music playing device and go for a walk around your 'hood, or, take a drive to a more scenic walking location and walk there. It may not be the couch25k but it is still invigorating and burns energy to boot :-)

    Alternatively, look for aerobics videos on youtube (filter by length) and have a crack at those, this is my current favourite

    You can do this :-)

    PS The delivery guys suck, I hope you get a full refund.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Thirty two pounds without exercise is amazing in my book!! Good for you!

    I also would be so bummed if I had to send back the thing I'd been looking forward to for so long. They are probably correct in saying that it wont fit but that doesnt make it any better.

    Still, if you have a TV and DVD player you can always do a workout DVD. I never thought I'd be saying this but they actually do work!

    I did Jillian Michaels 30DS and its only 20 minutes. Its really easy to find 20 minutes. If you think that might be too difficult for you, Leslie Sansone has some GREAT walk DVDs. I was very skeptical at first since I thought how could you "walk" a DVD. But its got great low impact exercises and you can incorporate 3lb weights if you want.

    Its wonderful that you are thinking of incorporating exercise. And I really do highly recommend Leslie Sansone for someone just getting into the whole exercise thing. You can get her DVDs on for under ten bucks and theres lots to pick from.

    You are doing great!

    I love her!!! Even my 9 year old can do them! She thinks it is fun!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    That's odd....did they say why they couldn't unbox it and turn it on its side?

    Call whoever you bought it from and tell them your story. That just doesn't make sense.
  • mmoyer1978
    mmoyer1978 Posts: 124 Member
    Step 1: Call Nordic Track or the delivery company and raise holy hell about them not even TRYING to fit it in the door it needed to fo through. You paid all that money to get it there and by God it should be there.

    Step 2: Look how far you've come. 32lbs is nothing to sneeze at. But I'm like you. I tend to focus on the miles ahead instead of the miles already traveled. A friend once told me that weight loss is not a destination. It's a journey. I always hear people calling it a journey, but it never really made sense until I thought about it in those terms. We tend to think that once we get to where we want to go everything will magically be the way we want it to be. Maybe. Maybe not. The real story is the struggle it took to get to where you're going. This is not just about weight loss. It's about self discovery.

    Step 3: Embrace the fact that you can't fail because you've already succeeded. As I said, 32lbs is nothing to sneeze at. You're already a winner. Now you just gotta work on winning BIG. By getting smaller. LOL. It's funny when you think about it. Just remember you're human. You're going to have days that you don't do your best. And you're going to beat yourself up about it. You're human. And that's ok. Just always remember to find your way back to your path.

    Now, you're totally awesome and you've got this!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Because, obviously, all doors are about the same width....:huh:
  • You are doing so great, you can always try a different company that carries a treadmill or call the customer service desk and give then a piece of your mind that you feel the drivers didn't really try. you can always find a different excerise reutine........a step machien maybe? a good arobic dvd? with some cute train to watch grrrr ;)
  • kegohl
    kegohl Posts: 1 Member
    First of all, 32 lbs. and several sizes? Give yourself some huge props sister... that's awesome! I can imagine how good you feel about yourself. Hopefully you are looking back at your old pictures to remind yourself just how far you have come. So, now that you have come this far you realize that exercise is important and it sounds like you are on board. Don't let this minor setback derail your plan. Buy a treadmill from another retailer and make sure the delivery guys do everything to get it in your house. Shame on those guys today for not even trying to fit it in your home. Talk about lazy. I can only guess that you won't be seeing them at your 5k in the spring.:smile: Don't give up, you are on the right track. You can make it happen.
  • The devil is always at work but let him know "Devil you're a liar" I will keep losing the weight and keep it off. Don't give up on the idea of exercising at home. Maybe you can find out the measurements of your door way and try to find a treadmill that will make it through that size opening. I'm not sure what happen with yours but when I bought my treadmill from either HSN or QVC several years ago it came in a box and had to be assemble so we put it together in the room of my choice. Maybe you should think about ordering one that has to be assemble so you can get it in your room. Good luck.
  • o0oJadeo0o
    o0oJadeo0o Posts: 46 Member have done amazing well!!!!!

    Everybody gets down every now and then but look how far you have come without exercise, even if you just added a bit of walking or some frequent jogging into each week you'll be at your goal weight in no time.

    I would definatelty call up the delivery guys and tell them they need to bring it back and put it somewhere in your have already paid for it.....not very fair :huh:
  • kimbk1
    kimbk1 Posts: 38 Member
    sorry.. girl, do not let some loser steal your light.
  • paigele
    paigele Posts: 123 Member
    Echo that and that and that. Don't let someone else's failure become your source of discouragement. Step back and take a deep breath and logic your way to the solution. The company that sold it to you should have a product description that shows dimensions. If i fits through the door then there is your legitimate complaint. If not then do a little on line research to find one that will.
  • CassandraD82
    CassandraD82 Posts: 71 Member
    Start the C25K program - you don't need any fancy equipment and you won't be wasting precious time getting to and from the gym. If you want to start adding some exercise to your day this is probably the smallest time commitment (30 minutes out the front door and then back).

    You could try DVDs. Depends on how you feel and if your kids will distract you!

    Even without exercising you will still see results. You can still get to your goal weight - you might not be as strong or as fit but you can get there.

    And just think about how much money you will save by not buying a treadmill!