Re introduction, starting over once again.

Hello, my name is crystal I'm 26 yrs old will be 27 on saturday. I have been on this site a little over a year now. But I recently backsliding since july. I need motivation and strength to pull me out of the hole that I'm in. I have gained back 20 lbs instead of losing which I never wanted to admit. I'm tired of being the fat girl that everyone makes fun of and jokes about. I'm tired of failing on my weight loss goals just to enjoy something that is hurting my body in the first place. So if you want to add me up and join in on this journey with me. I'm also thinking about auditioning for the biggest loser , seeing I can't seem to do this on my own. It says you need to have 85 lbs to lose or more and that is me. It's worth a shot maybe I will have some luck to get on the show. Thanks


  • DawniesLife
    I am your friend girl! Here to support you! I say if you want to audition for the Biggest Loser, go for it, but I think you should have a little more faith in yourself. You have lost the weight before, you DID do that, so you can lose weight successfully on your own. It sounds like if anything you just need to learn how to change your lifestyle so you can KEEP the weight off when you lose it. Know that you can change your life on your own one step at a time. Find something you enjoy to do exercise wise, find ways to change your eating so it doesn't feel like a diet, it feels like a lifestyle change. YOU can do this. I am confident in that, and I think you should be also, you just have to want it enough and work at it enough. We all slip sometimes, don't beat yourself up over it. Here for you! I have about 27 lbs to go, my wife has a similar amount left to lose as you do, feel free to add her also :) .
  • tlcmillet
    tlcmillet Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Crystal!

    I too am trying to start again. Tonight I took the first step at writing on here that I started back sliding to the stresses in my life and the bad choices I made. I have regained some of the weight I have lost. Here is to wishing you the best! You can do it!! Hugs.
  • jayjohnson1320
    jayjohnson1320 Posts: 26 Member
    Your not alone everyone has speed bumps in life. We just got roll over them and press on!!! If you need someone to ride this journey out with you let me know. I'll do my part because I know you will do yours.
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi! I completely understand. Life sometimes gets in our way. I've hit the speed bumps over and over..time and again. Monday I've resolved to get back on track. I've been trying to lose this weight since last year and then got pregnant again. Then of course normal worries adds to me eating a pack of Oreos(Double Stuff mind you) and then I wondeer why the scale is moving in the wrong direction! So, feel free to add me and we can do it again. Pick each other up when we have a bad day. Encourage each other when maybe we chose the wrong thing to eat. Help each other to exercise even if it's 15 min a day. :smile: