losing motivation

im losing motivation more and more everyday.I am a student so everything I do is either on my phone or my computer but lately I haven't been counting calories because certain things I can't plug in like sandwiches I buy at the store . also I dont find myself working out as munch as I use to i'm getting really lazy I just come home and sleep . how can i'm fix this????? help


  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95
    I think you need to answer the question Why... meaning why do you want to work out and lose weight and get healthy. Once you figure that out, I think you'll find out why you're losing motivation. Truthfully, maybe you just don't really want it for the right reasons or want it bad enough yet. That was it for me, It took me getting to a certain point before I was truly motivated. I had tried to lose weight before, but I just didn't want it bad enough, once something clicked I didn't have to search for motivation anymore... I just did what I need to do to get where I wanted to be.
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    First of all, as a student, you should make sure you are getting enough sleep and some down time for yourself. You will be in a much better place to think about your food and exercise. It's tough when you are going to school. Focus on being healthy as a whole...which includes getting plenty of sleep, drinking enough water, eating healthy food, exercise, healthy relationships, downtime, etc.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I've actually been feeling the same way. I have not been on here for 2 weeks because I was losing my motivation until I ran my 3rd 5K on Sunday. It made me realize that I love working out etc.. I get it!! If it wasn't for me and my son running the 5K together I'm sure my motivation would still be gone, and I probably would not have worked out today. Motivators need to stick together if that makes sense. You can do it! Just stick to it!!
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member
    (I think you need to answer the question Why... meaning why do you want to work out and lose weight and get healthy. Once you figure that out, I think you'll find out why you're losing motivation. Truthfully, maybe you just don't really want it for the right reasons or want it bad enough yet. That was it for me, It took me getting to a certain point before I was truly motivated. I had tried to lose weight before, but I just didn't want it bad enough, once something clicked I didn't have to search for motivation anymore... I just did what I need to do to get where I wanted to be.)

    I agree with everything said above, you can do this, but only if you want it bad enough
  • DD0pe
    DD0pe Posts: 34 Member
    i have reached that limit. thats why im trying in the first place, my problem is mainly since i am a college student my lifestyle is hectic. so one minute im in the gym 3 times a week and the next im extremely lazy
  • DD0pe
    DD0pe Posts: 34 Member
    thank you HSingMomto5Kids. my motivation is my boyfriend and my future wedding. i want to look good for him in our pictures. also when i have a baby. i no being overweight causes many complications and ... complications run in my family believe it or not ... so im just worried a little bit thank for the support from everyone !!!!!!!!!! seriously i truely needed it. im just a little hard headed sometimes. im going to do some yoga right after work
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    thank you HSingMomto5Kids. my motivation is my boyfriend and my future wedding. i want to look good for him in our pictures. also when i have a baby. i no being overweight causes many complications and ... complications run in my family believe it or not ... so im just worried a little bit thank for the support from everyone !!!!!!!!!! seriously i truely needed it. im just a little hard headed sometimes. im going to do some yoga right after work

    Good for you!! Find that motivation and think of that every single day or try to anyways.. I am right there with you!! Trust me I hear ya...