Groupon in London are today offering 6 zumba classes (45 mins each) for £19. I do the gym, I run, and I'm eating healthily. But all of that doesn't help my "agility". I'm not a great dancer, and (whisper it) I'm closer to 50 than 40. So my dilemma is wanting to do something like this without looking like an idiot (for those who watch The IT Crowd episode about the fitness class you'll know what I mean). Before all you ladies shout "YES!" put yourself in ny shoes. I hope it will be a beginner class, but wouldn't want it to be like an Eric Prydz video!!! I might get a bit self conscious. Lol. What do you think?


  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    Groupon in London are today offering 6 zumba classes (45 mins each) for £19. I do the gym, I run, and I'm eating healthily. But all of that doesn't help my "agility". I'm not a great dancer, and (whisper it) I'm closer to 50 than 40. So my dilemma is wanting to do something like this without looking like an idiot (for those who watch The IT Crowd episode about the fitness class you'll know what I mean). Before all you ladies shout "YES!" put yourself in ny shoes. I hope it will be a beginner class, but wouldn't want it to be like an Eric Prydz video!!! I might get a bit self conscious. Lol. What do you think?

    Maybe you could go for yoga or pilates instead?
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    I think you should go, (I've been to three different classes, and I've rarely seen anyone 'agile', it's just something fun to do, and no-one will be watching or judging) however before you buy the voucher, I'd check that it's redeemable for a mixed gender class. I've noticed a lot of Zumba is women only, for some reason unbeknownst to me.
  • Whitneylol
    Groupon in London are today offering 6 zumba classes (45 mins each) for £19. I do the gym, I run, and I'm eating healthily. But all of that doesn't help my "agility". I'm not a great dancer, and (whisper it) I'm closer to 50 than 40. So my dilemma is wanting to do something like this without looking like an idiot (for those who watch The IT Crowd episode about the fitness class you'll know what I mean). Before all you ladies shout "YES!" put yourself in ny shoes. I hope it will be a beginner class, but wouldn't want it to be like an Eric Prydz video!!! I might get a bit self conscious. Lol. What do you think?

    Honestly, I am a female who LOVES Zumba- so while I am so super happy and excited to encourage you to go, I understand your dilemma. :)

    BUT- with that said.. you should do it. I was AWFUL when I started, so I just went to the back of the class until I got the moves down. Believe me- there is always someone worse than you. Also- there are people who arent skilled at all and take it purely for the workout. The benefit of Zumba is that even if you're bad- you will still get a great workout just trying to keep up!

    I say try it, it's a great deal and also a workout and at least you can say you tried something new!
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    There have been "blokes" on occasion in my Zumba class and its no big deal. And none of us are very coordinated. Its really fun and you should try it!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Hey Ravey..if you have a nintendo wii, then why not spend £25 on the wii zumba game?? by all accounts, it's as intense as any class, but less the 'social element'...
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    Just do it, its a giggle. Very relaxed attitude in class but a really good burn. Men would be welcomed in our group. Enjoy!!
  • sniperalza
    Naw dude dont do it!! too me zumba is a womans thing...
  • Whitneylol
    Naw dude dont do it!! too me zumba is a womans thing...

    Zumba= dance and exercise.

    Dance and exercise is for women only? NEWS TO ME
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I'd find out if it IS a beginner class, and whether it was mixed as well before deciding.
  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    I love the IT Crowd! But I still think you should try it - new experiences are good for you, and who just might like it! Good luck to you!
  • TheEnchantedMoose
    I was in the exact same position 8 months ago then i first started my weight loss journey, but i decided that it was a good thing to at least try. i LOVED it, the people there will not care that you are a guy (or the only guy in my case) and soon after you will forget it too. i spend most of the lessons laughing because i am moving the wrong way or i am shaking things i never knew i had but its worh it. i feel like i get a total work out and somethines it has only been 45 minutes. so i reccomend at least trying it, if you dont like it you have apent £20 on knowing its not your thing.
  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    if i saw you in my zumba class i wouldnt bat an eyelid, i say give it a go, thats good value and its fun. So as long as its not womens only classes then that means they are happy to include you too
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    that sounds a bit dear! our groupon had one a few weeks back i think i was 6x 45min zumba classes and it ws £7.50!

    but back to the subject if i was you i would BUT,,, are you married? if not DO IT a BRILL chance to meet lots of lovley ladies!! and they will love a guy in the class to watch too! lol you will probally get shoved to the front of class so they can all watch you shake your thang!! rofl
  • eaglemonster
    eaglemonster Posts: 156 Member
    Do it. Its far better to regret trying something than to regret not trying. It'll be fun and a way of meeting new like minded people.
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    Naw dude dont do it!! too me zumba is a womans thing...
    Considering it was a man who invented it I don't think it's just a womans thing.
  • sarahlucydaynes26
    You really know how to hand out advice - !

    Ravey I think you should go for it !
    It will be fantastic! I love going, men go and they love it! xx
  • nettie1969
    You should so do it ... plus can you buy two? Hunt out a friend to drag along and make it even more fun.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Do it!

    My partner and I go, and he's the only guy in the class and the women love him! He gets every second move wrong and he's about as flexible as a tree stump, but he loves it :)

    Funny story, our instructor is HOT! I mean GORGEOUS! After our first lesson I said something to him about how beautiful she was, and he had no idea. The next week I asked him of he checked her out and he said no. After we got changed and started to head out we passed Erin (instructor) in the hall on the way out and she congratulated him on coming back the second week and said she loves it when men give it a go. After she walked away he said to me "who was that" and I laughed and said you are kidding me, it was the instructor! He got ****ty with me and said "how was I supposed to know, I only ever look at her feet to see what she's doing" haha! He looked the next week though and now reminds me how hot she is every week!!!
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    Ravey my friend! I think you would do great. ZUMBA isn't about perfection, it's about having fun! I did it and I am also not a dancer, I could barely keep up, but I had so much fun. I personally think you should at least TRY it once. If you don't like it or didn't have a good time, then who says you have to do it again? :-) My class was filled with people of ALL ages and races....... in fact there was one particular woman I remember who was 73 years old. She obviously couldn't move like the youngins could, but she did the ENTIRE class and she always said she felt wonderful after! I say DO IT!
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I think you should go. In the friday afternoon zumba class that I attend, there is a 40-something straight man that goes regularly. He loves it and as a bonus for him, the ladies love him LOL How can you go wrong being one of the very few men in a room full of ladies!