Does Fat Look Worse Before It Leaves?



  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member

    Lol that is my post awhile back :-) See I told you I've been through the same situation. :-D

    Haha! It certainly IS your post and there was a lot of good info in the thread! Thanks for pointing me in that direction. Your personal experience with losing 6 lbs in 5 day after feeling all soft and squishy brings hope to this old woman's heart! :D
  • I call it the flabby stage..:) , but the skin tightens up and this will keep happening till all the fat is gone..I notice it happens every 2 to 3 weeks

    Yes I know from personal experience now fat gets all chunky and water filled before it leaves. My belly had not shrank at all hardly and it's gotten like chunky and you could fill like water in it. Well in a matter of a week all of a sudden my belly dropped 2.5 inches, it's usually a sign fat is breaking down and leaving. It's a good thing!
  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member
    Unfortunately age has a lot to do with the way you will look once the fat is gone. The skin does not have the ability of flexing back into place the way it does when you are young, which is why you get wrinkles on the face. Doing abs and weight training does help but if you have always been heavy it is possible that your skin has stretched permanently and you may have to resort to cosmetic surgery (THIS REALLY ONLY APPLIES TO THOSE LOSING IN EXCESS OF 150LBS). I have been a yoyo dieter most of my life but I also did a lot of weight training when I was younger. After dropping almost 40lbs in the past 3 1/2 months and exercising regularly, I am seeing my muscles popping back, I am 58 and well aware that my skin will not be as taught as it used to be but I am pleased with my accomplishment and the way I feel outweighs by far the flaws of my body.

    I don't have that much to lose - a total of 57 lbs to my goal (34 gone, only 23 more to go...Yay!); but I'm aware that I'm not as young as i used to be. I can deal with not looking like my gorgeous 18 year old daughter and have no desire to wear a bikini in public, but it will still be nice to like what I see in the mirror and hear my doctor tell me how healthy I am at my next physical. :)

    Staying the course...
  • Thanks for answering this question. I have only lost 14lbs, but have noticed that certain area (thighs, butt, stomach) are more loose and flabby. I thought this was due to wt lose, but now I am more motivated to keep at it and know that it is a sign of progress!

  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member
    Also for reference I asked my dr a couple weeks ago and he said it'll keep doing that till its gone, it's get marblely as it breaks down. I've noticed when it does that, the inches start to drop from there. My love handles did it first now they are almost gone, then my chest, which I now only have very small moobs, and now my tummy(finally!)

    I hope so!

    I wonder if age plays a factor too?

    Don't worry, you'll catch up to me (46) soon enough! I'm going to officially quit having birthdays. :)

    I hope not! I'm only 19 :(
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    Oh THANK YOU , THANK YOU, THANK YOU ALL! I have been busting my butt...doing P90X (doubles no less). Eating all the calories I am supposed to. Listening to my body and eating more on a hard workout day and feel very hungry (after water of course). Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Staying w/in my macros. Taking my rest days as swear Im doing it all right but Im in week 6 of P90X and suddenly have this squishy, soft, kind of dimply areas on my belly, thighs, and back of my arms.....Those are my 3 worst areas (arent they for all of us).... I am SO happy to read this thread!!! *SIGH*...major sigh of relief.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    My belly got all wiggly and jiggly (as in, I could slap it and observe the waves) and then suddenly dropped 2 inches. It's getting a bit wiggly again so here's hoping for another drop soon.
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    What a timely post. I knew logically this was happening, but it's still reassuring to hear actual experiences. After months of working out (cardio and strength) my stomach has started looking softer and worse than it did. I was starting to think of "Twas the Night before Christmas" (shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly) every time I looked at it. Here's hoping it goes down soon.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Happened to me. Another thing which had me concerned enough to ask my doctor - all of a sudden I started noticing lumps under my skin. They didn't hurt, but they were floppy. He told me they were just fat clusters my body hadn't absorbed yet. So, if you get those - especially around your ribs, don't be overly worried.
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    Fat cells do not go anywhere. They shrink in size but once a fat cell is generated by the body it stays.
  • hucksmom1
    hucksmom1 Posts: 8
    How funny this topic came up today, I was just wondering the same thing yesterday! Got a look at myself in a fitting room mirror at the mall & was completely grossed out! I've lost 7lbs so far & only have 10 more to go, have been working hard~cardio, weights, the whole deal & that sight was very disheartening! I, too, am middle aged and know I have to work much harder than when I was young. Thanks for giving me hope!
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    Thank you for posting this, I had never even thought about it until reading this thread. When I went to shower I decided to look and noticed my stomach is starting to look a little lumpy and uneven, so hopefully that means something good! I haven't lost much weight yet and haven't been working on it long (about a month), so to see even a glimmer of a result in my biggest area of concern is great!
  • maryb2374
    maryb2374 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm so glad you asked this question. This has been happening to me lately and I couldn't figure out a way to describe it to google it even. LOL. Hopefully some good changes are right around the corner for us! :smile:
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    This is happening to me as well, my stomach is all lumpy & doughy. Although the first place I noticed I was losing was the chest area from shoulder to shoulder, then the girls took a hike. (lol! didn't want them to go!) In the last 3 wks I haven't lost much in the way of weight or inches but my midriff is getting flatter & toned & it appears the loss is working it's way down, I just wish it would hurry up & pass my waist! I'd rather have fat feet!!! lol!
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member
  • ninarawz
    ninarawz Posts: 1
    The grainy/lumpy belly fat happens to most women who have been inactive for a while and start to get in shape again... it's called subcutaneous fat. It's just a more noticeable type of fat that gets lumpy when it's about to disappear. Usually this type of fat appears in the stomach, underarms, thighs and even breasts... the most common places fat is stored on women. You should find that your measurements have gone down at least a half inch after this grainy fat turns into a more firmness. Congratulations! And pat yourself on the back for wonderful progress! Continue to work out and remember, the jiggly/lumpy fat is a -good- sign!