Exercise, an ample behind and pantyhose..OH MY!

Yesterday was day two of my official weight loss journey and I got up off of my ample behind and took a little walk.

Now when I say little, for me...... it just as well have been a monumental adventure across the Continental Divide. Keep in mind, the most exercise I may get in any given day is either the tug and pull associated with putting on a pair of jeans fresh out of the dryer or occasionally, if I wear a dress then there's the calisthenics that go with putting on pantyhose and the extra support of a body shaper....and speaking of pantyhose, they surely must be made by the devil...but I digress; back to my exercise story.

Me and my coworker thought it would be a bright idea to walk to the park, but alas! Who knew half a block would be such an odyssey??(our work is only a block from the park). We weren't even to the park yet! My lungs were burning, my shins were cramping...and we weren't even to our designated walking place! We went with the idea that four laps around this park was a mile...nooooooooooo, it's five laps. Needless to say, we made it three laps not including our walk back to work which thankfully is downhill. As you can see, Momma didn't get her girlish figure walking all over the planet!


For the first time in my life as a yo-yo dieter, I'm looking forward to this journey of weight loss! No, I didn't inhale anything; It's this website! I love, love, LOVE reading success stories, advice, rants, thoughts, humorous ancedotes...all of which have something to do with what I may be going through. Maybe not now, but probably in the future. I truly hope that I'm able to harness this motivation in the down times because if losing weight was easy, we'd all be thin.

Now, about those pantyhose..........


  • SweetChilly
    SweetChilly Posts: 51 Member
    I loved reading this! I couldn't relate more. You look at a block or two and you think "Ya, I could do that" but when ya actually go do it, it's alot harder than one would think, especially if you haven't before.

    I find the more that I get out and walk, the longer I can go without feeling like my lungs are trying to rip out from my chest. So it's good to start slow and progress, and before you know if you're walking around that park 10 times without even a glance back!

    Way to go!
  • It only gets easier! Keep moving!

    thanks for a good laugh today :) I wish I could add "putting on jeans" in the exercise tab! haha
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    KEEP IT UP...you will be motivating some soon!!!!!! YOU WILL BE AMAZING
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    You came to the right place, Julie! This site is great for sharing recipes, thoughts, success (and otherwise) stories, etc.

    I love your post, it is hilarious and I can so relate.

    So glad you came to MFP and welcome!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    at least you got your butt out of the office and moved. :) I have coworkers that I walk with at lunchtime. It's motivating to have other people that want to go, and we also have a park by our office.

    I started running in February. Um...actually I would jog for 15 seconds and walk for 5 minutes. Eventually I did actually run.

    A week and a half ago, after running for 8 months and training for 5 months, I ran my first half marathon. Ya gotta start somewhere...walking to the park is a great place to start! Good luck!
  • Honey I am right there with ya. I started my weightloss journey in June of this year. The first time I went got a walk I thought I was gonna die!!! My feet burned, was sweating my *kitten* off, face was all red and legs felt like a ton of bricks. Oh wait...I still feel that way..lol. But I do say it does get easier. I have lost 19 lbs thus far and can actually tell the difference. I still lose my breathe going up the 12 stairs to go peee from all the water I am drinking. But I notice I can climb all of them with out stopping. Yea me! Keep you eye on the prize and walk a little further today than you did yesterday...You will get here!
  • Thank you! I know it will get easier if I just keep doing it. Feel free to friend me.....the more support and encouragement we can offer each other the better. :heart: