pissed and frustrated

Nevermind... just trying to vent and I feel like I am getting jumped on so consider it deleted....

Once again, just trying to vent. I don't want to give up. I am just frustrated. I have done this before and gained it back with pregnancy. I only fasted part of the day and that wasn't for weight loss reason, but that is another point all together. Also, yes I had 3 "bad" days, but from Sunday to Sunday (when I normally weigh) I had not gained, but stayed the same. SO it wasn't HORRIBLE or the scale would have gone up! So 1 week with 4 great days and 3 not so good days = same. 3 GREAT days = Gain... just frustrating. I am not stupid nor am I naive. just wanted to vent I will not be posting a topic again, but instead will be looking to my support of friends who don't feel the need to jump on me and cause me more discouragement! Thanks!


  • tattooedtwiin
    I'm right there with ya sister.......... :mad:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What??? So, you overate for 3 days and gained weight. Then you couldn't undo those 3 days in 1 day and you feel that's a reason to give up on weight loss altogether. Really? I fail to see the logic.

    Either you want to lose weight or you don't. It's really that simple, and only you can make that decision.
  • vegankaty
    Don't give up! Keep eating healthy foods, keep exercising, keep focused. Don't give in. Depending on what you ate this weekend your body could be holding water.

    Eat lots of fiber, drink lots of water, keep moving! You will see results!
  • Thibby17
    Been there, done that...hang in there!!!!...just because there are a few bad days doesn't mean you should thrown in the towel. It is hard...but you have to forgive the bad days and be proud of the good ones...No one is perfect :)
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    You can't give up. Just need to not have as many bad days. Maybe exercise a bit more.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Being pissed can be used to your advantage. Just remember two words - BIG PICTURE!
  • philm00x
    fasting won't necessarily make you lose weight. your metabolism relies on taking in so many calories to keep it running full steam. if you starve your body, it won't have energy to burn fat and help you lose weight.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    This is a long journey... Stay on track eat healthy everyday, workout (if you can) no fasting. And drink your water.

    If you give up you still have to get up every morning. So keep at it, you have to want this for yourself.

    Check your foods, clean up your diet. Stay on track. You will see results.

  • kacydee
    waterweight. try not to weigh yourself too often or you will get discouraged when you first start off. set a date per week to weigh yourself instead, that way you will not see the ups and downs during the week and will get an accurate measurement week by week. you will also see where you have overeaten and what it has done to your weekly result. dont give up. we all have our bad days and weight loss takes time. be patient.
  • kacydee
    waterweight. try not to weigh yourself too often or you will get discouraged when you first start off. set a date per week to weigh yourself instead, that way you will not see the ups and downs during the week and will get an accurate measurement week by week. you will also see where you have overeaten and what it has done to your weekly result. dont give up. we all have our bad days and weight loss takes time. be patient.
  • kacydee
    waterweight. try not to weigh yourself too often or you will get discouraged when you first start off. set a date per week to weigh yourself instead, that way you will not see the ups and downs during the week and will get an accurate measurement week by week. you will also see where you have overeaten and what it has done to your weekly result. dont give up. we all have our bad days and weight loss takes time. be patient.
  • cheri868
    I am with you. Been eating much healthier for a month now and have only lost 1 pound. I have also been exercising 4 days a week for over 45 mins per session. I feel your pain and I am right there with you. Fell off the wagon BIG TIME this week because of my frustration and finally realized that I was only harming myself by doing that. So, I am back to being healthy from today onwards and SCREW THE FREAKING SCALE!!!!!!!!!!!! :grumble:
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    So many things affect weight loss, are you close to that time of the month? Have you been eating more sodium than normal? have you been drinking all your water? have you changed your work outs? I can't see your food diary so I really can't tell what you are eating or drinking for that matter.

    I can tell you that your body will do what it wants and take you along for the ride, some days are up, some are down but the general idea is in the long run to see a downward spiral. Keep trucking, maybe look at tweeking things you are eating?
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    What??? So, you overate for 3 days and gained weight. Then you couldn't undo those 3 days in 1 day and you feel that's a reason to give up on weight loss altogether. Really? I fail to see the logic.

    Either you want to lose weight or you don't. It's really that simple, and only you can make that decision.
    Have to agree with this one. Not to mention that weight can fluctuate from hour to hour, day to day, etc. It's not really suggested that you weigh yourself multiple times a week...just for this very reason. You didn't gain the extra weight overnight, you can't expect to repair 3 days of heavy eating with a 1 day fast. Just stick with it, there will be gains but there will also be losses if you stick with the program. Good luck!
  • TraceyDonna
    Being pissed can be used to your advantage. Just remember two words - BIG PICTURE!

    Quite! Here here .....!!
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
  • CathySky
    I lost 6 pounds my first week and at the next weeks weigh in, I had gained it all back. Talk about a letdown. Everyone is telling me that I'll be up and down with weight since I'm exercising intensely and dieting...building more muscle now. I'm not going to give up the battle to get rid of this fat. I can honestly say, I already feel so much better in just these few weeks of diet and exercise and can tell a difference the way clothes fit. I dream of the day when I can walk in to any store and not have to worry if their sizes go up large enough for me. All I can say is, don't give up! You'll be so glad you kept with it.
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    "Why bother?"...because you deserve to be healthy. The weight did not come on overnight and it's not going to come off overnight either.
    The second time you weighed in is probably water weight. Get rid of your scale for a while, measure your body. Workout and eat right. No more mini fasts. Do some weight training and cardio...after about a month first measure yourself and then weigh in if you must see what the scale is saying.
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    Why bother?? What a thing to say! Why bother!!

    Do you really want a list of reasons to 'bother'? Well, I do not know you but I can tell you one big fat reason and that is BEING HEALTHY! It's self respect woman! Be nice to your body and heart, they give you so much pleasure throughout life. Another nice side affect of being healthy is looking AMAZING! And let me tell you, for people like you and me there's only one way to get there. It does seem like hard work, but it WILL get easier, especially when you start seeing results!

    I know you're not actually giving up, otherwise you wouldn't have posted at all, right? You're reaching out, which is exactly why MFP is so effective. You did the right thing, we're here for you!!! All I can say is that you need to get right back up on that horse and STICK WITH IT. We all fall off at one time or another. In reality, how could eating better and exercising be bad for you? It could NEVER do you any damage! In a million years! Every single effort you made is counted and very much appreciated by your body. Even if your body might not say 'thank you' and show you its gratitude on the outside or on the scale right away, it IS CHANGING. And that is exactly when you need the most focus, in the beginning. Just make small goals, and try to stick to them, you will see a difference. There are two very different places you can be in one year from now. You could be a fitter, stronger, healthier, sexier you or... the alternative.

    Choice is yours! Remember, you're strong! You can do this.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I'm going to try to do this in a polite and encouraging way but my dear, you need a wakeup call. Your expectations are completely unrealistic. You've got to look inside and ask yourself if your current health and image is what you're happy with or do you want something better FOR YOURSELF. That's why we "bother" with this. Personally I believe that until you are truly accountable to yourself and make this change because you want it, you'll never be successful.

    Now once you've done that, you need to educate yourself. If you really believed that missing your goals for three days in a row put on noticeable pounds and then thought that three days fasting and overhydrating would directly combat that, then you really need to improve your understanding of how your body works. Stop weighing yourself every day. Your body weight can fluctuate by as much as 3-4 pounds from one day to the next. You have to look for improvements over a weeks and months, not one day to the next. Your body does not work that way.

    It's up to you if you want to give up or not. None of us can decide that for you. You have to figure out if you really want to lose the weight, have more energy, fit in your clothes better, etc or if you're happy at the weight you're at right now with your current state of health. Personally, I think it would be foolish for you to give up but again, that's not my judgement to make.