Mommy's losing it -open group for busy moms

Hello :) I would like to start a group for busy moms. We will have weekly weigh ins, weekly discussions, and support for each other. I haven't found a group that fits so I decided to start one.


  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I'm in! the time constraint in my biggest problem (and the fact that I work as a waitress and have food around me all.the.time!)
    iI have an 8 year old daughter that is really busy, she takes classes at the performing arts school, as well as dive club, swimming, choir and cross country (which is over now, until spring) and a VERY active 4 year old boy! add that to working evenings and I'm stretched thin. Hope to find some mama's in similar situations to motivate me!
    I've recently hit 160lbs which is the biggest I've ever been, and about the size I was just after each of my children. I just got back on track yesterday.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Me too-where do I sign up!

    FT working Mom with 3 year old daughter.
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    I'm interested. FT working mom of an 8 month old. Trying to lose 40lbs.
  • MellyPfromVT
    MellyPfromVT Posts: 869 Member
    Great idea! I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and I work full-time as a teacher. The support would be lovely!
  • naturallynikki
    I am soooo in!!!! I'm a working mother of 3 sons and can definitely use this support group! Count me in!
  • kronesa
    kronesa Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in! I teach high school, have an almost 4yo boy, have a husband and my mom at home, and am taking 2 grad classes...I'm stretched a bit thin and some days want to hide under my desk with a bag of Cheetos. I've thus far resisted that temptation :P
  • jwhit8791
    I would like to join Kara! BTW, I noticed that our weight goals are almost the exact same though I think that you might get there a little quicker than me. You look awesome in your before and after pics.

    My name is Jessica and I have 3 kiddos. DS#1 is 4 1/2, DS#2 is 2 and my DD is 8 weeks old. I have been fat or getting fatter for the last nine months and am tired of looking in the mirror and not liking me. To say we are busy is an understatement.
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    Karasene...I clicked on your topic & you are totally inspiring me! Our starting weight & goal weight is similiar; however, I am shorter (5' 4")! You look fantastic! My post 2nd baby weight is almost the same as your starting weight, but I was down about 10lbs before starting MFP.
    I completely understand about being a busy mother of 2! I have a husband that travels for work, sometimes for weeks at a time. Sometimes I have been too busy taking care of everyone else and not myself! But not no more! Even though I have to do my workout after the kids go to bed at 8pm, I no longer fret if I don't get my dishes done, etc.
    I also easily get frustrated that the weight is not just falling off and I have to remind took me 6 years to put it on, so it's going to take some time to take it off! Patience is a virtue!
  • DeenaSteelerGirl
    Great idea. That is me.. busy... busy.. mom of two. My oldest son will be 15 in Nov. and my youngest just turned 11 last week. My hands are full with them.. and a full time job.
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    YAY! I'm so glad you all want be a part of this group.

    I suppose I should say a little about myself also. My name is Kara and am a wife and a mother of 2, well 3 counting my step son. My son is 7 and daughter is 2, my step son is ten. I run a small daycare from home and that takes up 12 hours of my day. I also coach youth cheerleading for football and basketball. My children are also involved in sports. My husband just now works on first shift and now is home with us in the evenings and can help out instead of it being just me to hold down the fort. Which is great but now I have to deal with him eating his unhealthy food and having to cook it for him. I just put my foot down and told him he could eat what I did or he would have to cook for himself :) This has helped so much!! I am a stress and emotional eater and am learning everyday how to deal with that.

    I started last september and lost 56 lbs by may then the summer happened. I am now back on track and want to finish what I started. I have gained 17 lbs back and want to loose that and another 15 lbs to put me at 135 :) I would like to loose a total of 70 lbs with 32 lbs to go. I'm super excited for this group. It will be so nice to have women that are trying to do the same things as me, while going through the same daily struggles :)
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    We will have a weigh in every fri or sat morning. I like weighing in sat mornings because i give myself a cheat meal on saturdays but you can do either. Make sure you include your starting weight, goal weight and current weight. We will post weekly discussion topics. We can always freely talk about any problems we are having so we can support each other. I will start another thread once we see if any more want to join and then it will be a closed group. This friday will be our first weigh in posted on the new thread titled Mommy's losing it ( closed group)
  • auburngirl06
    auburngirl06 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm in :) Thanks for the group Kara!

    A little about me....My name is Crystal and I am a mommy to two little girls...9 and 4. I work full time and sit on my rump from 8-5 :( I've had issues with my weight ever since my first daughter was born. I was always an emotional eater and sometimes I do stray back to those ways but for the most part I've learned that food will not fix the problem. It's taken a looong time to figure that out! I started my journey in April 2010 and have had a few setbacks through the months but as of Monday I'm down to my last 12.5 pounds.

    My workouts thus far have been lots and lots of circuit training/cardio DVD's. My favs have been JM's 30 DS & No More Trouble Zones. I'm also a novice runner. I ran two 5K's last year and have my first 10K this Saturday! I really enjoying gives me my own time to think and be alone.

    I can't wait to make some new friends and share the struggles of being busy mom's!!!
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    I want to join, I work full time have two little ones a 2 year old and 4 year old. The support from busy moms will be great. :)
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks for starting the group, Kara! My name is Corinne and my son is 14 months. I work full-time and have struggled with "putting myself first" in terms of health ever since I was pregnant. I've come to realize that if I don't put myself first I won't be around later for my little man so it's now or never.
  • erinjoy002
    erinjoy002 Posts: 55 Member
    I would love to join!!!

    My name is Erin! I have been a single mom for 4 years, my son is almost 5. In the past 2 months I have become engaged to a wonderful man that I have known for 12 years. I will be getting married next fall and could really use this to be accountable to others as well as myself. I work full time in the mortgage field as well as part time in my home bakery ( yes I make cakes and cupcakes weekly!!!) I suffered depression last year and gained roughly 40lbs due to the death of my mother. I am trying to figure out how to channel my greif into running and working out instead of foooood!
  • sunflowertimes
    sunflowertimes Posts: 85 Member
    Well I haven't joined any groups yet but this one sounds just right. I am a 1st grade teacher and a Mom to 3 boys, age 14 months, age 4, and age 9. I have already lost almost 20 pounds and would like to lose 20 more. I work out at least 4 days a week and would like to run a 5K. I am following the Couth25K program and am on week 7. When I am not jogging I am doing Turbofire and TurboJam DVD's. I kind of have the desire to teacher group exercise classes but will not pursue a certification until I get down to my ideal weight. I live in a small town and we don't have anyone here to teach classes and lots of people are wanting it. Looking forward to your support!

    Crystal P.
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Kara, count me in! I have one 10 y/o daughter. I work full-time, and struggle with putting myself first when it comes to exercise. I could use all the support I can get.

    Thanks for starting this group!

  • JS70
    JS70 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks for starting this group Kara! Sounds perfect! I am a mother of 2 girls ages 10 and 12. I work all day watching other kids and then at night I make supper, clean up, help with homework, run girls to and from practice or watch games, and by the time I get them to bed I run out of time (and energy) to exercise. I would like to hear how other moms find time to exercise!
  • Jenners4
    Jenners4 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi... I am a mother of two (5 & 7) and would love to have some support with getting into shape. How do you join this group? Thanks
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    Hi... I am a mother of two (5 & 7) and would love to have some support with getting into shape. How do you join this group? Thanks

    You just joined :) I am just waiting to see if we get any other members to join and then i will post the link to the new thread for our group and we will weigh in this friday :)