So what do you eat on a no carb diet?



  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    You might check out some paleo dieting websites for ideas. Again, as others have posted, going absolutely NO carb for more than a couple of weeks is not healthy and, among other things, can really deprive you of important nutrients. Too many carbs, especially simple carbs like sugar, can spike your blood sugar which leads to greater insulin production, which in turn signals your body to use glucose in your blood stream as fuel, and keep the doors locked on fat. So, eating fewer carbs, and having those carbs be fruit, veggies, and whole grains, can keep your blood sugar stabilized and help your body run on fat rather than glucose. Try keeping your carbs below 200 for a week or two and see how you feel. For example, for breakfast I have a bowlful of berries with walnuts, heavy cream, and a little touch of honey each morning. For lunch I have a big salad that includes a meat of some kind, my snacks are eggs, jerky, or a protein shake, and supper is meat with vegetables. No bread, pasta or grains. I am planning on adding those things back in slowly after bit to see how my body reacts. Bottom line - try out different eating styles, beware of extremes, and listen to your body! Good luck :)
  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    Echoing others here, reducing carbs that have less nutritional value is a reaosnable approach. Substitute whole wheat for white, less sugar in your coffee or tea, simple steps really.

    I find that eating only carbs in the morning leave me hungry all day. Try having something like yogurt, eggs, or bacon to supplement the toast or cereal you can have.
    Really, making better choices about everything you eat (yes everything) will lead to a much happier and longer lasting weight loss than any serious restriction to your diet.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    My brain works better with minimal carbs. Your brain needs fat.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    I eat very low carbs. The carbs I get come from vegetables. I feel amazing. Take a look at my food diary if you are curious.

    I eat:
    tons of greens, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, olive oil, coconut milk and oil. I also eat but try to limit cheese, greek yogurt and cottage cheese.
    Full fat everything - no low fat.
    My splurge is dark chocolate a few days a week.

    I am never ever hungry!
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Never go NO carb, Low carb though can be healthy. Go to the atkins website and check out the induction food list. Atkins diet rocks!! :)

  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    My brain works better with minimal carbs. Your brain needs fat.

    It doesn't matter what I eat, my brain never works so I can eat whatever I want.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    It's practically impossible to go NO carb because just standard protein and fatty foods have atleast a few grams of carbs. Of course we have to define what exactly you mean by NO carb. Some people consider under 20g to be no carb, some think it's 0.

    Also there is alot of broscience in this thread about how eating no or low carb for a lengthy period of time is unhealthy or will end up causing weight gain or some crap like that.

    Carbs are NOT an essential macronutrient to the human body.

  • A proper diet is all about balance, and no carbs is definitely not balanced. I wouldn't do it.

    Actually no, study after study and trial after trial show a high carb low fat diet OR a low carb high fat diet is superior to a balanced diet of fats and carbs in every way in regards to weight loss.

    This is dogma not fact.

    To the OP.

    I eat

    Lots of raw vegetables
    Lots of real meat, fish and proteins
    Lots of healthy fats loaded with omega 3s such as flax, cod liver oil, coconut oil, etc....

    If that is unhealthy, shoot me now.
  • It's practically impossible to go NO carb because just standard protein and fatty foods have atleast a few grams of carbs. Of course we have to define what exactly you mean by NO carb. Some people consider under 20g to be no carb, some think it's 0.

    Also there is alot of broscience in this thread about how eating no or low carb for a lengthy period of time is unhealthy or will end up causing weight gain or some crap like that.

    Carbs are NOT an essential macronutrient to the human body.


    Well said.
  • I hadn't noticed anyone doing or advocating NO carb. Lots of us doing low carb and doing very well with it though. :happy:
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    It's practically impossible to go NO carb because just standard protein and fatty foods have atleast a few grams of carbs. Of course we have to define what exactly you mean by NO carb. Some people consider under 20g to be no carb, some think it's 0.

    Also there is alot of broscience in this thread about how eating no or low carb for a lengthy period of time is unhealthy or will end up causing weight gain or some crap like that.

    Carbs are NOT an essential macronutrient to the human body.


    What he said.

    To those that think your body "needs" carbs - your body may need glucose, which it can convert from non-carbohydrate food sources. See here:
    "Gluconeogenesis (abbreviated GNG) is a metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as lactate, glycerol, and glucogenic amino acids."
    Where do amino acids come from? Proteins.
    Where does glycerol come from? Fats.

    To the OP:
    I eat eggs, fish, fowl, meat, cheese, lots of veggies (salads almost every day!), avocados are the only fruit I eat on a regular basis. During rugby season, I would supplement with sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, but generally still kept under 100g of carbs a day on most days. I'm definitely in better shape than previous seasons, too!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I personally prefer having this discussion with my doctor as far as whether or not a particular dietary intake/focus is right for me and my unique medical situation.

    Ive been doing low-carb now for just about a month, have been seeing great results limiting the carb intake to no more than 40g/meal - 120g/day. I dont even have ALL of the daily carbs as it is. As it is, I cannot (literally) digest potatoes, rice, most pastas, white flour, bleached any type of flour as it creates an extremely high spike in insulin which has landed me in the hospital once before. I cannot digest full fat dairy, and am limited to only skim-milk cheese types, no more than one or two servings daily. Soda has been eliminated now for about 12 years, I dont like junk food or candy so thats easy.

    Having a rare metabolic disorder actually has been a 'gift' and not so much a curse. Ive been eating damn near clean now for about 20 some odd years and have been closely monitored by my team of physicians...One of which is an expert in what I am afflicted with.

    I really do think each individual has to follow what works best for THEIRSELF. If you need the advice of your physician like I do, thats the safest way to go where they know your medical history.

    If the OP is determining whether or not no carb or low carb is the way to go, only the OP is going to be able to make that determination on their own because, every person is different and what works for one person will definitely be different for the next.
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    Actually no, study after study and trial after trial show a high carb low fat diet OR a low carb high fat diet is superior to a balanced diet of fats and carbs in every way in regards to weight loss.


    Care to provide any references for this? Or are you just making things up again?
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    My doctor sent me to a dietitian back in July. She put me on a low carb diet, not no carb. I eat all kinds of meats, veggies, some fruit (I limit to one a day), and I use butter, olive oil, coconut oil and walnut oil. I also eat cheese in moderation. I don't consume grains at all of any kind. I may have some sweet potato once every couple of weeks.

    For breakfast I eat eggs scrambled in butter with onions, tomatoes, spinach, bell peppers and mushrooms. You could also add asparagus, broccoli or whatever veggies you like. I also have bacon with it. Sometimes sausage. But it varies - this morning I had beef stew I put in the crockpot last night.

    For lunch I normally eat a big salad of veggies with some form of protein - chicken, steak, ground beef, pork loin, ham/turkey and a little shredded cheese. I use walnut oil as a salad dressing.

    For dinner I have some form of protein -- steaks, chicken, pork chops, turkey, duck, liver. I add veggies with butter or olive oil. I like asparagus, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, yellow squash, zucchini, salad.

    I eat raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, pears, grapefruit and apples. I will have a serving of fruit with either breakfast or lunch if I want fruit that day.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    Why does every thread about low-carb have to turn into a debate???
  • Because it wouldn't be human to just accept what was said. If we were to accept everything we were told then we would all believe the government is doing a great job right now. It's human nature to debate. True, acceptable answers come from people discussing things back and forth. That is why it's a debate and everything in your life should and would be debated at sometime. Lo-carb, no-carb, high-carb....whatever. We're here to find answers and if people can provide them by being questioned....than this forum has done it's job! Keep debating!
    Why does every thread about low-carb have to turn into a debate???
  • hamton
    hamton Posts: 245
    Like others have said, you don't need carbs. Fats on the other hand, you do need. You'll die if you don't eat fat. So if you don't plan to eat carbs, you need to replace it with lots of fat. I'm guessing your diet should be at least 60% fat. Don't worry, you won't get fat eating fat as long as stay at a caloric deficit.

    I used to use watered down heavy cream to use as a milk replacement.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    Because it wouldn't be human to just accept what was said. If we were to accept everything we were told then we would all believe the government is doing a great job right now. It's human nature to debate. True, acceptable answers come from people discussing things back and forth. That is why it's a debate and everything in your life should and would be debated at sometime. Lo-carb, no-carb, high-carb....whatever. We're here to find answers and if people can provide them by being questioned....than this forum has done it's job! Keep debating!
    Why does every thread about low-carb have to turn into a debate???

    Fair enough......except that the OP asked HOW to pursue a no/low carb diet.....not whether or not it was a good idea.

    Anyway, it just gets frustrating when people pipe up with mis-informations like "you NEEEEEEEEED carbs!!!!" "your brain needs carbs!!!!" "you'll die without carbs" "you'll get sick without carbs" "you NEED a balanced diet" etc.

    Truth of the matter is (as many others have also posted), you do NOT need carbohydrates to function. Your brain needs glucose which does not necessarily have to come from carbohydrates.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    It’s really not total ‘no carbs’.., it’s eating the right carbs like beans & broccoli. Basically you stay away from sugars & starches.