

  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    I've had a good weekend - and am feeling confident about this week's challenge. Go Team Yellow!!!!!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I had a fantastic weekend, but not a good logging weekend. Hubby was home (wahoo!), so it seemed like a date weekend instead of a date night. Went to an opera, ate out a couple of times, walked a bunch, but not enough to account for the wine... Oh well, this is a new week and it was worth the extra work that I'm going to put in this week because of it. :)
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    So some of us had rough weeks, some a little better but i want to say GREAT JOB to everyone because i know from talking to you all that every single one of us is trying our hardest to kick *kitten* and in my mind, if you're giving it all you've got, you've already succeeded. So it's a new week and we can definitely rock it!

    I'd love to have everyone post a goal of their own for this week, no matter how small. Mine is to PUT AWAY THE SCALE UNTIL FRIDAY! I tend to weigh myself every morning just to keep track. It's not healthy for my mind (i'm recovered from anorexia but there is always a struggle, in a certain way, to keep that voice in check) or soul, corny as that sounds.

    I took some before pictures too. I've posted them below (eek! ::hides behind hands::) Letting ANYONE see these is a huge step for me. I need to learn to be ok with who I am at any weight though, so here we go :O Also, these aprticular pics are really a huge motivation because i'm wearing the bikini that i TOTALLY rocked the first time my fiancee and i spent a weekend together. I if ever ask him anything regarding my body, he always goes back to, "the way you looked in the hot tub..." :P he's amazing and loves me no matter what i look like in a bikini but it's gonna be awesome when i can blow his mind all over again!


    SO, Yellow Ladies, what is YOUR goal for this week??
  • 160poundgirl
    My goal for the week is to KEEP GOING!!!! I had a horrible weekend of stuffing my face :(:( and i did not log any of my foods because i was too ashamed to do it :(:( plus the fact that i did not step into the gym due to not feeling well (horrible cold)

    I have also lost a miserable 3 pounds in 20 days!!! so that disappointed me to- but chin up, chin up, chin up!!

    Well- guess what!! this week i will KEEP GOING, stay under my cal goals for EACH DAY out!!! I still have a cough and all i want to do in sit in bed all day but I am motivated to keep at it, keep at it and keep at it.

    goal for week is stay under cal goal and go to the gym EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    My goal for the week is to KEEP GOING!!!! I had a horrible weekend of stuffing my face :(:( and i did not log any of my foods because i was too ashamed to do it :(:( plus the fact that i did not step into the gym due to not feeling well (horrible cold)

    I have also lost a miserable 3 pounds in 20 days!!! so that disappointed me to- but chin up, chin up, chin up!!

    Well- guess what!! this week i will KEEP GOING, stay under my cal goals for EACH DAY out!!! I still have a cough and all i want to do in sit in bed all day but I am motivated to keep at it, keep at it and keep at it.

    goal for week is stay under cal goal and go to the gym EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK.

    Great goals! Proud of you for your motivation. You can do it! Don't forget to listen to your body. If you can't do EVERY night in the gym because you are not feeling well, take a walk or something to keep it moving but remember that we don't want to beat ourselves down in t his process! I know how you feel not wanting to log bad days. It's embarassing! I've found it quite empowering, though, because next time i remember that feeling and think twice before eatingn. try logging everything no matter what. get back on the horse, girl. 3 pounds is wayyyy better than nothing.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I am definitely having a rough week so far. I had lost 3 pounds (finally!), but its all come back on plus one and I have no idea why. I slept through 3 alarms this morning which is weird because I love my spinning class and have found the motivation to get up for it for over a month without any difficulty. I got 10 hours of sleep last night and I'm still feeling worn out. I hope I'm not getting sick, but at the same token, I do hope I am because this is weird and I don't like the feeling. I'm feeling discouraged and out of sorts and I'm not sure how to snap out of it. :( Willing myself to perk up does not appear to be working...
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    My goal for the week is to get past the freak out, go to the gym for the rest of the week (including either a run during lunch today or right after work), and actually watch what I eat/drink this weekend when my hubby is home, which will include at least one weekend run.
  • 160poundgirl
    I am definitely having a rough week so far. I had lost 3 pounds (finally!), but its all come back on plus one and I have no idea why. I slept through 3 alarms this morning which is weird because I love my spinning class and have found the motivation to get up for it for over a month without any difficulty. I got 10 hours of sleep last night and I'm still feeling worn out. I hope I'm not getting sick, but at the same token, I do hope I am because this is weird and I don't like the feeling. I'm feeling discouraged and out of sorts and I'm not sure how to snap out of it. :( Willing myself to perk up does not appear to be working...

    Beauty of it all is that you can look back and be proud of your self BUT only if you keep going and not lose hope. I was disappointed at 20 days and ONLY losing 3 lbs. I thought for sure i would lose 2lbs a week (not so much). But i was reading through profiles of MFPs who have been here for months to an end and guess what? they have lost 20, 30, 40, 60lbs and on and on and on and on....................... so i decided to keep at it and picture myself January 2012 thinking..................what an amazing job i did those past 3 months!!!

    So girlfriend- keep at it- those 4lbs will be gone before you know it!!! My plan too is to go to the gym EVERYDAY for the rest of the week and if i do not- i will celebrate me for the days that i have gone and for remaining honest and determined even through the storm of the feelings and the stupid pounds!!!

    You can do it!!!! am rooting for you....................
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I am definitely having a rough week so far. I had lost 3 pounds (finally!), but its all come back on plus one and I have no idea why. I slept through 3 alarms this morning which is weird because I love my spinning class and have found the motivation to get up for it for over a month without any difficulty. I got 10 hours of sleep last night and I'm still feeling worn out. I hope I'm not getting sick, but at the same token, I do hope I am because this is weird and I don't like the feeling. I'm feeling discouraged and out of sorts and I'm not sure how to snap out of it. :( Willing myself to perk up does not appear to be working...

    Beauty of it all is that you can look back and be proud of your self BUT only if you keep going and not lose hope. I was disappointed at 20 days and ONLY losing 3 lbs. I thought for sure i would lose 2lbs a week (not so much). But i was reading through profiles of MFPs who have been here for months to an end and guess what? they have lost 20, 30, 40, 60lbs and on and on and on and on....................... so i decided to keep at it and picture myself January 2012 thinking..................what an amazing job i did those past 3 months!!!

    So girlfriend- keep at it- those 4lbs will be gone before you know it!!! My plan too is to go to the gym EVERYDAY for the rest of the week and if i do not- i will celebrate me for the days that i have gone and for remaining honest and determined even through the storm of the feelings and the stupid pounds!!!

    You can do it!!!! am rooting for you....................

    We all are 100% behind you. I had the exact same type of day a few days ago. i was swinging up and down with my moods (bipolar) and i was in the WORST mood. I fought my myself and forced me to do a workout. i felt at least 95% better afterwards! On those days, just keep your head up and remind yourself that getting some exercising in isn't too hard (walk the dog, do some jumping jacks and crunches, do some heavy cleaning in the house...) and LOG THAT FOOD! We all have these rough patches- if we didn't there wouldn't be much to change. keep going girlie :flowerforyou:
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    You guys are awesome. I went to the gym this morning even though I'm still feeling off and while it wasn't nearly as good as it usually is, I think I feel a little better today. Still, I'm making an appointment with the doctor to make sure its not something else. I've had high blood pressure in the past (when I was 30 pounds lighter, go figure...) by cutting back on stress and have had anemia and what's going on now feels like a combo of the two but it came on kind of quickly, so we'll see... Hoping that its all in my head. :)
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    You guys are awesome. I went to the gym this morning even though I'm still feeling off and while it wasn't nearly as good as it usually is, I think I feel a little better today. Still, I'm making an appointment with the doctor to make sure its not something else. I've had high blood pressure in the past (when I was 30 pounds lighter, go figure...) by cutting back on stress and have had anemia and what's going on now feels like a combo of the two but it came on kind of quickly, so we'll see... Hoping that its all in my head. :)

    SO proud that you got to the gym! You don't have to give 200% if your body is telling you to only give 75% so you know what? Good for you for listening to your body AND still kicking butt and sticking to your plan. Let us know what the doc says. We're here to support whether you are losing 5 pounds per week or none. It's the journey that counts most in the end, Right? :wink:
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hey Yellow Ladies! :happy: So we're about halfway through week 3. I know some of you have been having different issues making things a little harder but I mean it when I say I'm impressed and proud to be on this team. Despite challenges, NONE of us have given up and we are all supporting each other like no one's business.

    Keep in mind guys- this whole process is not just about numbers, be it weight, inches, cals, anything. It's about learning to close the gap between mind and body; learning to love you EXACTLY the way you are while still accepting that improvements are still being made!; it's about becoming an individual who doesn't lead a life in which they are skinny and that's the biggest accomplishment. We're becoming individuals who value HEALTH over laziness. People who discover that we CAN do the things we never thought possible. Personally, i have 37 pounds to lose. Others have 10, and others have 150! It doesn't matter. I truly feel that it is all about the journey. If you keep on going, being a trail-blazer in your life instead of following the paths that others have set for us, getting to your end goal is inevitable. You ladies are amazing. Don't forget that ever!

    When you want to quit, remember to reach out to us first. We may be able to help change those thoughts :wink:

    So below is a pic of one of my tattoos. The reason I'm including it is because of what it represents- life, change, and individual growth. It is a tribute to family members and friends who have passed and who will pass. I plan to add flowers and different details for different people/situations. My point with all of this is that out of struggle and heartache and those days when you feel like you just can't go on, you can and you can choose to let something beautiful come from it. What we are doing is NOT easy, but it is attainable and something that should make us celebrate the life we have, :heart:

  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Hey girls,
    I've been reading the posts and felt the need to put this video up to hoepfully help cheer you all on. I have a had a few hard weeks these past few but it all started looking up this last weekend. Hope it helps
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Oh and my goal for this week is to lose the weight I gained last week and hopefully a little more :smile:
  • mommy2squish
    mommy2squish Posts: 126 Member
    You ladies all seem so strong in this. My personal reason for losing the weight is in the end to actually gain a little baby weight hahaha. I have a 14month old but was diagnosed with PCOS shortly after his birth. I have tried dieting and exercising before but never made it very far. You ladies along with a few of my friend that joined at the same time I did give me the motivation to eat right and keep up with my exercise. Keep it up ladies. And lets kick some booty!!!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    EMD - sadly can't see the video in the UK - but hope it inspired the rest of you! The video/youtube dimension could be useful in our quest.....

    Hope everyone is OK and feeling confident about Friday. Having let you all down two weeks in a row, I'm feeling confident about this week. Yay!!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    I just wanted to say Thank you for being part of such an awesome Team, Looking forward to Friday I peaked at the scale and I'm so close to be in the 1's again. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for Friday's weigh in. Had another tortue session with my PT, he had me riding bike for 20 minutes with only using 1 foot, harder then it sounds. On the good note I can put more weight on my foot but the stitches are driving me crazy. Hope everyone has an awesome night off to look through skinnytaste for something yummy sounding to do to my fish.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I just wanted to say Thank you for being part of such an awesome Team, Looking forward to Friday I peaked at the scale and I'm so close to be in the 1's again. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for Friday's weigh in. Had another tortue session with my PT, he had me riding bike for 20 minutes with only using 1 foot, harder then it sounds. On the good note I can put more weight on my foot but the stitches are driving me crazy. Hope everyone has an awesome night off to look through skinnytaste for something yummy sounding to do to my fish.

    I can't second this enough. Our little Yellow Team has been so great to be included in. I'm glad I was placed on this team- you ladies are awesome and inspiring.

    Let me know if you find something in particular that's really good for fish. i'm trying to make a shift towards eating a lot more seafood. I can't wait to go check out skinnytaste. i think i'm going to be printing out recipes hand-over-fist!
    Any way guys, keep it up. I am scared to see my own weight tomorrow (and excited, because i THINK i've lost a good amount. we'll see :ohwell:

    i did accomplish my goal for this week though! I made myself put the scale away (i think it was on monday) and commit to not taking it out again until our Friday weigh-in. I did it! It mocked me from it's perch on the eye level shelf in my linen closet but i mocked it right back and told it to shut up! WAY new for me. As i've recovered from anorexia, i've realized more and more that it's never going to go fully away. those thoughts are something i always will need to be aware of so i can continue leading a happy, healthy life. This type of victory is me beating the eating disorder back and back and i couldn't have done that in the not so distant past. Big victory!

    I love this community and you guys are really becoming friends. thank you for letting me into your lives :flowerforyou:
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    i admire the camaraderie!!
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi fellow yellows!

    Rough week here, too, with PMS and all. :noway: Trying to stay on track, and the inspiration here is just what I needed! :happy: