


  • shnazzy
    shnazzy Posts: 213

    OK i cant believe I am going to ask a REAL question.

    I've been on mfp for ages and on the whole eating well and getting the fitness up........

    I do have one weakness....... DRINK !

    Wine, beer, etc etc.......

    well clearly you have :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: i must admit i have still been indulging in some vino since i have been on here 10 weeks last monday :smile: :drinker:

  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    I drink wine just about every night before and with dinner. Usually only 2 - 3 glasses, but occasionally more, especially on the weekends. I'm just a few lbs from goal. But I don't splurge too much on other things like sweets or sugary drinks, and I exercise regularly. I eat a healthy diet and drink. My weight is good and heading toward great, and I have a clean bill of health from my doctor.

    I didn't give up my wine while losing weight because I have no intention of giving it up forever. I like it.

    That's what I'm talking about...cheers! :drinker:
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I am a beer drinker - not a light beer drinker, either. I love me some craft beers and usually the ones with high ABV, which usually translates to high calories.

    I log my beers - either the exact beer or I try to find one similar in the database.

    there are many days that I've gone way over because I didn't know ahead of time that I was going to be drinking a specific beer that was soooo high in calories. (The worst was one night I had a mug of Dragon's Milk and a tulip of something else I can't remember, and I realized when I got home that I had drunk over 1000 Calories in beer.) I try to be good the rest of the time.

    I have cut back on the amount I drink, though.

    I've lost 45.5lbs since Nov. 1.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Moderation is the key to everything.

    At one time Doc's recommended a glass of wine a day.

    I know of several people who have lost weight and have been able to keep it off and still drink a few times a week.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I drink wine just about every night before and with dinner. Usually only 2 - 3 glasses, but occasionally more, especially on the weekends. I'm just a few lbs from goal. But I don't splurge too much on other things like sweets or sugary drinks, and I exercise regularly. I eat a healthy diet and drink. My weight is good and heading toward great, and I have a clean bill of health from my doctor.

    I didn't give up my wine while losing weight because I have no intention of giving it up forever. I like it.

    Same here! :drinker:
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I didn't cut out alcohol when I started with MFP. I didn't even cut down on the amount I drink.

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    . . . I'm in this for life and cocktail hour is part of my life :drinker:

    This is my philosophy too. No sense in not incorporating some alcoholic beverages in with the diet right from the get go since it's a life long diet and exercise plan, and I enjoy a few drinks now and then. Just account for it in your calories and keep it in moderation. And beware of the evil tendency to want to eat too much after you've got a buzz going.
  • Cougar7279
    We all make choices.... There is absolutely nothing healthy about this. Your body is not getting the nutrients it needs and then you're poisoning it on top of that...
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    I drink beer, wine, tequila, vodka, you name it. I would flinch everytime I log in the calories for the alcohol. I'm like whoa 5 bottle of beer is 750 calories I could be eating. I have been losing wait very slowly though. As of this week, I am limiting one alcoholic drink a week. Let's see if it boost up the speed of weight loss.
  • opalw
    opalw Posts: 13 Member
    We started our diet a couple months ago. One day we planned on going out with friends we was going to drink Jagger ( sorry bad speller) anyhow I was courious how many calories it had well 1 oz had 160 calories. my shot glasses are 2 oz LOL. So i guess my advise would be if you have room for a calorie increase, I guess it would be ok. However think about it Beer bellys are pretty big :laugh:
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member

    I absolutely refuse to give up my wine, no matter how many people on this site have admonished me for it. As long as I keep my calories in check, then I will be clinking glasses! :drinker:
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I drink wine and vodka/sodas and the occasional martini and I've lost weight.. its the choices I make (And the amounts I consume) WHILE i'm drinking that kills me..... Just be careful with that.. you know after a few and everyone wants to get pizza and it seems like the best idea IN THE WOOOOOOORLD...... lol
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    I cut out drinking all together until I hit my goal...now I don't drink very often but only let myself have a drink or two if I'm out with friends or with a special meal at home. I think it really made a difference in getting on track. For me drinking was followed by poor late night food choices as well!

    Same for me. drinking=snacking which kept the weight on...
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member

    I absolutely refuse to give up my wine, no matter how many people on this site have admonished me for it. As long as I keep my calories in check, then I will be clinking glasses! :drinker:

  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Moderation and low cal mixers.
    I could drink a 12 pack of beer without blinking an eye but I keep this picture of myself at the beach in the back of my mind...bloated and hungover. Not a pretty sight.
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    We all make choices.... There is absolutely nothing healthy about this. Your body is not getting the nutrients it needs and then you're poisoning it on top of that...

    I wouldn't call a couple of drinks in moderation "poison". In fact, this info from the Mayo Clinic cites possible health benefits.

    "Moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits. It may:

    Reduce your risk of developing heart disease
    Reduce your risk of dying of a heart attack
    Possibly reduce your risk of strokes, particularly ischemic strokes
    Lower your risk of gallstones
    Possibly reduce your risk of diabetes"

    Now I would never suggest someone start drinking for any possible health benefits, because we all know that over consumption is very dangerous, and those possible benefits listed haven't been fully proven, but to call it poisoning for those who are able to consume in moderation seems extreme.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    We all make choices.... There is absolutely nothing healthy about this. Your body is not getting the nutrients it needs and then you're poisoning it on top of that...

    Wine is not poison. Neither is beer. Don't be ridiculous.
  • Carenath
    Carenath Posts: 9 Member
    Okay.. I have to chime in here, as a member of the Hash House Harriers I would have to say that you most certainly can lose weight while drinking. I know of several hashers which are in very impressive shape, and drink like a fish :) Now, of course like anything else, proper moderation applies and all that.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I drink wine just about every night before and with dinner. Usually only 2 - 3 glasses, but occasionally more, especially on the weekends. I'm just a few lbs from goal. But I don't splurge too much on other things like sweets or sugary drinks, and I exercise regularly. I eat a healthy diet and drink. My weight is good and heading toward great, and I have a clean bill of health from my doctor.

    I didn't give up my wine while losing weight because I have no intention of giving it up forever. I like it.

    That's what I'm talking about...cheers! :drinker:

    Much agreed!
  • sarahsedaii
    sarahsedaii Posts: 39 Member
    I have cut down a lot on what I drink, but I still enjoy a glass of wine two or three times a week. Does not seem to make a huge difference in my weight loss