College Girls Group?



  • newbba43
    My current weight is 218, and I would ultimately like to get to 140. I've always had trouble keeping myself motivated so I think this would be a great way to keep myself on the wagon! I've just started a workout routine today, did about 40 mins of cardio today, and plan on keeping up at least that 5 times a week, maybe making my workouts a little more interesting. But I wouls love to learn some different techniques that you all use during your workouts!
    cardio killlllls me. I love weights and strength training! (i always get weird looks at the gym for that one...) do you run/eliptical/what?
    How do you stay motivated for 40 min straight? i get bored after like 20 usually

    To be honest, I'm not really sure lol. I listen to my iPod, as i'm sure most people do. And the treadmills at the gym on my campus has tvs on them, so if something's on, i'll watch that and sometimes forget how long I've been working out. As for now, I alternate between jogging on a zero incline, then switch to a brisk paced walk on about a 5 or 6 incline. Sometimes I'll switch it up and do 30 mins on the eliptical.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    My current weight is 218, and I would ultimately like to get to 140. I've always had trouble keeping myself motivated so I think this would be a great way to keep myself on the wagon! I've just started a workout routine today, did about 40 mins of cardio today, and plan on keeping up at least that 5 times a week, maybe making my workouts a little more interesting. But I wouls love to learn some different techniques that you all use during your workouts!
    cardio killlllls me. I love weights and strength training! (i always get weird looks at the gym for that one...) do you run/eliptical/what?
    How do you stay motivated for 40 min straight? i get bored after like 20 usually

    To be honest, I'm not really sure lol. I listen to my iPod, as i'm sure most people do. And the treadmills at the gym on my campus has tvs on them, so if something's on, i'll watch that and sometimes forget how long I've been working out. As for now, I alternate between jogging on a zero incline, then switch to a brisk paced walk on about a 5 or 6 incline. Sometimes I'll switch it up and do 30 mins on the eliptical.

    I have netflix on my phone, so when I'm walking on the treadmill, I usually watch a few episodes of something and I don't even look at the time
  • cheetahcub2010
    cheetahcub2010 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 164 and 5'6" (sometimes 5'7" depends on how much sleep I get really). I got down to 145 once but then I got rejected from Vet school and got really depressed then got to 170 (eeek!) so now I'm tryng to get back on track.`
  • newbba43
    That's a great idea, in reply to the Netflix
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm in! I'm a sophomore going into elementary education. Feel free to add me! :D
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Senior, majoring in chemistry. Feel free to add.
  • jbrod19
    jbrod19 Posts: 47 Member
    yess definitely in! i'm a junior in college....feel free to add :)
  • lisaz3349
    lisaz3349 Posts: 14 Member
    I would love to join Kate!!! I am senior Food Science major
  • skinnytwin7
    skinnytwin7 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! Sophomore Pre-Law.
  • emilyc19
    emilyc19 Posts: 71 Member
    hi all! i need this! i am a junior studying exercise science:)) feel free to add me!

    I'm 5'5"ish and my highest weight was about 160. I am 142 now but am shooting for 125! :D

    I play college soccer and we are in season now for a few more weeks so that is my workout! My goal is 1 pound a week, but I am hoping to stay under calories and lose more :)
  • Breanna92
    This is exactly what I'm looking for! I'm a second year music major :)
    I don't have a scale yet but I can definatly measure myself.
    Although I am 205 right now and I want to be at 160
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    I'm a grad student in English, and you're all welcome to add me. I'm 5'3", and I had never been in a healthy BMI range until MFP (I just attributed to muscles and curves, which look even better now, btw) . I'm nearly at my goal of 130 (which was originally 135 because I thought there was no way it would happen). I prefer to play soccer, hike, and run, but I'm beginning to add in more strength training as well.
  • Recreateyourself017
    I'm a senior Marine Bio major. I'm 23, 4'11 (so short! that's half the problem!) and currently weigh 130. My goal weight is 103 lb, because I used to be that weight before I had the terrible idea to take the Depo Provera shot... I'm 3ish months off it now and going to school plus working full time, and it is making it still difficult to get back to my ideal weight! I also am hoping to work out more and get into shape as well, so I hope I can find the motivation to make time for it. Feel free to add me!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I'll moderate this group. But first I need pictures sent to me.......................I kid. Good luck ladies!
  • Abbyyyyyy
    I'll moderate this group. But first I need pictures sent to me.......................I kid. Good luck ladies!

    ^^ hahaha that made me LOL :tongue:

    Count me in ladies!! I am a sophomore Pre-med Psychology major :)

    current stats: 150 lbs
    19 years old
    want to lose like30 lbs! :)

    ADD ME!
  • wackedoutpet13
    wackedoutpet13 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm down. Feel free to add me!

    Undeclared sophomore hoping to lose 20 lbs or so.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    My goal is another 7 lb :D I want to be 115! Im 123 and 5ft3
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    General Group Info:

    This group is for any female who's in college. It doesn't matter if you're an undergrad or grad student, full or part time, or what type of school you attend.


    1) No slamming. If you have criticism about someone or something in this group, there is a way to be constructive about it.
    2) No boys
    3) You have to be a college student when you join this group. When you graduate, you become an alumnus of the group--you may still participate if you want.

    Group Structure:

    Until MFP unveils its groups feature, the group will function on this thread.

    Weigh Ins: Will be once a week, on Wednesday. (day is subject to change) When you weigh in, report your weight THAT DAY--if you were lower the day before, it doesn't matter. With your weigh in, also report the change from the week before.

    Weekly Challenges: Will start on Wednesdays of each week. There will be one nutritional challenge each week, and one fitness related challenge each week. Results of the week's challenge will be posted on Wednesday mornings.

    Monthly Challenges: Will start on the 1st of each month. There will be only one monthly challenge.

    Weekly Discussions: Will be a motivational topic, related to health and staying healthy in college and the unique challenges the college environment gives to staying healthy. These will be posted on Wednesday of each week, and are open for discussion by group members throughout the week.

    *If anyone would like to add anything to this structure, or change anything, please PM me.*
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Since today's Thursday--it will be a slightly shorter challenge/weigh in week.

    Date: 10/20/2011
    Weigh in: 159.4 lbs
    Net Difference: n/a

    Weekly Challenge:
    1) Complete your MFP diary EVERY DAY this week.
    2) Exercise once this week for longer than 30 minutes (cardio) Walking counts!

    Monthly Challenge:
    Drink (at least) 8 glasses of water every day for the rest of this month.

    Weekly Discussion Topic:
    The college schedule. Classes, activities, studying, late nights....What are your thoughts on the daily life of a college kid and do you think it promotes or discourages healthy living? What are your techniques for staying healthy as a young woman in college?
  • classyhoney
    classyhoney Posts: 75 Member
    I think this is a great idea because not everyone understands. I'm a Senior Management Information Systems major.