Water Intake

I find it hard to drink lots of water. What works best for your water intake. How do you make it a habbit of drinking lots of water during the day?


  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    I started by forcing myself to drink a big glass every morning and carrying a water bottle.
  • mynameisl
    I personally just bring water with me everywhere I go.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I use 16.9 oz bottles and I refill them, I set out 5 a day and that is all I drink. Just start slow and increase it by a cup each week until you get to were you can drink that much! or try slowly alternating water with crystal lite or unsweet tea
  • songokou_36
    I do the majority of my water drinking at work. If you have an office job or a job where you're not constantly phyisically working its easy. Every hour at work I get up to get a glass of water. So at the top of every hour I know it's time for more water and boom, there is 8 glasses a day.
  • clintondene
    clintondene Posts: 43 Member
    Yeah i love Crystal Light but I want stear clear from it cuz i think im starting to become addicted to it. lol
  • cdemoura14
    i use a camelbak and bring it with me all day. and always fill it up! i try to drink 5-7 of these a day!
  • boywonder186
    Try and aim for 2 litres a day.I have a water machine at work and find that just having those small cups makes it easy to drink alot of water.Your mind tricks you by saying that you have only had a small cup of water.I use a marker Pen and mark the cup everytime I have a cup.I generally drink a litre before lunch and a litre before I leave work in the evening.
    Hope this helps?
  • mattwoods01
    Buy a load of 2 litre bottles of water and at the start of the day take one with you wherever you go. If its always there, you will sip at it throughout the day, and you will drink it all by the end of the day, without it being a chore.

    Also when you workout, always have a bottle with you - don't rely on going back to the fountain to drink water - you will drink a lot more if its from a bottle in between sets. Personally, I always use an empty protein shaker and usually fill this up twice within a one hour weights session (an additional 1.5litres of water). However if you struggle to get 2 litres down you, start by taking your daily bottle into the gym with you.