I'm NEW here & Need Support/Friends :-)

Good Evening All,

I'm new here and I'm totally in need of some support & encouragement. My friend/co-worker told me about this site. I joined about 2wks ago but didn't log back on until 2 days. I'm amped about getting this weight off but as we all know, a huge part of being successful is the "MENTAL" portion...So if anyone feels lead, please request me as a friend so that we can all be successful together. I have 70lbs to go (I'm down 15) but I'm at a serious hault with the weight lost and can use some tips & encouragement. I want to Thank You in advance.... TTYL :-)


  • charlesalvear
    charlesalvear Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome miss Diva. I'll send you a request shortly. We're all here to help!

  • acgause
    acgause Posts: 6 Member
    Hey DD! Welcome! I too am pretty new and could use some support so lets support each other! I will figure out how to request you. lol.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    A few things that are working for me (May not work for you, just my 2 cents):
    1. Log in to MFP EVERYDAY!, never miss a day. Make it your home page
    2. Review the forums and comment on friends pages and forums to keep you mind active and thinking about it
    3. Try different approaches to find what works best for you (for me, I am having 1 meal a day .. and its great. again, I don't recommend it to everyone)
    4. Phase in 1 change in your life every week or so, Don't try to do too much all at once. little tweeks work better long term FOR ME
    5. Talk to yourself as you would your child or loved one, be a best friend to yourself.
    6. Have a Cheat day or Meal where you eat what you want.
    7. Lifting weights is easier than lifting life long burdens and self doubt
    8. If you never quit, you never lose

    Lastly ... Take it one day at a time. :)
  • I do alot of walking when it is nice out and not raining and so far that has helped and eatting fewer calories then what they gave me for an input but i am not trying to hard to lose a lot right now because i am currently pregnant but i was stuck at my weight for a long time. I think exercise and eatting right is the best way. I am only allowed to gain 15lbs my whole pregnancy so i am not trying to gain any now so instead im trying to lose some but not alot
  • Welcome! I'm new here as well (I made my account in April, but haven't used it until now). As I have found very quickly, there are tons of people here to give you, advice, tips, motivation and support!
  • mlbazemore
    mlbazemore Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome...your coworker was right to suggest MFP for you because I have met some of the most helpful and support people on this site. I wish you well on your journey and I will be sending you a friend request right away! Happy Shedding!
  • Hi DD. I am neww to this site as of last sat. So far I have found it to be very helpful. I have changes some food choices after seeing the calorie count. I am seeing results already. Good luck, you can do anything you put your mind to it. And pray for Gods help always helps me.
  • Metsfn4life
    Metsfn4life Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome! We are all here for you!
  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started in September and I've lost 16 lbs, but I have awhile to go before I reach my goal. I'm always looking for supportive people!!
  • I am new to this site also, well actually i joined last year but never kept up with it and I am trying again. I have the app on my iphone now so I believe that will be easier. I know I will need support also!! I will send a request to you and vice versa, we can support each other!! Good Luck!!
  • chubiD
    chubiD Posts: 260
    Welcome! You've come to the right place, this is an amazing site full of amazing, encouraging supporting people :)

    And I wanna say I really agree with this:
    A few things that are working for me (May not work for you, just my 2 cents):
    1. Log in to MFP EVERYDAY!, never miss a day. Make it your home page
    2. Review the forums and comment on friends pages and forums to keep you mind active and thinking about it
    3. Try different approaches to find what works best for you (for me, I am having 1 meal a day .. and its great. again, I don't recommend it to everyone)
    4. Phase in 1 change in your life every week or so, Don't try to do too much all at once. little tweeks work better long term FOR ME
    5. Talk to yourself as you would your child or loved one, be a best friend to yourself.
    6. Have a Cheat day or Meal where you eat what you want.
    7. Lifting weights is easier than lifting life long burdens and self doubt
    8. If you never quit, you never lose

    Lastly ... Take it one day at a time. :)

    Good luck and enjoy the journey!
  • Im also new... Just signed up today. Im really frustrated cause I don't know how to eat and stay satisfied and stay under my calories. I mean how does anyone do this?
  • idlose
    idlose Posts: 16
    I have been logging for 30 days now...every day....no matter what...tonight i will go over my cals because i am going to have a glass (wont go over with one) of moscato white wine, but 2 will put me over. I am on 1200 cals a day and i use the bowflex 4 times a week working diff groups. like one day is back and bi, next is abs, next is chest and tri, and last is legs...it is working for me and i have just gotten the worst case of shin splints (possible stress fracture) and im pretty bummed because i just began running. i also have about 70 lbs to go. today i logged in at 199.4 and i want to get down to about 130ish... anyhow welcome to you and good luck!!! and LOG IN DAILY...FOR REAL!
  • I'm very new here...and would love to add friends because I need all the support I can get! Count me in!
  • Thank you! I'm excited to be here!
  • Thank you. I'm glad to be here on MFP.
  • jazzcait
    jazzcait Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome, I will add you as a friend :)
  • Congrats. Children are a Blessing. Thanks for taking the time to send me some encouragement.