New kid on the weight loss block w/ some serious Rob Kardash


My name is Nicole and I tried MFP for 10 days about a month ago and then fell off the weight loss wagon... again! I have tried every diet on the face of this planet, have lost the weight and gained it back almost every single time. I have only been able to keep a total of 24 pounds off and I am now beyond obsessed with crash dieting and binging. I am also an emotional eater... I eat when I'm happy, sad, bored, annoyed, etc...

Lately, I have been having some serious issues with self control... today for example, I went to Trader Joe's and purchased a ton of "clean" (no butter, etc..) added frozen veggies, eggs, low carb tortillas, whole wheat pasta, and low carb bread, and a bag of trail mix. I came home and cooked my meat, veggies, and choice of carb; portioned it all out (2 cups veggies, 3-4 ounces of meat, and 15 grams of carbs), ate my lunch, and then within an hour of eating my lunch I got into the trail mix and ate the ENTIRE FREAKING BAG!!!!! Call me the female Rob Kardashian, because my binging is out of control!

I'm wondering if any of you are having the same issues? I could really use some support and words of wisdom to get through this. I eat well otherwise, and workout intensely at least four times a week. I know I can do this, and I'm willing to support anyone who wants and needs an extra push... if they are willing to help me in exchange.

Looking forward to hearing from you guys!




  • Binging..... I try to keep all my snacks... healthy ones & not healthy ones in zip lock snack size baggies. This helps w/ portion control. EVERYONE binges so don't feel bad! Next time divide your trail mix into small baggies & you always have WATER with your snacks! You can do it!! :):flowerforyou:
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    omg girl!! ive had the same problem! i looove food. id eat all day everyday if i ever in reality i cant. its been so bad for me that ive been up to 200 lbs! my normal weight varies in between 130 and 150. every month in the past year id go by healthy food but them wouldnt be able to stick with it. so now im at 170! im determend this time to stay foucused and get this weight off. its very difficult, but if you log on here everyday and keep track in your diary youll find it sooo much easier to stay on track! i absolutley loooove this site!
  • i hear ya! Everyone does it don't feel bad it takes a time to create new habits and break old ones dont be hard on yourself!! Because we all DO IT!!
    Feel Free to add me if you like! :smile:
  • Thanks for the wonderful tips and support, ladies! I wish you all the best in your endeavors to reach your weight loss and fitness goals!!!!
  • @FitnessCook Thanks for the novel idea, but unfortunately I have tried that and it doesn't seem to deter me :( Perhaps I'm just better off not having any "junk food" in my house for a little while? I need to get ahold of my problem before I can try to explore the territory of dividing up trail mix and other goodies for portion control. Again, I really appreciate your help!
  • chubiD
    chubiD Posts: 260
    Binging..... I try to keep all my snacks... healthy ones & not healthy ones in zip lock snack size baggies. This helps w/ portion control. EVERYONE binges so don't feel bad! Next time divide your trail mix into small baggies & you always have WATER with your snacks! You can do it!! :):flowerforyou:

    I do the same! That's working really nicely for me.

    Welcome Nicole! you can do this, just take it one day at a time :)
  • I had that issue really bad i had a good workout breakfst lunch then went downhill after that lol. now i rarely have that problem. The more healthy food s i took in and healthy recipes and snacks i learned to make like stuffed peppers healthy chicken alfredo jennie-o turkey burger wraps veggie lasagna pizza using whole wheat wrapts instead of dough etc. my body craves this stuff now and fast food, too much sugar and sodium literally makes me sick lol snacking is great put them in little baggies never eat from the bag. :)
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    One day doesn't define your overall sucess, just like 1 day of exercise doesn't make you skinny...

    few things that are working for me (May not work for you, just my 2 cents):
    1. Log in to MFP EVERYDAY!, never miss a day. Make it your home page
    2. Review the forums and comment on friends pages and forums to keep you mind active and thinking about it
    3. Try different approaches to find what works best for you (for me, I am having 1 meal a day .. and its great. again, I don't recommend it to everyone)
    4. Phase in 1 change in your life every week or so, Don't try to do too much all at once. little tweeks work better long term FOR ME
    5. Talk to yourself as you would your child or loved one, be a best friend to yourself.
    6. Have a Cheat day or Meal where you eat what you want.
    7. Lifting weights is easier than lifting life long burdens and self doubt
    8. If you never quit, you never fail

    Lastly ... Take it one day at a time. :)
  • Gottastop
    Gottastop Posts: 67 Member
    I binge eat out of boredom (watching my shows after the kids are in bed, I can kill a bag of peanut M&M's) I have found it helpful to not have the food in the house, or I have months of if it's on top of the fridge or in back of the cabinet I can forget about it & then **** happens & I will stress eat & my stress eating is worse than my boredom eating.
    I suck at portion control, we have fun size candy in the house & I'll grab a handful plus some oreos & it's always late at night.

    What I have found to help is chewing gum-- the mintier the better (makes chocolate taste like crap afterwards)
    Brushing my teeth (again chocolate tastes gross afterwards)
    Chewing a straw
    having a cup of decaf tea, some of the tea I have tastes sweet so it helps that sweet craving
    Have you heard of drinking organic apple cider with honey? I'm just starting it so I'm not sure it works or not & there are people on each side of the fence. BUT it is suppose to help with appetite control. Look up Bragg's Apple cider if you are interested. I had 8oz of water with 2tsp cider & 2tsp honey this afternoon & it killed my craving for chips & salsa, plus I was able to cook dinner without snacking
    Making a better choice (I know sounds so easy) but vanilla yogurt & berries is my go to snack when I'm craving something sweet, so maybe finding a healthier substitution
