C25K week 3



  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    My lower back was aching A LOT last night while I was trying to sleep.
    Have you tried the app 'Dood Stretch'? It has stretches for every part of the body, including the back.
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    i completed week 2 yesterday, which I posted in the other thread. Tomorrow I am meeting a friend but intend to start Week 3 in the morning, even though I am going to do an hour circuit session tomorrow night. I figure I have a full day to get over my C25K!!

    I'll let you know how I go! :wink:
  • ProudMomoftwo
    My lower back was aching A LOT last night while I was trying to sleep.
    Have you tried the app 'Dood Stretch'? It has stretches for every part of the body, including the back.

    No Russell I haven't got the techie equipment, phones and apps....but that sounds pretty cool.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Today's C25K Week 3 - day 2 run went pretty well. T
    The weather was cold but we layered up and did fine. (long sleeve shirt, mittens, a fleece pullover, ear covering, running pants, socks and running shoes)
    It sprinkled a little on us but nothing major. Just felt the occasional drop...
    The cold air really didn't bother me but my cheeks sure felt the cold.
    When we hit the door coming in from our run...I had to start peeling off the layers right away...lol....recovered well though.
    Overall I am proud of us getting out there and getting it knocked out before the rain came.
    It isn't supposed to warm up to the mid 60's again until Saturday.

    Next week, C25K week 4, is upping the running again -- EEK! I always get so nervous about this next step...
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I am doing the c25k on the treadmill and I had been doing it everyday since I started in addition to the 30 day shred. Well I did the first day of week 3 a couple of days ago and it wasn't too bad but my knees had been bothering me and then my hips started hurting recently too. When I tried to do the 2nd day of week three I could not get through it b/c of the discomfort and I just didn't feel like I had the energy to run so I just walked the rest of the time. I took today off to rest and when I start back up tomorrow I am going to just do it 3 times per week as recommended. I think I jumped in a little too fast and I need to take it down just a bit and build up more gradually. I really am enjoying the program so far though and feel great about my progress!!
  • Ilovebeagles
    Completed day 2 of week 3 today. Weather was cold, dreary and little wet, but I enjoyed it because I did not need to fuss with sunglasses. I layered up really well too, even put on some gloves.

    Based on today, I'm not sure if I'll advance to week 4 on schedule. On Friday I will try to extend the 3 minutes to 4. If I'm able to do that I'll move on to week 4, if not, then I think I'm looking at repeating this week over again.
  • jvmay1703
    jvmay1703 Posts: 42 Member
    I think I need to repeat week 2. I missed 2 days in a row and today was hard! I think I will do week two again. Is anyone else going to drop back? I don't want to be a drop out, just don't want to get into w3 and get disapointed. So far, I have made each requirement...feeling great and motivated! Don't want to be dissapointed!
  • fit4travels
    I'm feeling a tad discouraged today. I joined a gym to get some help with core strength and for the classes and so I had something to do in between the runs that was different. So the plan I got had a special going that included 6 personal training sessions. I did my first today. I had no problem with anything except that when asked what my goals were I said to run a 5K and then eventually a half marathon. I had knee surgery something like 28 years ago because (in the simplest of terms) I tore some ligaments and my knee cap fell over and then years later the back of my knee cap was messed up and had to be surgically repaired. So I tell them this and then the response to my half marathon dream was something like "I'm not saying you can't do it, but with your knee and something as high impact as running........" I don't have problems with the knee except on rare occasions and really? You couldn't just say "What a great goal!" and then tell me what exercises to do to strengthen my knees etc for running? I'm going back to not telling anyone my half marathon dream. Well, OK, I told all of you, but that's different.

    I think you should still work towards your goal!! As long as you're determined and you do it safely I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to do it. I think you should find out some exercises to perhaps strengthen your knee and go for it! Good luck, you can do it!!!!
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    Hi all

    Well, today I rescheduled a meeting with a friend just so I can fit in my W3D1 and I am so glad I did. I was quite sore this morning from my weights session, but I stretch alot and I know this has helped heaps!

    I did find the first 3 min jog okay but the second one I had to stop for a few secs to rest my legs BUT I FINISHED IT!

    Tonight I am doing a gym circuit training (ouch!) and tomorrow my weights again....so I won't be doing day 2 until Saturday! Looks like I will always be a bit behind from everyone else! :ohwell:
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    I think you should still work towards your goal!! As long as you're determined and you do it safely I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to do it. I think you should find out some exercises to perhaps strengthen your knee and go for it! Good luck, you can do it!!!!
    I agree. To coin a phrase "quitters don't win, and winners don't quit. You'll never know till you try.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Week 3 Day 3 complete, with no problems, despite the fact that I pushed ahead much faster for the last minute or so, and that last minute was uphill! Still trepidatious about next week, even though I've done it once by accident. There's gonna be a wall sometime, it's just a question of when. I'll be the most surprised if that doesn't happen, believe me!

    Blog post later, I need a shower!
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    Good job Russell! :smokin:

    Yep, keep it safe and go only as hard as you feel you can.
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm just amazed at how good this feels! It's not easy by any stretch of the imagination, and I huff and puff and sometimes chant "you can do this, you can do this" at the end of a run.... but it's doable! Week 3 finished. And today I finished 2.6 miles 4 minutes faster than a week ago. Don't scold me, I'm just continuing my cool down walk on some days. I guess my running is getting better! It's such an encouragement to read how you are all going out there and making this happen.
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    I don't do the whole 5 min cool down but continue to walk fast and then cool down after it has finished. 5 min for a cool down is a loooong time, IMO.
  • fit4travels
    All 3 runs completed!!!

    As some of you know I'm doing this in China, so I need to be careful. Especially along the river where I go for my runs as there have been quite a few cases of murders in that area (sounds lovely doesn't it!). I'm working about 50 hours a week, the only time I can go for a run is in the evening so my boyfriend has to come with me so I'm safe. It's great having a running partner but by the time we get home from work he gets settled on the sofa and puts up a massive fight every time saying he doesn't want to go and it ends up in a massive argument. So most of the time when we're running I'm so annoyed I can't enjoy it properly. And he's a fitness freak so he always runs a lot faster and complains how slow I am (he called my pace 'shockingly slow' - cheers for the encouragement!).

    But all that aside, I'm really starting to notice an improvement in my fitness which is great.

    Thank you to everyone posting on here. It's great motivation reading about your experiences!
  • fit4travels
    Completely forgot ...

  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    My missus won't go, ever, so you're one up on me Fit!!
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    hmmm, whats that saying...."stuck between a rock and a hard place"!! You need him for security but you DON'T need his attitude. Hope it gets better for you.
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    Week 3 day 3 complete and looking forward to week 4. I know my body is capable of doing more than I think, so I like the challenge. The 3rd day is definitely easier than the 1st day of each week!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    All 3 runs completed!!!

    As some of you know I'm doing this in China, so I need to be careful. Especially along the river where I go for my runs as there have been quite a few cases of murders in that area (sounds lovely doesn't it!). I'm working about 50 hours a week, the only time I can go for a run is in the evening so my boyfriend has to come with me so I'm safe. It's great having a running partner but by the time we get home from work he gets settled on the sofa and puts up a massive fight every time saying he doesn't want to go and it ends up in a massive argument. So most of the time when we're running I'm so annoyed I can't enjoy it properly. And he's a fitness freak so he always runs a lot faster and complains how slow I am (he called my pace 'shockingly slow' - cheers for the encouragement!).

    But all that aside, I'm really starting to notice an improvement in my fitness which is great.

    Thank you to everyone posting on here. It's great motivation reading about your experiences!

    Not everyone can say they are doing the C25K in C H I N A.
    I think that is amazing in itself.
    Kudos to you for getting it in even after a long day of work and in the evenings AND in a dangerous area.
    I am glad you have a running partner, reluctant as he is. It keeps you safe and that is what is important.
    Let him grouch and groan - its the right thing to do to keep you safe.
    Don't let him set your pace...
    My 'running' is more of a joggy type shuffle.
    My 10 yr old says what I am doing "isn't running" but it is more than he is doing...so HA! I told him if he could jog 3mins without stopping ...THEN he earned the right to complain or criticize but not until then. He goes along on our runs but he rides his bike. Needless to say, he stopped saying that and happily rides his bike.

    Keep pushing forward.