**CLOSED** New Year, New You Challenge: Week 2



  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    The key for us to remember in this challenge is that it's a marathon not a sprint. We will have good days and bad days and good weeks and bad weeks. This time of year...we're going to have colds that makes us feel like death. But we have 12 more weeks to go! Ok...11 1/2...but that's weeks...not days. If you stumble...get back on track. We have a huge group and the amount of motivation and encouragement just from when I have had bad days...I know we've got this!!!
  • vegasaims
    vegasaims Posts: 128
    Last week was good, the weekend was not so good, and I am back to making this week awesome! We had a huge family party on Saturday and I made so not so awesome food choices, but we only have this party once a year so I thought it would be ok. It was also a rough week emotionally for me so I figured a couple of drinks and some homemade German food would make me feel better. (It did on Saturday, but not so much on Sunday) Now that the weekend I have been dreading since May is finally over, it is time to get back to business and make things happen.
  • PinkPrettyKitty
    PinkPrettyKitty Posts: 11 Member
    The week so far has been good. Bought a new pedometer, because the one of my phone was inaccurate, and total I did 10,000 steps! Yay! 5 miles! So far for this week I am at a total of apx. 9.5 miles. 165.5 more to go! Hope everyone's else's week is going great!
  • mis47330
    mis47330 Posts: 8 Member
    I did a 54min kickboxing workout that kicked my butt =) I really like it though. I think I'm going to do it again tomorrow. I wish it would stop raining so I could run. =(
  • DimplesInProgress
    DimplesInProgress Posts: 149 Member
    How much does a good Pedometer cost? I have an app on my iPod, but that's difficult to carry on me all the time (esp. at work) I would love to have something that I can keep on me more... And where should I shop to get the best deals?
  • MidnightRadio
    MidnightRadio Posts: 56 Member
    My week so far has been going so great! Last week I had a horrible cold so I didn't get much exercise in. But so far this week I've done almost 10 miles (between the elliptical and treadmill), so I'm feeling pretty good!

    Also, I had a small NSV this week. I grabbed my fall coat from last year and it was so baggy I couldn't wear it... took out another jacket that I could never close the buttons, but now it fits fine! I really needed that pick-me-up.

    Feel free to add me as a friend (please leave a message that you're part of this challenge).

    Can't wait to get to know you all better!
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    How much does a good Pedometer cost? I have an app on my iPod, but that's difficult to carry on me all the time (esp. at work) I would love to have something that I can keep on me more... And where should I shop to get the best deals?

    Hi :smile: I got one off of ebay, but I live in the UK so not sure of price for you but it cost me £1.99 free P&P and it measures steps taken, calories, miles and km. It's tiny and fits on the edge of my pocket or on a belt. Hope this helps.....
  • DimplesInProgress
    DimplesInProgress Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks Jep!
  • PinkPrettyKitty
    PinkPrettyKitty Posts: 11 Member
    Today was a busy day at work for me and I walked 13,087 steps! Over 5 miles! Woot!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    I think the weather and weekends are the biggest struggle for people this time of year. I know it's getting chilly here now and we had a day of rain and wind. It's also flu season...and it's hard to be motivated when you're sick! We're winding down the week and the weekend is upon us. I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!

    What are everyone's plans for the weekend?

    The children and I are walking a 5k in November and they are having a rally this weekend where one of the founders' is going to get everyone geared up to do the run/walk. I get the impression from the email that he is going to walk everyone through the course...so we'll walk the 5k this weekend and then next month. Fairmount Park is gorgeous and I can't wait to go for a nice walk through it!!!

    Weigh in on Monday...let's log those miles and make great food choices!!!
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    I finally found my actual pedometer - which means no more wearing down the batteries on my iPod and then guessing what the actual steps I took were... Now I just have to go out for a big walk so I can test out how many steps this one counts so I can tell what to multiply by (I have *never* found a pedometer that actually counts all my steps - I either walk too smoothly or I shuffle, either way, I'm missing the thump that the meter counts) to get an accurate-ish count. o.o;;

    I also found a raincoat! I've been without one for years, and taking my toddler for a walk in the rain without a raincoat? That just STINKS. So now I have one, and new sneakers, and I'll be able to actually get my backside in gear! Hooray! I have to wait around today for a phone call, but once that's in, I've got grand plans for at least a 2m walk, testing out my new raincoat! So exciting!

    Got to get back in gear again. I'm tired of feeling sluggish - sick or not!
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    I may head to the beach for some miles this weekend. If not, it'll be one of the trails around. Probably both.
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    not having the best of weeks....decided to treat myself earlier on in the week....only trouble is i have continued to "treat" myself a couple more times :sad: I weighed myself this morning....I haven't gained any but haven't lost any either.....

    Going to try and start again from tomorrow and maybe...hopefully at least loose 1lb before weigh in on Monday....I guess not gaining any is something too though right?
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    Phone call came back unfavorably. So now I stress, scurry, and otherwise spend my afternoon running all over. Now it is 4p, and almost time to start dinner. So much for my walk, and so much for my good mood. I'm going to hope that this doesn't all go pear-shaped on me, and that we'll be back off on solid footing tomorrow. ^_^ Also, need to check my bus routes, so I can see if I were to take a 4m walk... would I be able to catch a bus home. XD
  • PinkPrettyKitty
    PinkPrettyKitty Posts: 11 Member
    From 6am-4:30pm today I walked 6.2miles! Now I just need to actually start exercising. XD
  • dmplz123
    dmplz123 Posts: 26 Member
    Slow to get mileage in. Can't find a battery for my pedometer- mission for tmrw. Then I will make up some miles. Where are you guys finding the mileage ticker? I want one.
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    I nabbed mine at tickerfactory.com - it lets you edit the ticker as you go so you don't have to keep remaking it. ^_^
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    hurray! my 3 hour walk yesterday worked, finally lost my first lb of the week :happy: