Joining the Military=Not a Good Reaction

So I was talking with my grandmother the other day about joining the military and lets just say they are NOT enthused about it at all. She just sat there with a disgusted look on her face and didn't say a word and continued to watch TV. So I just left it alone. I am worried that she will try to start to sabotage my weight loss so I can't join. What should I do about this??


  • Tell her that it's something you're really passionate about and why. Explain that you would really appreciate her support, even if it isn't the decision she would make.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Stay strong about your decision. Your life, not hers.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Stay strong about your decision. Your life, not hers.

    Exactly. You can do it Hon!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Stay strong and stick to your guns! I don't know how old your Grandmother is but she may just be of the opinion that women don't belong in the military. My hubby is retired Army and in his career he said some of the finest soldiers were women. They were strong, committed and just as capable as the men. Don't give up!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Reach for your goals...Although your family may not always support them, since they are YOUR goals and its YOUR body, and life you need to do what is best for YOU!!

    I actually got to a weight on purpose that if my hubby ever lost his job, and we were in dire straights, I could join the military, but I think Im too old now LOL
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Do what is right by you. Military is a good starting point for some. They might not be enthused but they will have to live with it. Determine your own path in life, or are you going to let others set that path for you.
  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    I've been in the Air Force for almost 23 years and I would recommend it to anyone. I agree with the other posters - it's your life, and you deserve to take charge of it. My mom wasn't thrilled when I joined either, but at my ten year mark she was the one who convinced me to stay in. Feel free to message me if you any questions - I have a little experience! ;-)
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    I'd probably not know what to do if someone in my family said they were going to join the military...Maybe if you talk to them again and show how educated you are about the military--and present a plan on how you're going to go about it....And also be realistic about it. When I was in HS, a friend of mine decided to drop all of his scholarship money from various schools across the country and enlist in the army--because he thought it would be a better opportunity. 4 years later, the stuff he thought going in was completely wrong--and he admits to being very unrealistic about the military. So I think if you can show them that you've really thought about this, you're not romanticizing it, and you know what it means, and how much it means to you, that would go a long way. But keep in mind a lot of people just won't like it. Are you planning on enlisting, or going to an ROTC program or an academy?
  • Don't allow them to sabotage anything! if that is what you wanna do, then do it no matter what anyone else thinks. Joining the military was the best decision i EVER made. and guess what? mom didn't want me to.....and now she knows it was the best thing i could have done.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    you know maybe its just that your grandmama is going to miss you !
  • They cannot sabotage you if its what you truly want. Have you talked to a recruiter yet? They may be willing to help you also. I've been active duty Army for 13 years and love it.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    well, as former military I say its a great thing you can do for your country.

    as the other poster said, tell her its something that YOU want to to and something that YOU feel would make YOU proud, at the same time, be sure she knows that her support would mean a lot to you.

    as for her sabotaging your fitness goals, no one can do that except for YOU.

    Good luck to you!
  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    Don't allow them to sabotage anything! if that is what you wanna do, then do it no matter what anyone else thinks. Joining the military was the best decision i EVER made. and guess what? mom didn't want me to.....and now she knows it was the best thing i could have done.

    Same here!
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    Only you can derail your goals, your the one who puts the food in your mouth and chose to exercise or not. Don't let her be your excuse.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I dont think I have it in me to join the military (cant now...too have. BUT I have so much admiration for those who do/did. Thank you all!
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    She is likly from the generation that despises the "establishment" which the military is part of. Ironically, the same generation that IS the "establishment" today.
    You may not be able to get her to change her mind, but you just have to ignore the negativity she has on the subject and tell her you love her when she starts.

    Don't give up or cave in. If sh makes a dish you can't eat remind her you are on a diet and skip it.
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    When my stepdaughter decided at 18 to join the Air Force, we were surprised as it was not the path we thought she would go down. I could not be more pleased with her decision! The opportunity is amazing and she is in France now, with a new husband and newborn baby 3 years later. Do what is in your heart and you will be surprised at the support you receive!
  • FireMama_24
    FireMama_24 Posts: 169 Member
    you know maybe its just that your grandmama is going to miss you !

    I know part of it is becuase I will not always be here and plus it has been 1.5 years since my mom passed. I think that she may think she is losing me too. I know that I can stay strong but it is hard without their support..........her support. My mom was my biggest supporter in anything and now she isn't here.
  • Make sure you do your homework. I think the military is a wonderful option, just make sure you have all your facts together and then try presenting it to her again. Does grandma know how much a college education costs? Do what is right for you but also have respect for your grandma's views. You don't have to agree with it, but you can respect it. Possibly she was just thinking how much she loves you and wouldn't want to loose you in the line of duty.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Stay strong about your decision. Your life, not hers.

    ^ What he said!

    I am former military and I can tell you that you can push yourself as far as you want in the military, forther than you ever imagined. You will amaze yourself at the things you can acomplish, you will meet some remarkable people, and you will do things others either only dream of, or things they would never dream of!

    I would recommend it if you think it is something you want to do. You should certainly talk to a recruiter, ask every question you can think of. Don't sign anything the first visit. If you dont get the answers you want at the Army (for example), go talk to a Navy recruiter, or Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard. One of them has something you want to do. When you do sign, get EVERYTHING you can in writing; your training schools, initial base locations, MOS placement, etc. And double check it, a typo on mine turned me from a medic to a radio operator! :-)

    Good luck! Hoooah!