Jillian Michaels is a joke!



  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    I did the 30DS for 30 days straight, upping my level every 10 days, and I felt GREAT afterwards. I did stay sore but I got a few inches off and I am happy with that. Everyone is different. Some people can't handle doing it 30 days or can't commit to it.
  • Actually I thought she was sued for false advertising in that a couple ladies claimed the pills did not decrease their appetite and they didn't lose any weight.

    Had not heard anything about "lethal" diet pills....sounds like an internet fabrication to me.

    What's wrong with being a capitalist?

    There are SO many ways to be a capitalist without endorsing products. I heavily doubt endorsing diet pills is even 1% of her gross income - she has numerous other avenues of income.
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I know this is old news but I just heard about it. Jillian Michaels has been sued numerous times for endorsing diet pills that have been found to have potential lethal ingredients in them. Then the company tried to hide the ingredients from consumers!

    Why is it that the people we try to look up to and that inspire us are secretcly doing devious crap behind our backs? It seems like everyone has a dark side and there are no true people out there passionately trying to help others.

    She is just like every other get rich capitalist. I'm glad that I downloaded her workout videos from a Torrent website and didn't give her any money!

    And stealing her product is better how? I'll take a "rich capitalist" over a thief any day of the week.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    first, I'm not a Jillian Michaels fan but I doubt she knew what was in the products she was endorsing. Celebrity endorsers do not create the products and are rarely given inside information about the product. They are told all of the great things about the product and then asked to endorse the product for a fee. If, as the OP suggests, the company was hiding the harmful ingredients from the public, its very likely the company was also hiding them from Michaels. I doubt an endorser would purposefully endorse a product with illegal/harmful ingredients.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    Lol, this is like blaming Ronald McDonald for selling fat-filled lard burgers that makes kids obese...

    LOL! Right?

    There is a ton of controversy when it comes to fitness instructors. No ones perfect. I don't see any harm in the JM videos, but I am firmly against taking supplements to lose weight.
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Lol, this is like blaming Ronald McDonald for selling fat-filled lard burgers that makes kids obese...

    agreed! shes helped me, so I'm ok with her. Plus I like to watch Anita on the Shred.. mhm!
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I couldn't care less what latest diet fad anyone endorses since I'm smart enough to avoid those types of products. What I care about is if their workouts are good or not. And hers are amazing! I've only had great results with them and will continue to use them, regardless.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    my yoga instructor says EVERYONE has a dark and light side. It's just a question of which one you wish to present to the world and nurture.
    We all have darkness in us - don't judge Jillian. Sure, she does bad stuff - so do you, so do I. She does good stuff too

    Amen sister, let he is without sin and all that...

    I do know her workouts work for me. I find her personally vaguely irritating, but plenty of people find me annoying I'm sure!!!
  • asauna
    asauna Posts: 8
    i agree that all diet pills are no different that get rich quick schemes. they aren't healthy for you. so she's made some extra bucks endorsing a product that she probably never used and probably doesn't know much about. but we as consumers have to be smart enough to know what to buy. if you looked up to her as trainer on The Biggest Loser Show, then by all means, follow all the advise that she gave on that show. i don't believe that she told those competitiors to use pills. we SAW how they lost their weight.
  • my yoga instructor says EVERYONE has a dark and light side. It's just a question of which one you wish to present to the world and nurture.
    We all have darkness in us - don't judge Jillian. Sure, she does bad stuff - so do you, so do I. She does good stuff too

    I like this sentiment. Thanks for a bit of light this morning!
  • suzieduh
    suzieduh Posts: 196 Member
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Lol, this is like blaming Ronald McDonald for selling fat-filled lard burgers that makes kids obese...

    agreed! shes helped me, so I'm ok with her. Plus I like to watch Anita on the Shred.. mhm!

    See, Anita is hot, but I dunno, Natalie is pretty hot too and she has some killer legs.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    In response to "where are the good people" I say two words, Richard Simmons :-)
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    Yeah, that's dumb, but it's not clear that Jillian Michaels endorsed the product(s) KNOWING that there were lethal ingredients--I just don't think she would do that.... and she's rich enough that she can be selective in the brands she endorses. I know for a fact that she has turned down offers from Subway to do ads for them because she thinks there's way too much sodium and high fructose corn syrup in the bread. I think she means well, even though she is sometimes mal-informed. She is definitely not a doctor, and people who take her advice should do their own research to back up her claims. But I do genuinely think she's trying to make America healthier.

    I totally agree with this one. I highly doubt she would knowingly poison north america! And as for you attacking her for 'doing anything for a buck' and then stealing her video... well, surely you see the irony there? It;s just that there are always so many angles to things like this and you have to try to keep an open mind and not assume the worst in people. I may be a bit biased though, im on day 5 of 30 day shred and I am loving it, she's really getting me results, as she has with thousands before me. Personally, I believe the intention of helping people to better themselves is inside of her, somewhere!
  • vick9180
    vick9180 Posts: 144 Member
    There are numerous posts with people saying they hurt themselves doing her DVDs plus she has been sued over it. She is not a trainer. Hopefully people will learn soon and stop doing her workouts.

    People hurt themselves doing any exercise DVD...not just Jillian Michaels' DVDs. The majority of people don't concentrate on their form, thus increasing their risk for injury because they do them wrong. I injured my knee doing a Gunner Peterson workout...it's a risk you take when you exercise. You can step wrong, twist wrong, push wrong, pull wrong....trip over your carpet or whatever, at any time when you start to move, but it isn't the workout DVD's fault that it happened.

    Also, she is a trainer...she's a certified trainer with the same certification that I hold through AFAA...she might have several other certs as well....that makes her a trainer, as well as any other person you would hire at your local gym.

    I'm not a Jillian Michaels fangirl, by any means, but saying things like this and presenting them as facts to a population and trying to get people to stop doing workouts where they see results just because YOU don't like her is silly.
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    Interesting topic. I have not heard this. It would be interesting to see what Jillian had to say about it. I've watched her on the doctors a couple times and she definitely seems totally against fast food and high fructose corn syrup calling them poison. I couldn't imagine her knowingly putting things in her products that would not be natural and good for people. Possibly related to this topic, I saw a clip of Doctor Oz claiming that his name has been used to endorse and promote products that he did not give permission for. They will use his picture and then people will buy the product because they think he's behind it. Anyway, interesting topic. On a side note, this is the first message board that I have seen people become a bit disrespectful and I don't care for that....... everyone is entitled to their opinion and we all need to be respectful of each other.
  • pesky_princess
    pesky_princess Posts: 4 Member
    I had a little hope that Bob Harper wouldn't have been the sell out Jillian Michaels was. But that fell by the wayside... He probably saw all that tainted money Jillian was making and decided to jump on a deal or two of his own. The Biggest Loser was originally based on diet and exercise now we know that's all BS.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    Interesting topic. I have not heard this. It would be interesting to see what Jillian had to say about it. I've watched her on the doctors a couple times and she definitely seems totally against fast food and high fructose corn syrup calling them poison. I couldn't imagine her knowingly putting things in her products that would not be natural and good for people. Possibly related to this topic, I saw a clip of Doctor Oz claiming that his name has been used to endorse and promote products that he did not give permission for. They will use his picture and then people will buy the product because they think he's behind it. Anyway, interesting topic. On a side note, this is the first message board that I have seen people become a bit disrespectful and I don't care for that....... everyone is entitled to their opinion and we all need to be respectful of each other.
    Yes maybe it was being endorsed without her approval but that is nowhere to be read in the news that I could find. She had to have allowed it somehow, or gained trust in a promoter that she shouldn't have if tht was the case. Jillian is against fast food, high sodium foods, high fructose corn syrup and is STILL endorsing diet pills. Why would she think diet pills are ok but think fast food is bad? And then endorse something that she obviously didn't look into very well since the company was hiding lethal ingedients from consumers. There are plenty of trainers who do not condone these fad diets and supplements. I too would like to see what Jillian has to say about it because that doesn't seem right.
  • tifftaffy
    tifftaffy Posts: 141 Member
    Lol, this is like blaming Ronald McDonald for selling fat-filled lard burgers that makes kids obese...

  • SAC0O3
    SAC0O3 Posts: 95
    lol the last bit you typed about the torrent cracked me up!
    I have yet to hear about her doing this, but I have seen her in fitness magazine showing some diet pill. Glad I don't take diet pills to begin with. If there is a pill that makes you lose weight while you still sit on your butt and be lazy then it probably isn't healthy anyways.
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