Team Mates wanted.....

Im still new to this program. However, it has already changed my whole take on dieting. I played college football and weighed, at my heaviest, 290lbs. I then decided to change and do what I had always dreamed of doing, Winning a Bodybuilding Competition.
Since I changed my mind in January 2009 I have lost a total of 75lbs, and entered/participated in my first Bodybuilding show two weeks ago.

I will keep going until I win. This alteration has benefited my life in many ways. HOWEVER, I know how hard it is to do it alone and know how valuable it is to work as a team. Plus, I always continue to learn..... If you are like minded and are ready for a change lets Team Up!


  • cycle_babe
    cycle_babe Posts: 10 Member
    i'm game!!! how do you want to do this?
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Count me are we doing this??
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    I'm in too. I'm planning on doing a fitness (not figure) competition and that still requires a bikini round, it won't happen until at least fall of next year for me because I have a surgery for my hernias coming up in January that I'll need to modify around to let completely heal, but I'm cutting until then and having a big rest for those few weeks, then I can start out lean and mean and eat above maintenance to make some gains the rest of the winter while still fitting my old clothes, lol. :D
  • Bear91
    Bear91 Posts: 5
    Thats awesome to hear you planned it out already. Shows your dedication.
  • Bear91
    Bear91 Posts: 5
    Simply friend everyone on this forum that way we can continually keep tabs on each other. Ill contiue to put up forums/posts each week to keep everyone on track and through out tips.

    Any suggestions? What did you have in mind?
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Friending and following works for me, we could do a weekly challenge for something physical like pull ups, push ups, etc or something, I'll let you be the boss. :D
  • keywest1964
    keywest1964 Posts: 4 Member
    I always work better when I have a goal. I not only need to lose 40lbs, I need to work on muscle strength. I work at a desk 9hrs/day and have little time for outdoor activities. I am new at MFP and may need a direction at first. I have a daughter that is a great morale booster and I'm up for a challenge!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    I think as team mates we should state our goals and comment on this thread the challenges we confront day by day to meet that given goal. And comment on each of our posts and offer advice as how to do things better. For example, what have worked for you etc etc...
  • keywest1964
    keywest1964 Posts: 4 Member
    I am ready to get started. Getting my strength and flexibility back are big on my list. I like the luvlyluv's idea.
  • Maryjaneshoes
    Maryjaneshoes Posts: 169 Member
    I'm in, really wanting to vamp up my training!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Ok...let's get started! Where is the leader???
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Ok...let's get started! Where is the leader???
  • milesgirl
    i would be interested
  • cduffrun
    cduffrun Posts: 4 Member
    I'm game. I was a college athlete too and am looking to get back in shape and build back up some of the muscle mass I lost after graduation. My BF played college ball as well and I know he'd be interested, I'll let him know about this thread (he's a member too).
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    So, what's going on with this thread? I don't get it, Where is the leader??? What are we doing here exactly????
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! Though I'm not the leader, I think having a "team" is great, as a team this week, why not say we make a challenge? Challenge starting Monday, burn 500 or more calories for 5 days next week :)
  • sw33tn3ss07
    Count me in!
  • active52
    I'm in- great picture!
  • Maryjaneshoes
    Maryjaneshoes Posts: 169 Member
    I'm in!
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Awesome, we can friends for accountability so we can see calories burned or if your a private person you can just update in the forum post stating what you did for total burns at the end of the week. Tomorrow is my rest day and then off we go Monday everyone! :D