I just did some research and found out I have drinking WAY under my recommended amount. And after a recent trip to the doctor talking about the subject believe it is true. So how much you drink? or do you have any tips on reminding yourself to drink drink drink. I mainly drink water and rearly drink anything but. But I have never been able to drink the average 2liters a day let alone the 3.5 L I should be drinking!!!


  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    Le sigh.
  • Barbj56
    Barbj56 Posts: 39 Member
    I take a bottle of water everywhere I go. Also, I dring 3 cups of water with ice during my workout each morning. NO coffee until the water is gone.
  • JennBrown83
    JennBrown83 Posts: 131 Member
    I drink a cup of coffee in the morning and if I want something flavored I'll have an herbal tea in the afternoon or evening, otherwise I drink water, I have a 16oz cup and I probably drink 5 or more of them a day, I'm definitely getting enough water. My personal trainer said that you should drink half your weight in ounces of water a day...for me that's like...A LOT!! probably close to 4L which I think would be pushing it, I spend enough time in the washroom with the water I drink now. For me I aim for 4 of my 16oz glasses and anything above that is "bonus points".
  • TonnaJai
    TonnaJai Posts: 49 Member
    I don't drink anywhere close to it I am lucky to get 2 or 3 pints in. But there is an app that reminds you to drink as well as setting an alarm to water your body which is pretty much the same. :)
  • whit1108
    I drink anywhere from 8 to 12 cups of water a day :) LOTS OF WATER!!
  • msbrowneyes85
    All i drink is water, milk occasionally been that way for alittle over 4 yrs but If I remember correctly I believe it is a half an oz per pound that you weigh I will have to double check unless someone else knows :)
  • emilyajones
    I just drink it and drink it- makes me feel better than when I used to drink coke as if it was water!!
    But also I do it before every meal to fill myself up and when Im bored and I know ill be reaching for any sort of food again!
  • Lalaskiss
    I have found the water/exercise reward works for me. Before I do anything (check FB,email,etc) grab the water and finish half before. If its not gone when ur done finish the half after. During television check your water status. Its almost like living in a safari in your head. Ive gotten to the point where I crave water.(WOW-moments that i surprise myself lol). I do the same with exercise now too, before I do....whatever I throw in some activity AND that good old H20 =)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I mostly drink tea except after my workouts, but I keep a big glass of tea on my desk at work and refill when it's empty. I don't really count how many liters or ounces I drink but I'm never thirsty.
  • mdudra
    mdudra Posts: 17
    Drink your water from a straw.. You'll be amazed at how quick the water will vanish from your cup! ;)
  • NaomiPhoto
    NaomiPhoto Posts: 17 Member
    I don't drink as much as I should, but if you use an iPhone, Waterlogged is a good app to keep track. My fiancee has to drink 1 1/2- 2 times the amount thar people normally should because of kidney problems, and he LOVES that app. He even has it programmed with the amount of water the cups in the house can hold! It can also remind you to drink more.
  • kerrylou45
    kerrylou45 Posts: 60 Member
    I have found the water/exercise reward works for me. Before I do anything (check FB,email,etc) grab the water and finish half before. If its not gone when ur done finish the half after. During television check your water status. Its almost like living in a safari in your head. Ive gotten to the point where I crave water.(WOW-moments that i surprise myself lol). I do the same with exercise now too, before I do....whatever I throw in some activity AND that good old H20 =)

    I think this might work for me! Really good idea just have to get it into my routine so it becomes "normal" Thanks heaps
  • kerrylou45
    kerrylou45 Posts: 60 Member
    I don't drink as much as I should, but if you use an iPhone, Waterlogged is a good app to keep track. My fiancee has to drink 1 1/2- 2 times the amount thar people normally should because of kidney problems, and he LOVES that app. He even has it programmed with the amount of water the cups in the house can hold! It can also remind you to drink more.

    Just installed it on my phone THANKS hope along with the other ideas I will be hydrated !!!!!
  • antimike
    antimike Posts: 24 Member
    Drinking water from a sports bottle type spout (squirt) actually helps me get my water down. The cup-type opening of some of the aluminum bottles just makes drinking seem like a chore.

    At home I have a water bottle for my bike that is 24oz which takes me all of 5 mins to do because I drink that before I leave for work in the mornings. A smaller 20oz water bottle at work is what I use and I drink that a little slower because I have to use the restroom more frequently.

    I aim at 8+ (64oz) glasses per day and with the water bottles it makes it easier.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Drink your water from a straw.. You'll be amazed at how quick the water will vanish from your cup! ;)
    Yup. Also try to buy a cute cup designated for water only, preferably one that holds a lot. I have a pink one with a built in lid and straw that holds 3 cups. I also use the "reward" thing mentioned earlier i.e. I can't have my lunch til I finish one, I fill up again before I leave work and must finish it on the way home, etc. I usually get 12-14 cups down a day.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member


    An extract from that article:
    Do you have to drink only water to stay hydrated?
    All liquids help you stay hydrated. Water is usually the best choice, because it’s free (if you’re drinking tap water) and has no sugar or calories. But most healthy people can get enough fluid through the beverages they consume every day. These can include water, fruit juices, coffee, sodas, iced tea, and other drinks.

    Experts say that it's not true that beverages that have caffeine-such as coffee, tea, and cola drinks-always dehydrate you. Healthy people who consume moderate amounts of caffeine don't lose more fluid than people who don't have any caffeine.1 A moderate amount of caffeine is about 200 to 300 milligrams a day. That's about two to four 8-ounce cups of coffee.

    You don't need water. Milk, tea, coffee, some fruits; everything counts towards your intake of water.
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    when i drink lot of h2o i have to go to pee pee a lot. i hate really hate that. ppl think i have a tiny bladder or prostate issue. :grumble:
  • dhallam357
    I know we are supposed to drink 64 oz of water each day which is eight 8 oz cups and since I tend to forget to drink my water most of the time because I would prefer something flavored.

    I have a little chart set up on my personal calendar that I carry in my purse.

    Something like this...

    | | | |
    | | | |

    And every time I drink a 16 oz bottled water I get two X's! When all 8 are filled I'm done for the day.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Just my obligatory post. No need to think you HAVE to drink neat water. If you actually enjoy it, go nuts! But don't think you have to actually drink water, because you don't. :)

    Keep fighting the good fight. :drinker: