Operation: Sexy Claus Week #5 10.17.11 *Closed Group*



  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    This is a tough question for me today. I worked a double yesterday, got 6 hours of sleep and am back at work - you'd think I would be run down and tired, but I am having an AWESOME day. Aside from the fact I didn't get to the Wii or yoga this morning, today has been AWESOME and I am going to the gym and yoga tonight, so it should be a GREAT day all in all... so I guess I feel way better then my worst ;)
  • nicole00lynn
    i dont think ive had ONE key moment, but ive had severeal times where i try to get dressed and break down because i was so dissatisfied with my body. luckily, i havent had one of these since i put my mind to working out.

    so for this week, and lately, ive been totally in a work out funk. ive been bored with my workouts and struggling to find the motivation to find new ones.. BUTTTT someone told me about this website pinterest.com, i have no idea why i didnt find it before, but it has a fitness page that is SO motivational. it also has some great quick workouts, one of which i did today, and i feel worlds better after really getting my blood pumping for the day
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Ohhh so many emotional lows. But I'd rather not dwell on them right now. I'm in a iffy emotional state right now and don't need to pull myself into a dark hole at the moment. :ohwell:

    Been on my game three days in a row (first time in a month I can say that honestly), so I'm hoping to keep it up and see a drop on Monday. :smile:
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a little behind on the posts...been a crazy couple of days! :)

    My emotional low was def back in april when I looked at my daughters birthday pictures... I was so embarassed...and didn't realize until that point how far I'd let myself go... I hated to look at myself in the mirror and I realized that at her 2 year birthday party i was still wearing maternity pants... so I vowed at that moment to make a change and difference and I did.... so compared to now... I cannot wait for her 3rd birthday in April to compare the pics...I'm not going to be at my goal weight by then but hope I'm getting close!! I am still self concious... I still am not happy with my body.... I hope I get to the day where I am.... but not even close yet... I still don't feel when I look at pictures that I'm that much smaller... It is so easy to pick out all of the flaws in the picture hah..... so I still have alot ot work on.... but I am more motivated as my stamina builds up and I am slowly getting there :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning lovelies! Happy Friday!! Well you know what time it is... HIGHS and LOWS day!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning lovelies! Happy Friday!! Well you know what time it is... HIGHS and LOWS day!

    Highs: I get to enroll my son in school today

    Lows: To be honest with you all, I have had a very emotional week this week. Not exactly sure why....but I just have and haven't really seemed to get out of that funk at all this week. It has a lot to do with my home life with my son's father and things of that nature, not too much that I want to get into on the board....but I am trying to just get it together!
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    Sorry for the double post!
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! Highs and lows day! I'm feeling amazing this morning and will have to say that my all time high this week was stepping on the scale to see 193!!! Started the week at 199.6! The 17 day diet is working wonders. I feel better all around. Low for the week is the fact that I haven't been able to work out BUT I am getting a gym membership this weekend and I can't wait. To boost this loss and do amazing things!!!! I am soo proud of myself this week for being on point with my eating. Staying right at 1200 calories and no cheats!! It had been rough because the temptation is definitely still there but every day that passes iris that much easier to pass things up. I hope everyone is doing well and has a great weekend!!!! I can't wait for Monday's weigh in!!!!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    HIGHS: i've been super motivated all week. i got in 3 great workouts so far and plan on working out today and tomorrow as well. the scale seems to be cooperating so far which is exciting! i feel like upping my protein and making sure i get close to 1200 NET calories is what my body needed. definitely feels good to see results!

    LOWS: i went over my calories yesterday. however, i've been so good all week that i'm not worried about it as long as i keep myself in check this weekend. weekends always worry me. with two good workouts this weekend though, i'm not too worried. looking forward to a great weigh-in!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Highs: I have been under my calories everyday (but one) and I am going to keep it up all weekend!!

    Lows: I have only worked out 1 time this week. I have been really good at making excuses this week. :grumble:

    I am going to get back on track this weekend.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    highs: seems like I'm getting my eating back on track! and i've had 8+ cups of water each day!
    lows: no exercise, getting sick... bummed me. :grumble:
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Highs: I've consumed approx 1200 calories give or take 20 every day this week...I'm also doing alot better water wise and the bloating is reducing

    Lows: I've only managed to work out 1X this week. Hopefully I can exercise more over the weekend to make its at least 3 times before weigh in on Monday... I'm eating at some odd times because of work so I really need to work on that
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I noticed that a lot of us feel like we're going through our lowest lows right now. I just wanted to remind us all that whatever we are experiencing, it IS only temporary. And remember, we have a CHOICE to chose how we feel. Don't let external situations have power over you, because then they control you. We often forget that WE control how we feel, and WE say what makes us happy. Choose to be happy! :heart:

    Questions I've totally be slacking on, and missing. (Sorry to be so MIA again.)

    * What is a quote or mantra you live by? Something that really keeps you going or motivates you to start!
    -- As long as you learn something (in any situation), then it was worthwhile. It's not really about motivation, per say, but it's the first thought I have when I feel like something is a waste of time.

    cms3398... I really liked your quote! I hear that all the time in inspirational books.

    * Question of the Day: What is your greatest triumph or accomplishment in your journey so far?
    -- My weight loss from last week!

    nevermorex... Fantastic job! You're an inspiration!

    * Think hard at a time where you were at your lowest emotionally.....and compare that to how you feel today?
    -- I'm still in my low, but it's a LOT higher than it used to be!! Thanks for making me realize this Krys!

    brooke... I hope things have settled between you and your fiance! You are doing amazing with the 17 DD!! I didn't get back with it today, but I hope to this weekend, when I have more time to re-group and think about how to do this through the weekdays. Just baked more chicken! YAY!

    miss_amy... Sorry to hear about your low!

    * LOW: I fell off the 17 DD a little bit.
    HIGH: I had the most AMAZING day at school today and yesterday - THE. MOST!

    Krys... Best of luck with everything going on!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Highs and Lows this week! Unfortunately more lows than highs....

    Lows: Feeling run down, scale not moving.

    Highs: Able to remind myself this is a journey not a destination and not to give up. If the scale moves then it is a bonus. I am investing in myself. A success this week.... was feeling really down and wanted to eat something really sweet to "love myself" with. Instead I chose to go for a walk with mustic blaring in my ears for half the walk. Then my battery died and I actually enjoyed to quiet and the cool fresh air.

    Let's all get it together and make this the best time of our lives. We are all working towards being healthy and making our lives better. With support we will get through this funk.
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All! Been swamped at work, at home.... can't even find the time to get online, let alone get a workout in.

    Hoping to have a much better week this week :)
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    This was a horrible week for me! Can't wait for tomorrow!!
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I noticed that a lot of us feel like we're going through our lowest lows right now. I just wanted to remind us all that whatever we are experiencing, it IS only temporary. And remember, we have a CHOICE to chose how we feel. Don't let external situations have power over you, because then they control you. We often forget that WE control how we feel, and WE say what makes us happy. Choose to be happy! :heart:

    Questions I've totally be slacking on, and missing. (Sorry to be so MIA again.)

    * What is a quote or mantra you live by? Something that really keeps you going or motivates you to start!
    -- As long as you learn something (in any situation), then it was worthwhile. It's not really about motivation, per say, but it's the first thought I have when I feel like something is a waste of time.

    cms3398... I really liked your quote! I hear that all the time in inspirational books.

    * Question of the Day: What is your greatest triumph or accomplishment in your journey so far?
    -- My weight loss from last week!

    nevermorex... Fantastic job! You're an inspiration!

    * Think hard at a time where you were at your lowest emotionally.....and compare that to how you feel today?
    -- I'm still in my low, but it's a LOT higher than it used to be!! Thanks for making me realize this Krys!

    brooke... I hope things have settled between you and your fiance! You are doing amazing with the 17 DD!! I didn't get back with it today, but I hope to this weekend, when I have more time to re-group and think about how to do this through the weekdays. Just baked more chicken! YAY!

    miss_amy... Sorry to hear about your low!

    * LOW: I fell off the 17 DD a little bit.
    HIGH: I had the most AMAZING day at school today and yesterday - THE. MOST!

    Krys... Best of luck with everything going on!


    Thank you! Things are better between my fiancé and I, not totally resolved but it's a work in progress and I can be happy with that. I have been doing my best with the 17 DD, no cheating even tho there have been many temptations. I just keep my eye on the prize! You can do it, again a quote I love by (but forgot to post for the QOTD: "nobody said it would be easy, they just said it would be worth It".

    Let's all start out week 6 with a bang!!