Feeling a bit down!

Hi everyone I've been dieting for the last 8 days and have lost a grand total of 1lb! I'm feeling a little bit down as I have been exercising and trying really hard. I've been blogging about my experience so far at


I would really appreciate a few comments to try and keep me motivated :(

Sammyanther xx


  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Patience..... It's a slow process and 1lb after 8 days is a good start.

    If you come in with the mindset that it's going to fall off overnight, you WILL fail.
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    A pound a great start! Don't get so focused on the scale. Your weight fluctuates and it's really important to measure your body. Keep track of that. It will take a little while for the changes to take effect, so don't fret after eight days.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    One pound sounds great! Life isn't "The Biggest Loser."
  • AshleeHans
    AshleeHans Posts: 12 Member
    1lb in 8 days is great!.. It takes a while for your body to adjust but once it does, it will usually come off faster.

    AND if you are drinking a lot of water (like you should be :) ) you will have extra water weight as well!
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    That's all I get, too! But 8 weeks and 8 lbs later, it's not such a bad thing :)
  • This is the first time that I have actually stuck to a weight loss program and I have been going on about 2 months now and have lost a total of 28 lbs. It is very hard and I understand your frustration. I have been trying to just go low cal. I cut out alot of sweets and sweet tea which was my weakness. I do have some tea every now and then. I really don't know about you but I have no support at home or work. There are times when I want to give up but now that I have seen some results it just keeps me going. Hang in there and you can do it. Don't give up!!!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Pegioue
    Pegioue Posts: 6 Member
    a pound is a puond thats a loss just give your body time to adjust when i followed a different plan i gained my 1st week but i kept at it and the next week i had a big loss so keep it up you can do it
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    great job on the loss!! the more time you spend on this site, and learning about losing weight the more it will become easier. its a journey so enjoy it and make sure you're measuring your food accurately and taking the stairs for a few flights. every bit counts, keep it up we're all here to help you, we're right beside you!:)
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    What you are eating, when you are eating it and how much you are working out all factors into things. 1 lb in 8 days isn't bad at all, it's a great start. Remember, your body is probably in shock over the changes you're making. Keep up the hard work and you will see the scale move. Also grab a tape measure and take your body measurements, redo them every 30 days and take a picture every 30 days (wish I had done that when I started) so you can see the progress on more than just your scale. It's a fight, as most of us will tell you but it's worth every step.
  • Next time your in the supermarket pick up a pound of butter or lard in your hand and realize that's what you've lost so far... 1lb a week is good stable weight loss... keep motivated and focused on the end result and the rest will come naturally... don't be thinking about what you need to lose, just focus on getting into a routine and increasing your excercise...
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I know how you feel. I work out hard for a couple of days, stay really low cal and I feel like I should have lost 5 lbs and a pant size lol! sadly its way easier to pack it on than it is to take it off. but if you keep going at 1lb ever 8 days you'll be at like 5lbs for the month and that'll feel pretty sweet :) keep at it!
  • Thanks for all the nice comments! I've just read so many stories about 3-5lb loss in a week and started to panic a bit in case I was doing something wrong. I totally understand that everyone is different but I think I'd built myself up for a loss of a few pounds tonight and my little heart sank when it only said -1lb :(

    I'm just going to keep on trucking :D
  • 1 pound in 8 days is awesome...If it makes you feel better Ive been eating and exercising to the T for the past 3 months and i have lost nothing and gained half a pound....ok so now i'm depressed :-(