Weight not dropping but size shrinking



  • tallp
    tallp Posts: 9
    A pound of muscle takes up less room than a pound of fat...so it looks like you are going in the right direction and feeding your body :) Did you take measurements before you started? It is amazing how looking at the change in those numbers can be a real boost in knowing things are going well! Many times the scale hasn't budged and I've been working hard and eating clean with lots of good fats and enough calories to fuel my workouts...but I'm always amazed when I look at the measurements and how much I've lost there! keep going! Start measuring if you haven't been :)

    Looks like everyone else had the same idea and posted while I was typing :) Yay for measuring!

    Thanks Cindy, sadly I didn't measure before I started. I am using a crude measure at the moment, i.e belt size on trousers and smaller shirt to give me some indication of small success. I think measuring will definitely have to be added to my weekly weighing schedule. Measuring is more hassle and you have to get it right. Stepping on the scales is quick and easy but not really telling me what I want to see!


  • tallp
    tallp Posts: 9
    Here's the funny thing about weight: if you go into space, you'd weigh 0lbs, but still look the same due to mass!!

    So as long as the mass is going down, you're good to go :bigsmile:

    (my physics teacher came up with that, its a great way to look at things!!)

    i'm in the same boat you are. My scale won't budge, but when I look in the mirror, I can tell the difference! As long as you are making the right choices and exercising, the image you see in the mirror will reflect on the scale!! so measure measure measure! good luck!!:glasses:

    Thanks Mrsmellymac.

    Like the space story too! I have to now find a measuring tape and then find the right things to measure. Any tips, I am male so that will make a difference I guess!

  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I am in the same boat. I have dropped another size, another inch in my waist, some inches off my thighs (!) and not one pound lost since March. Just this week another teacher in my building said, "I can't believe how much more you have lost since school started!" When I told her I hadn't lost anything she couldn't believe it.

    It's still frustrating as all heck, though. :grumble:
  • durhamity
    durhamity Posts: 174 Member
    Just last week my Weight Watchers leader said it is a scientific fact that you cannot lose inches and weight at the same time. I have not seen the study or any reports, but if she is correct, then this might explain your problem. Just keep doing what you are doing and the weight will catch up the inches. Good luck on your journey and don't get discouraged!
    Your Weight Watchers leader is full of it. If you lost body fat, you lose weight and inches. I'd have her print that out from the source..............................of course if she's the source....................................

    Ouch! :huh: But I will ask her about where she read that.