Yeah Me!!

Here I am ...starting out...I have never really given weight loss a real try before. I hope it's not as hard as every one makes it out to be. But first things first, I have to quit smoking and quit drinking soda.


  • noeleen22
    noeleen22 Posts: 4 Member
    welcome! I really find that logging every calorie helps with portion control. You can do it! Good luck!
  • Good job!!! The first step is the hardest one!! You got this Mommy! I love you and Im going to help support you through this like you have supported me my whole life!!!

  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Quitting smoking and soda will help a lot!
  • Welcome to MFP : )
    Good Luck!
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    Here I am ...starting out...I have never really given weight loss a real try before. I hope it's not as hard as every one makes it out to be. But first things first, I have to quit smoking and quit drinking soda.

    I hope I'm not the first to say.... CONGRATULATIONS ON QUITTING SMOKING!!!!!

    But if I am, then let it please be loud and clear about how excited I am for you! I was a solid pack-a-day-if-not-more smoker for around 13 years. I've been quit for 3 1/2 now and I KNOW how hard that is... Just doing those two things will make you feel SO much better (eventually, if it hasn't yet... just wait, I promise it gets better)... and congrats on your new beginnings with living healthy! Try not to think of it as "dieting." That word sucks. Think of it as making choices that will improve your quality of life :smile:

    Welcome, and congrats again!

  • cookc04
    cookc04 Posts: 71
    Good Luck,
    Quitting Soda is hard... suggest you have some sparkling water and lemon or lime slices around.
    Don't resort to fruit juice.

    Exercise will make you feel more empowered even on days that you fail on food, if you got the exercise in then you will feel better physically and mentally.

    two key things are
    Observing triggers and working out a plan to avoid them.
  • soda is where i had started back in HIgh School to maintain my weight and that small change made a difference. But then i had two kids and three pregnancies.. gained...alot ... lol now im back on track..GOOD LUCK
  • Welcome! Wow, quitting smoking, giving up soda, and tackling weight are ready for some changes! Congratulations, and don't worry you can do this!

    I've been on the site for about a month now and find weight loss has been easier using MFP. I have it on my phone, so can log everything I eat and drink as I go. Just logging everything helps me be very concious and aware of what I choose to spend my calories on. Seeing others success stories and providing and getting motivation and tips to/from others is a real bonus. There are lots of opinions out here and lots of great ideas. We are all different so what works best for some don't for others. You just have to hit on what works for you and don't get discouraged.