

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey friends!!! I got my new glasses!!! But they seem so much stronger wondering if there is an adjustment time. I can see alot better so I should be catching up on my work e-mails!!!! OK only a few more minutes :glasses:

    If I didn't say it before Julie - I am so happy you started this group we will make it to the end and beyond! Good job

    Loredana the weight lifter!!! You go girl! I hear you about the soy...I heard this one is more pure, but still need to read up on it and for sure it will be like everything....moderation :happy: Sounds like you had an amazing weekend!!! Don't appologize for not exercising! You and I need to realize (because we are work out dorks :tongue: ) That we will get back to it and that I bet when we miss we are still being active or making sure we take those extra steps to move it!!! Also getting a hold on the moderation thing is key for us all!

    NSV :bigsmile: I saw a friend at the store today and she said...WOW you have lost alot of weight - about 20 #???? I said no 12...but I know it's all the exercise that is giving the illusion of more!!! So I challenge you all to get to it and fit it in!!! I know how hard it is and how busy we are but it is such a great feeling to have those good sore muscles and feel more toned. It takes time I have been working out for 3 months now 5-6 times per week. You have to go one day at a time. Its sooooo worth it. If you need a nag just let me know :laugh:

    Well I will be back darling son just called and needs a ride home. I should really get to work too :grumble:
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I haven't been posting on here much I am so tired. I just feel like I can't catch up on my sleep. You all are doing awesome. I have been eating taco bell the last couple days at work but I have been trying to stay close to calorie goal. I definitely need to go grocery shopping this weekend bc my fridge is almost empty! haha Day 5 of saying NO to hot cheetos was a success. I wanted to go get some this afternoon but decided to stay strong and I am glad that I did! How are you all doing? I haven't even started on my bucket list, but I am hoping to get that done tomorrow so that we can all post our lists on the week five thread on Friday.

    Hope everyone is having a great week! Catch up with you later : )
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    You have to go one day at a time. Its sooooo worth it. If you need a nag just let me know :laugh:

    Well I will be back darling son just called and needs a ride home. I should really get to work too :grumble:

    i am hoping to get a wii soon - so please nag me then!! i need a kick up the back side! :laugh:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Claire you got it my friend!!! I can't wait for you to get your wii. I have one too, I haven't tried it out in awhile, there are probably different better work outs now. When I set mine up it was so fun until my cute little wii person recorded my weight and grew fat!!!! I only had the game that came with the wii fit board. I loved step and the balancing games. I should put a shout out for the best high intensity game out there now. Maybe Santa will bring it to me :happy:

    Julie - Great job with the cheetos!!!! You are doing great. I know how hard it is for you..small child, full time job, on your own, that's alot and really a challenge!!! Are you taking vitimins???? Maybe some vit B??? Keep eating right the best you can and a stop at the store is a great idea. Did you go to Red Rock????? We are always here for you :wink:

    Hey fit lifers!!!! Keep up the good work. Last night my husband went walking with me!!! I did alittle running too. We had the treat of both kids being home for dinner so we decided to go for our favorite, Sushi!, when we got home. We had a great time..visiting with teenagers is sometimes an adventure. But the reason I am telling this story is my son asked each of us what we want to do before we die!!!!????:laugh: Some answers were travel, rock daughter wants to stay in an ice hotel she saw on the discovery channel, my son wants to sky dive and some other things a Mom doesn't want to hear!!! It was a nice evening:bigsmile:

    Well I guess I better hit it... I have to focus at work today...but working from home..lots of computer and paperwork to complete

    Have a Great Day ~ Make Good Choices :happy:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :wink: Hey gang!!! Hope you have a good day!!! Hope all is well ~ weigh in day is coming, I think I am going to be down.... but from day to day who knows. I just have to keep Making those good choices.

    Where is everyone?????? Catch ya later :glasses:
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey you all ...

    I haven't been feeling too hot lately - just probably coming down with a cold or something.
    Trying to keep with my workouts and watch the food intake.
    NSV - one of my coworkers came to ask me what I did because I look like I have been trimming down, especially around my waist (that's what I have always lacked ... a waist :)). I strongly recommended MFP - she created an account the same day.
    Also, this past week-end I had my second photography customer - two teenagers best friends. One of the moms decided to skip the school pictures this year and pay me instead. She was so impressed with the pictures that she promised me this will be an annual thing going forward. I am so excited!!!

    I see you are all accomplishing great things this week ... tomorrow is weigh in day. I am nervous and I almost am at peace with the idea of a small gain. When your goal is to lose only 1 lbs / week, any deviation from the course can mean stagnation or even a small gain. But I rather do this than starve.

    I have a suggestion for next week ... how about we take pictures at week 5 and one more at the end of the year? Then we can post them here with before and after ...I am sure there are folks that are not comfortable putting their pictures online, and there is no pressure there ... but for the ones that are up for the challenge, why not?

    Ok kids, gotta hit the road or the keyboard - work is looming over me.

    See you guys later,

  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    Hey you all ...

    I haven't been feeling too hot lately - just probably coming down with a cold or something.
    Trying to keep with my workouts and watch the food intake.
    NSV - one of my coworkers came to ask me what I did because I look like I have been trimming down, especially around my waist (that's what I have always lacked ... a waist :)). I strongly recommended MFP - she created an account the same day.
    Also, this past week-end I had my second photography customer - two teenagers best friends. One of the moms decided to skip the school pictures this year and pay me instead. She was so impressed with the pictures that she promised me this will be an annual thing going forward. I am so excited!!!

    I see you are all accomplishing great things this week ... tomorrow is weigh in day. I am nervous and I almost am at peace with the idea of a small gain. When your goal is to lose only 1 lbs / week, any deviation from the course can mean stagnation or even a small gain. But I rather do this than starve.

    I have a suggestion for next week ... how about we take pictures at week 5 and one more at the end of the year? Then we can post them here with before and after ...I am sure there are folks that are not comfortable putting their pictures online, and there is no pressure there ... but for the ones that are up for the challenge, why not?

    Ok kids, gotta hit the road or the keyboard - work is looming over me.

    See you guys later,


    hope your feeling better soon - dont push your self to hard or it will push your recovery back. just do what your able to.

    i really like the idea of putting pics up though!

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Sorry guys, second post for the day .... I just realized as I was closing the website trying to get back to work ... I was looking at my weight loss tracker and I am at 11 lbs lost so far. 17.5 lbs will be half way through my journey ... I just have a hard time imagining that ...
    I can't imagine myself in the 150's ....
    I think this is a problem .... if I don't believe it, how will that become reality? I hate this whole doubting thing ....
    So, two things on my agenda - first, start seeing that number on the scale, just imagine the morning when I would wake up and step and see 159.5 lbs!. I know it shouldn't be about the numbers, but for me it is .... Second, with that number in mind, I need to really commit to staying more focused.
    I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!!!

    Now, really, I have to go back to work.

    See you later,

  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    I feel disconnected from the group and I have a lot on my plate so I wish you all well on your journies I'm going to stop posting!!