For those who bought the Zumba DVD's

I have been wanting to try Zumba for forever now, and have been browsing the web to try to find a dvd I could try at home. I have found them to be very expense, especially the Zumba Exhilarate DVD set that comse with the toning sticks. I wanted to know from those of you who bought it, is it worth it? My husband has given me the go ahead to buy them, but I don't know If i want to spend that kind of money unless I KNOW it will produce the results I so desperately seek. Please, any insight is welcome!


    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    it is a good workout and i think it is a lot of fun.
  • Jennis0212
    Jennis0212 Posts: 37 Member
    I am also curious about Zumba DVDs. So far the only music DVDs I have enjoyed are hip hop abs but I love Zumba classes.
  • Falling_star
    Falling_star Posts: 204 Member
    i have the zumba for the kinect xobox or u can get it for the wii have you got one of those? there good.
  • jessiecasper
    Try out Christian Zumba on YouTube - Search for mindymandy81 - she has 18 videos. I start w/ Agua Clara, David Dances and move up in intensity from there. Best part - it's FREE!!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    I bought the complete set wtih the sticks and it is still in the box. I tried it and there are some parts of the dancing that just doesn't work with my knees. I hope it works for you and others but for me I just couldn't do it.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    I bought a smaller set on Amazon dot com several months ago. You do not need that expensive set. You might find local area classes more fun though...and more motivating. Check your local Ymca/ywca. Sometimes, area church groups offer classes (so the member can work off all the stuff they pig out on at the church suppers).
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I bought it and love it. Havent done in in awhile, I swap around what I am doing. All at home. Right now I am doing nothing. :/ Monday....back at it! If you watch the instructional video, it is a HUGE help in figuring out the steps, which isnt that hard. The longer you do it the easier it is to figure out how/what to do to make it more effective. Definately a series where it totally depends on what you put into it, what you get out of it. Very fun, too! :)
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 333 Member
    I have it for the Wii and enjoy(ed) it... it is a workout... and now that I can handle the 45 min intermediate (sort off) I plan on doing the classes at my local gym once I am mobile again (off these dang crutches)

    they say you don't have to be great... do what you can and try to keep up...

    I agree try looking it up on youtube try a few moves see if you like it if you do go ahead and order it of or whatever... store prices are always exorbitant... or rent it from your local video store, or maybe even netflix? for what 8$ a month.. you can have access to a variety of workout based programing :D
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member
    thanks jessiecasper! I found her, and the workouts look great! now to only find a way to get it in my living room :ohwell:
  • wilczyczka
    I am a zumba instructor and I can guarantee you that zumba will give you results. But, if you really wanna keep going, find a class next to you. Exhillarate is a good exercise set, but soon your muscles will get used to all the songs and so, I suggest you find a class next to you, at a convenient time and give it a go. Give yourself a few weeks to get used to the style/instructor etc. Then, I promise you, you will start seeing results. But: you have to work your body girl! give all your energy to zumba and it will return with burning twice as many calories as you would in a high impact aerobics. Promise - I measured it myself time and again! it does work, but no cheating. Engage yourself.
    And one more advice. If you are not sweating after doing 2-3 songs, you are not doing zumba to your full potential, or your instructor chose very mild ones for your group (which happens). Best is to browse around for the class that suits you the most, music and style - wise. Lots of instructors do pay-as-go so you don't have to declare for a month before. And certainly it will be cheaper to test a few classes to see which one you like.
    Also, try to find zumba toning around you, this one is for sculpting your body and uses those zumba sticks you mentioned. it is very good too, my participants love it :-)

  • wilczyczka
    Hey, as a Zumba Instructor I'd like to recommend to you live classes called Zumba Gold. these are for people with joint problems etc, designed so you still get a great and joyful workout but without putting strain on your knees etc. Try to find one next to your home, you can use for finding a class of a certain type. It can even help you improve your knees state so perhaps you could move onto "classic" zumba fitness :-)
    Some Zumba Gold instructors already are introducing also Gold Toning, which is an equivalent of Zumba Toning but again, designed for people with some problems that stop them from doing "regular" exercise. It's new so you may not find it where you live, but I hope you can join Zumba Gold and enjoy all the benefits of the workout :-)

  • FitLotus
    I bought my Zumba DVDs from ebay for £27 plus £5 postage (advertised as new in its box, complete with unwrapped toning sticks). There seems to be a number of Zumba DVD box sets with sticks on ebay, both used and new. Suggest you go and have a look but don't get caught up in the bidding war - so remember your max limit! With so many on sale on ebay, I wonder if people quickly lose interest. It is a good DVD set with intro on basic dance steps; 20 mins express workout if you don't have time; 20 mins for abs, 45 mins complete workout with or without instructions, 40 mins with toning sticks and one on something else (haven't looked at that yet). I've had the set for 2 weeks and used it 6 times. Plan to use it 3 times a week. Is it worth it? For me, yes as I alternative it with my gym exercises. You will need to decide if you prefer to go to your local Zumba sessions (£3.50 - $4.50 per session), if you have space in your living room, if you have the motivation, and if you can be undisturbed for at least 20 mins at home...I have to say that it is much more fun joining a group workout but it's more convenient doing Zumba at home.