What Have I Done?!?

I have not been with it the past couple of weeks my computer crashed and since the only way I can get on here is at work I have not been logging my food. I have also started a new job and man these people love to eat there is always begals and donuts in the mornings and food for meetings. When I walk past someone with donuts on there desk they say dont walk past my desk with out grabbing a donut, I turn them down but I dont want to be the "rude new girl". Im trying to stay on track but I have gained 3 pounds just since I started here I really cant do this with out MFP. Hopefully I have my computer back by monday and I can get back on track I dont want to start over I have come so far, also my work out schedule has not been great with this new job since im working later and with longer hours.

How do you all deal with food in the work place?
I have a one hour lunch break but I live a hour from work, would it be worth it to join the gym down the street from work and just go on my lunch break I cant really go after work I need to get home to my family!

Oh and not to mention when I get to work at 9am the first thing I hear is "So whats for Lunch" seriously 9AM?!? the day beofre yesterday I went with my co-workers for MEXICAN OMG what can you eat thats mexican with out gaining 10 pounds! yesterday I turned them down when they went out for lunch and sat at my desk and ate oatmeal!


  • millionsofpeaches
    As for going out to lunch... Not only is it bad for you but it is expensive. Just say you are on a budget and pack your lunch. Or suggest a healthy less expensive option like Subway.

    As for doughnuts -- Just say no thanks and walk away... or that you really don't like doughnuts that much. Or grab one take a bite and throw it away. It seems wasteful but honestly, doughnuts are sort of gross and have zero nutritional value.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Oh you poor love - I know EXACTLY what you mean. I work on a trading floor - so we always get brokers arriving with a tray of bacon and egg rolls for breakfast, or delicious lunches, not to mention coffee, sweets and OH SO MUCH CHOCOLATE!!

    I have a different problem - I don't eat this stuff at home, but find I subconsciously grab it at work.

    So my trick? I carry my iPad EVERYWHERE and don't move from my desk without a purpose. The more quickly I move and the busier I look, the less likely people will be to stop me offeing a Krispy Kreme.

    Be strong Girl! It takes some getting used to, and saying no to food doesn't mean you won't win them over some other way.
  • lbb05
    lbb05 Posts: 14
    As for doughnuts -- Just say no thanks and walk away... or that you really don't like doughnuts that much. Or grab one take a bite and throw it away. It seems wasteful but honestly, doughnuts are sort of gross and have zero nutritional value.

    this is so true I said no thanks I try to eat healthy and dont care for them very much and he pointed at the dunkin doughnuts box and said look 0 grams of fat I kept my mouth shut but wanted to say ya but guess what all the sugar does when it hits your body.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    How are you considered rude if you don't want to eat unhealthy food with them??

    Don't worry about what they think - DO YOU!

    I feel like you need to worry about yourself and take care of yourself - because nobody else will... So just eat your healthy food - decline their greasy, unhealthy food - and stay on track.

  • millionsofpeaches
    As for doughnuts -- Just say no thanks and walk away... or that you really don't like doughnuts that much. Or grab one take a bite and throw it away. It seems wasteful but honestly, doughnuts are sort of gross and have zero nutritional value.

    this is so true I said no thanks I try to eat healthy and dont care for them very much and he pointed at the dunkin doughnuts box and said look 0 grams of fat I kept my mouth shut but wanted to say ya but guess what all the sugar does when it hits your body.

    What kind of processed crap doughnut has zero grams of fat! What a joke... I wouldn't sweat it too much you can't be the only person in the office trying to watch what they eat.
  • ablykins
    ablykins Posts: 200 Member
    Netchik- great points! It is difficult, but I'm sure you co-workers will find more to love about you than simply your food choices.

    Honestly is always a great policy in situations like this- you don't have to be judgmental, just stick to your resolve. When offered a donut- don't judge the person offering...simply smile, thank them, and let them know you are really struggling with your weight and will have to pass. It can be hard to make yourself vulnerable, but if folks can't appreciate and respect your choices, you have to let that be their issue and not bear that burden. Also, packing your lunch each day will not only help you save money, but stay on your meal plan. I've been in your shoes and it is tough, but your weight loss goals are personal and you have every right to be healthy and lean. Respect those around you and never force your choices on them, but command that same respect in return. You can do it!
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Work food is so hard to resist but think about whether you actually need it. I find that if I very cheerfully say "No thanks I'm feeling absolutely stuffed" then people are OK. It's more about your attitude than theirs! After a while they'll stop bothering you about it. Don't feel guilty either - you didn't ask for this unhealthy food!!!

  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I have a one hour lunch break but I live a hour from work, would it be worth it to join the gym down the street from work and just go on my lunch break I cant really go after work I need to get home to my family!
    Take a change of shoes and take a brisk walk (or two) around the block at lunch and then eat your lunch at your desk. If there's stairs in your building, walk up and down the stairs a few times on your breaks or also at lunch. These are a few examples of getting in exercise while at work (a lot of folks at my work do both). You could also look at using a stability ball instead of a chair at your desk to work your core and do some other exercises (also better for posture).

    I also agree with saying you're on a budget and can't eat out every day for lunch. And when it comes to donuts/bagels, just say thanks but no thanks. One way I've also heard it put was "sorry, but I didn't budget my calories to eat that and I can't afford to overdraft" lol.

    Hope this helps!
  • FrayedKnot
    Tough stark choice ahead, but it comes down to this: do you put your health behind or ahead of office relationships?
    So, if your health is more important, how do you survive at Doh-nuts Pigsville?
    Whilst you don't want to be Billie-no-mates, you have made a decision to lose weight, which is going to be nigh on impossible if you eat like your colleagues. So be cheerful, wish them well, maybe cultivate more work relationships at or after work. Hey, just think, there may be some of them that just go along because everyone else does, but secretly think exactly the same as you. You could end up setting a healthy example to them, without splitting the office!
    Good luck!
    PS Feel free to make me a friend.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    i used to go to the gym on lunch break when i worked in the office. you will feel awesome when you do that and it will totally boost your energy for the rest of the day and you wont have to feel guilty and able to spend time with your family at night!!
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    I agree... saying "oh, thanks but i've been trying to get in shape" will probably make them feel awkward and stop asking.
  • GrandmaJody
    GrandmaJody Posts: 140 Member
    When offered a donut, you could always say "Oh I would love one but I need to watch my sugar intake." Not a lie, but friendly, and should keep them from offering all of the time....just a thought anyway.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 276
    I have a similar workplace. I decline or if I don't decline, I will take thier treat and give it away to another co-worker, or take it to another person and split it with them. Everything in moderation.

    If you can afford the gym membership I would definately suggest joining because I workout during my lunch break and it gives me energy, keeps that afternoon slump from hitting me so hard that I need the sugar to keep me awake.
    Caution: It will rev up your metabolism so keep plenty of healthy snacks around so you make the best choices.
    Ask around you just might find a support system that is of the same mind and you can help each other. New job is stressfull enough, don't worry so much about being 'rude' say No...Thank you!! Emphasis on the Thank You.
  • cnelady
    cnelady Posts: 4 Member
    After awhile they will get the hint. You can still say hello and be pleasant and if they really like you they will start to bring in healthy alternatives.
    I have a co-worker that just does not like sweets so we try to bring in more savory food for them occasionally.

    I eat at home Monday-Thursday but generally go out to eat with co-workers on Friday for bonding. I just make healthy choices about what I eat.

    I hope you get your computer and life/work/food balance back on track. Keep up the good work. I wish you were my co-worker.
  • Shariegreen
    The old standby: "Oh, thanks so much, I wish I could but I'm allergic" always works. Who's going to argue with someone about a food allergy? If they inquire further tell them you have to avoid gluten or another key ingredient in whatever they're trying to pawn off on you. Usually when people are insisting that you eat something unhealthy it's so they feel better about their food choices. I worked in a dept. whose culture was very centered around food and I was carried the weight I gained from that job long after I left it. Since we're ALL temps at our jobs (nothing is forever) put yourself, your health and your happiness before their guilt trips and don't worry about what they think. Just reject their offers as graciously as you can.

    Be strong, you can do it!
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Lol....say your allergic to what's in the Donuts..bahaha...then they really won't bother you..

    Or seriously you have food allergies.. and I totally agree...about being on a budget is a great idea, as well!

    I totally understand I was burdened with tons of eating out with the boss and co-workers..Soooo hard...especially when company paid for it...and we lived on restaurant row...for goodness sakes..

    Yes and definitely other ways of making friends with co-workers..since you stated you just started working there...to them, its like a housewarming..and they are going to try and make you welcome..with what else...food items, going out, etc...you'll find your niche soon enough...don't stress, they'll understand soon enough, newbie is kinda hard.. :-/
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I read your post but I didn't read any of the answer so forgive me if I say something someone else said already. I would not want to feel like I was rude either so I would probably go along with everything BUT! The doughnuts... I would take one get to my desk and just throw it away without anyone noticing. I would still go out to eat... Hell, I DO go out to eat. Salads ask for no cheese, bacon etc.. then I will ask what kind of low calorie dressing do you have? Grilled chicken is my friend. I try to get that while going out. Mexican you say? I get the fajitas and I eat just the meat and veggies. I leave all the other stuff they typically bring out on other plates. You can do it!!! Just have to find ways around. It must be working for me. I am coming up on 70lbs lost....
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I have an hour lunch and I go to the gym then most days. It's very close to my work. I love it. I can get some weight training in and some cardio. It has become a habit now and I feel weird if I don't go. Then when you get home, your exercise is already done!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    1. Dont go to work Hungry!

    2. Eat a Good healthy Breakfast so your not tempted!

    3. Pack your own Snacks and Lunch

    Dont let them drag you down.

    When I started to get my eating on track over 7 years ago I started it while I worked in a bakery making doughnuts, breads ect.

    Make your mind up what your Goals are
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    When I walk past someone with donuts on there desk they say dont walk past my desk with out grabbing a donut

    It's one thing to bring donuts for everyone to share but to INSIST that you take one? Your co-worker is being rude... and weird. Why is he so concerned about your lack of donuts?
    he pointed at the dunkin doughnuts box and said look 0 grams of fat
    Dunkin Donuts does not claim to have 0 grams of fat. Their donuts range from 11-39 grams of fat each. Maybe the box said 0 trans-fat. I mean really? How willfully ignorant does this guy have to be to think that dough fried in oil has no fat??