Hey everyone,

I'm new to MFP and im having a serious problem with late night eating!!!
I do so good during the day then i get home from work, run and then EAT!! It's a terrible cycle and i NEED help to get out of it.
Any suggestions??

Feel free to add me as i need some motivation !


  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Try to eat a little more during the day, or a quick snack before you run. I'm sure it would be better than eating too much after.
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    I've always struggled with this...If I'm not hungry I'll just go to bed and read until I fall asleep...when it was wayyy to early to do that, I used to make a mug of hot chocolate (with water) and it would really fill me up
  • I have the same exact problem! Whats helped me is to drink more water at night when I'm hungry and to also keep myself busy. Eventually you'll stop craving food at night.
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    Do you mean you're eating your allowed calories late at night, which is fine, or that your eating additional calories late at night, which isn't?

  • After your run, try a protein shake, they will usually fill you up. And they say you should have protein after a workout.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Try eating a bigger breakfast and lunch. That helped me.
  • ShoeGal81
    ShoeGal81 Posts: 29 Member
    I understand completely!!! Night time eating is definitly my biggest challenge. I am so busy at work and then school so i don't really think too much about food and am able to keep my portions and contents under control... The moment I get home and I'm settled... i'm ready to eat everything in site...A lot of things can be a factor, not eating enough, emotional eating just try to play around with extra calories during the day and see if that helps you feel a lot more satisfied during late nights....Good Luck!!!!! :-))
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    try drinking more water..if you NEED food, try celery, or a banana..i used to be the same exact way, and it does get easier..just remind yourself WHY you are here..thats what keeps me on track still, and i have been here for 9 months
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    oh my gawd that is me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have tried to eat more during the day like the person comment on on suggested, but it does not help.

    So, what I been doing latley is eating during day but really small things, and then eating the rest later on in the day i know this is probly not good either. so i dont know!!
    If you find something that works for you let me know!!

    Im very interested in seeing what if others who have had this problem has done.
  • rebeccacline21
    rebeccacline21 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree. Have a nice, small snack before you run...something with just a little carb and a little protein. Then do yo thaaang running, girl! haha, and then once you get back, if you're still hungry, shoot for something healthy... ie. Not popcorn, chips, know the drill. It's okay to eat late, and if you do, just make sure that it is something good and healthy! -- some nice fiber from vegetables or something. Oh, and drink lotssss of water! Sometimes we think we're hungry so we eat...when in reality, we're just thirsty. So drink up! ;) As long as more good stuff goes into your body than bad, you should be making some progress. :)
    Good luck! :)
  • Oh this is me....its when i cant seem to help myself ....ive been eating less during the day and more at night xx
  • I have struggled with this for many years. I eat even when Im not hungry and get so mad at myself the next day. I do well with my diet during the day, and I excersize, but then ruin it all by eating at night.

    Some of the tricks that help me is drinking lots of water and talking psyllium husk pills. They are pure fiber, so they expand in my stomach quickly. This helps me feel full and my desire to eat dramatically decreases. Plus I get a few grams of pure healthy fiber too.

    Otherwise, I have to be aware of my triggers and try to find new activities to do. This helps me get my mind off food, since im not really hungry anyways. It doesnt always work, but everyday I keep trying. And I know I will get better at it. My usual triggers are watching TV, when Im feeling lonely, and whem Im drinking alcohol.

    If I do my best to be aware of my triggers, it helps me not eat and stay on track. But im not perfect, and this system is still hard for me to follow. But I dont give up and keep trying to everyday. Someday I will win my battle of being addicted to food and being overweight!
  • EXACTLY! I'm not even hungry when I get home and eat!!! It usually happens when im sitting in front of the TV or if im drinking as well...oh man is it ever bad when im drinking!!! I could eat almost everything in site then i wake up the next morning in complete disgust!!

    Thank you so much for your sugguestions and i hope you can get through it as i know its VERY hard!
    Keep motivated girl !! xo

    I have struggled with this for many years. I eat even when Im not hungry and get so mad at myself the next day. I do well with my diet during the day, and I excersize, but then ruin it all by eating at night.

    Some of the tricks that help me is drinking lots of water and talking psyllium husk pills. They are pure fiber, so they expand in my stomach quickly. This helps me feel full and my desire to eat dramatically decreases. Plus I get a few grams of pure healthy fiber too.

    Otherwise, I have to be aware of my triggers and try to find new activities to do. This helps me get my mind off food, since im not really hungry anyways. It doesnt always work, but everyday I keep trying. And I know I will get better at it. My usual triggers are watching TV, when Im feeling lonely, and whem Im drinking alcohol.

    If I do my best to be aware of my triggers, it helps me not eat and stay on track. But im not perfect, and this system is still hard for me to follow. But I dont give up and keep trying to everyday. Someday I will win my battle of being addicted to food and being overweight!
  • I have the same problem, though i wake up in the middle of the night and snack. Ugh i get so mad at myself for doing this! i dont ever go over my alloted cals, but its still frustrating, I wish id just stay asleep all night so i dont snack!
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    Hey everyone,

    I'm new to MFP and im having a serious problem with late night eating!!!
    I do so good during the day then i get home from work, run and then EAT!! It's a terrible cycle and i NEED help to get out of it.
    Any suggestions??

    Feel free to add me as i need some motivation !
    I have struggled with this for many years. I eat even when Im not hungry and get so mad at myself the next day. I do well with my diet during the day, and I excersize, but then ruin it all by eating at night.

    No, no no.
    It does not matter WHEN you eat.
    You need to have realistic caloric and macro limits, meaning you can't expect to lose weight by eating just 50 calories less than what you are eating now, but also not by eating 1500 calories less than you are eating now. If your BMR is 1900 calories, and you begin your nutrition adjustment at 1600 for 4 weeks, along with beginning a reasonable (and progressive) strength-training routine (NOT cardio), you will lose weight. Then, you will need to make another adjustment, wither in the number of calories you intake or the exertion of energy, i.e., heavier weights.
    Within that nutrition plan, you should have 4-6 meals, or groups of macros (protein,fat and carbs) eaten about every 2 1/2 hours. If you plateau, eat more (400 -600 calories) for a day or so to kickstart your metabolism and then adjust your nutrition down about 50-100 calories.
    Your body does not care when it gets nutrients, only that it does on a consistent basis throughout the time you are awake. Resting is the time when the body processes are working to metabolize fat stores, so a day or two of complete rest is essential as is proper spacing of strength-training intervals.
    Eating to replenish glycogen stores after intentional physical exercise (your running) is necessary and proper, so if you run after you get home from work, eat something before you go (egg whites and oatmeal) and something within a half hour after you finish (a protein drink or cottage cheese and 1/2 cup fruit). It goes against everything all the glamour magazines say, but its science and its what you need.