JUICING (Fat Sick and Nearly Dead Inspired)

Hey MFP'ers!!!

I saw the film "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and I was very inspired to do a Reboot. On the film, they do a 60 day vegetable and fruit juicing that completely changed their lives. I have NO INTENTION to do it that long, but I am planniing to do a 10 day Juicing Reboot. My juicer is arriving today!

Is there anyone else out there ABOUT TO START or JUST BEGAN a Juicing detox and would like to share stories and support???

OR Is there anyone out there that has done it and wants to share advice?


  • breezey77
    breezey77 Posts: 89 Member
    I've never done, but good luck to you!
  • Arynamber
    Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
    I just posted about started a raw and vegan diet.. also been considering juicing detox.. but a bit confused on how to begin. not even sure what kind of juicer is good and not suoer $$ I didnt see that video yet either
  • sandyw127
    sandyw127 Posts: 131 Member
    we tried it however it didnt last long. its hard. but looks easy. you need to juice at least a min of 24- 48 ozs a day and if you drink coffee and pop the with drawl is aweful. i was always hungray. and decided that i would much rather eat my veggies than drink them. the fruit wasnt too bad tho. good luck
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Yes, yes yes! We started juiceing a few weeks ago and did a weekend of it, felt great and haven't looked back. Although we both work in London so it's hard to juice for all 3 meals. We tend to juice for breakfast and dinner then have a standard meal for lunch. It helps:

    a) detract attention from our detox
    b) give us a fantastic boost - we haven't consumed this much fruit and veg for ages!
    c) my worms (in my wormery) are in a constant state of ecstacy from all the compost
    d) we're both losing weight

    Feel free to drop me a line if you have any specific questions.
  • ohsogoodfitness
    I have done one for 15 days. It really does make a difference. You will also be able to notice what foods give you issues. Your cravings may be intense. So be ware and keep a journal handy. Friends, fun, meditation are very important to do. You will then notice how much of the american life centers around eating. It's a wonderful journey. I'm actually doing it again. Not for the weight loss, but to have energy. Friend me if you like and we can support eachother.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    That video was awesome and very inspiring. We saw it a few months back and went out immediately and bought a juicer (Jack Lelaine) and a bunch of fruits and veg. Sadly.....
    We used it only twice.
    The juice was pretty tasty and filling like he said in the film. But the Juicer took so much effort to clean after use it wasnt worth the trouble (My husband and I are pretty lazy since we both work full time and excercise daily) at night trying to work that into a regular routine didnt work for us.

    Maybe had the juicer been easier to clean/use we would have done a better job at using regularly.
    Just sharing our expirience, my advice would be to make sure you get one that is easy to use!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Ha ha. I was briefly confused by the worm comment. I'm such a dork :).
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    BRB, compromising my health because of something I've seen in a thinly-veiled infomercial.

    If you see the word "detox", run far far away.

  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    I've found that cragslist is full of used juicers because most people can't stick with it. I bought mine used, used it for a week, now it sits in the cupboard. I discovered that homemade juices are not anything like the delicious "Naked" drinks you get at the supermarket. Maybe try to ease into it instead of trying to give 100% compliance at first. No doubt it's healthy, but I found myself hungry a lot.
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    Juicing is amazing! I haven't done a full detox without solid food, but I have incorporated juices into my diet and have seen the benefits. My staple juice is carrot & apple. I don't even know how to explain it, these juices taste incredible, they taste like liquid health. You drink a tiny glass and you can feel the energy and nutrients immediately coursing through your body. The only thing is, you HAVE to clean your juicer before you even let a drop of it into your mouth. Juicers can be a ***** to clean if you let the pulp dry even for a second. Good luck!
  • Bungee_tyme
    I have been having chest paines for a few months now and don't have insurance so have not seen the doctor in over a year.
    I saw the same movie. I was so inspired that I pulled out my Champion juicer and started juicing the very next day. The champion yields a lot of juice but it heats up quite a bit. To overcome this through in a couple icecubes a few times while juicing. I too bought a Jack Lalaine juicer but took it back after the first couple days. It gave me only about half the juice so I had to run the waste through my champion anyway. I got a breville juice fountain on ebay and it works great. No heat issue and it gives me almost the same yield as the champion. I juiced for only 10 days. nothing but juice. Some tasted very bad but most were pleasant. GET RECIPES BEFORE YOU START! I lost 22 pounds in the ten days. some of that was due to lack of food in my digestive track. so when I started eating solid foods again i gained about five pounds in two days. Don't be discouraged, that is coming off with the vegan diet I have adopted. The first three days were BAD. Can you say "HEADACHE"? After that it was easy. I would have done it longer but wanted to try some vegan recipes I had been reading about. Dr Fuhrman, in the movie has several books on nutrition. I was reading them at the same time and the food sounded delicios. It is!. My grand mother is turning 100 on the 29th and I will be juicing for 20 days after that. I plan on doing a longer fast after the new year.
    what ever you decide to do, Good Luck! Commit to one week. You can do anything for a week. You can always extend your goal at the end of the week. You will feel better.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Thank you very much for all of the advice!

    I actually began today was my first day! So far so good! I actually really like the juices! I have a few cravings to eat food, but its more out of habit than hunger!

    I got the Breville, it was a little more expensive (about $150 on amazon) but it works great. Its easy to clean if you do it right away after you juice!

    If anyone decides to try it, check out the movie, or wants some support, Feel free to friend me!
  • Nadigirl
    Nadigirl Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I have been having chest paines for a few months now and don't have insurance so have not seen the doctor in over a year.
    I saw the same movie. I was so inspired that I pulled out my Champion juicer and started juicing the very next day. The champion yields a lot of juice but it heats up quite a bit. To overcome this through in a couple icecubes a few times while juicing. I too bought a Jack Lalaine juicer but took it back after the first couple days. It gave me only about half the juice so I had to run the waste through my champion anyway. I got a breville juice fountain on ebay and it works great. No heat issue and it gives me almost the same yield as the champion. I juiced for only 10 days. nothing but juice. Some tasted very bad but most were pleasant. GET RECIPES BEFORE YOU START! I lost 22 pounds in the ten days. some of that was due to lack of food in my digestive track. so when I started eating solid foods again i gained about five pounds in two days. Don't be discouraged, that is coming off with the vegan diet I have adopted. The first three days were BAD. Can you say "HEADACHE"? After that it was easy. I would have done it longer but wanted to try some vegan recipes I had been reading about. Dr Fuhrman, in the movie has several books on nutrition. I was reading them at the same time and the food sounded delicios. It is!. My grand mother is turning 100 on the 29th and I will be juicing for 20 days after that. I plan on doing a longer fast after the new year.
    what ever you decide to do, Good Luck! Commit to one week. You can do anything for a week. You can always extend your goal at the end of the week. You will feel better.
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I have been following Dr. Fuhrmann's "eat to live" plan and I am enjoying it. Have made some of his recipes too.
  • Burlesque12
    Burlesque12 Posts: 177 Member
    I love juicing! The movie totally inspired me. I have had a low immune system since bearing kids & I needed to add lots of veggies that I normally dislike. Bought the juicer & cant get my hands off it now. I actually crave the juice all day now. I feel more energetic, dont crave meat as much (i love a good steak) and my digestion is better. If I can get through this next flu season, without the flu, I will attribute it to the juicing :)
    I'll be having surgery soon, so hoping that juicing will help me have a speedy recovery.
    I need motivation now to use it to lose weight...so hard to not cave in. :( Any suggestions??
    I am concerned about the amounts of sugars, but its natural from the fruit....?
    My husband & I have been juicing everyday for three weeks now.
    Its inexpensive to buy veggies at farmer markets. The cleaning isnt that bad either.
    Good luck!
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    I saw it last night and thought it was awesome. Really felt bad for Phil in the beginning! I can't believe how much weight he had lost by the end of the film, very inspiring. Most importantly, it changed his entire outlook on life - great!

    We have a juicer and hubby gets it out everyone in a while for veggie juice but we haven't used it on a regular basis. I'm not into the detoxing thing but I believe it will benefit me if I do daily glass of veggie juice in the morning and maybe one at night. Staying away from too much fruit because of the sugar but I'd like to do the veggie juice for its health benefits. It can't hurt!
  • Bungee_tyme
    Even if you don't do a juice fast you would do well to add juicing to your diet. When you cut calories on a diet you also cut nutrients. Add some back into your diet with some juicing.
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    I Have been a raw vegan for 2 years.... I juice vegetables everymoring and have done alot of juice fasting.
    in the begining I felt great....
    2 years down the track I have added Fish back into my diet as my health was suffering from a NO FAT diet.... I was very very strict... Everything was raw,organic and clean... no dressing, sauces etc. Just veggie's fruit, and some seed's I am allergic to nuts so that was a no go.
    I personally still would love to be full vegan and raw... but now i would say i'm 90% raw with the inclusion of fish and every now and again a soy protein shake.

    My blood pressure started dropping very low and i was getting chest pain... My doctor insisted on me putting some more protein and carbs back into my diet. I've managed some protein .... carbs well I still insist i get enough from my fruit and veg with out adding processed grains!

    Good luck ... If you have any question feel free to ask.
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    I Have been a raw vegan for 2 years.... I juice vegetables everymoring and have done alot of juice fasting.
    in the begining I felt great....
    2 years down the track I have added Fish back into my diet as my health was suffering from a NO FAT diet.... I was very very strict... Everything was raw,organic and clean... no dressing, sauces etc. Just veggie's fruit, and some seed's I am allergic to nuts so that was a no go.
    I personally still would love to be full vegan and raw... but now i would say i'm 90% raw with the inclusion of fish and every now and again a soy protein shake.

    My blood pressure started dropping very low and i was getting chest pain... My doctor insisted on me putting some more protein and carbs back into my diet. I've managed some protein .... carbs well I still insist i get enough from my fruit and veg with out adding processed grains!

    Good luck ... If you have any question feel free to ask.

    Oh - and after 2 weeks of adding fish back in my diet - my health has improved... blood pressure has come back up some and my skin and hair and nails have got some strength and shine back.

    I took a multitude of pills for vitamin's and minerals also.....