Frustrated! Not losing inches or weight!

I started tracking my stats again on here a few weeks ago (noticed I was back up to the 255 lb mark).

I started boxing with a trainer almost 3 months ago now; twice a week for 30 minutes, with an additional 20 minutes on the bike at the gym after. Additionally about 2 weeks ago I started doing cardio (mostly on a Precor elliptical at home) 3 times a week - 30-40 minutes on the machine. I'm generally within my calorie intake according to here (1840 not including any exercise)

However, my weight still at 252-253, and doens't seem to change. Plus my pants/waistline is still the same as well. :( Although, my wife has noticed that my upper body (arms, shoulders and upper chest), and my legs have definition again.

Any suggestions? I really want to lose the inches around my waistline more than anything else!


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    What does you diet look like? If you are eating the wrong things, you won't see a difference.
  • leahalissa
    leahalissa Posts: 88 Member
    Perhaps try messing with nutrient ratios(protein to carbs to fats)? And boxing requires a lot of muscle strength, so you may be still converting, which makes tracking fat loss harder. It's hard to reeeeeally see what's going on without access to your diary ;)
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    Just some things to try. Only count 1/2 of your exercise calories burned routine if you're tracking that here, or dropping the calorie count by 200 per day. Sometimes the calorie tracking is off either by the numbers found on the site or we think we've tracked everything but are missing some details. Do you have 'way over' and 'way under' days for calories? Trying to balance this out to an even number daily and over a few weeks, you could probably estimate most calories without entering them into the site (but surely we all should).
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Keep up the great activity and log what you're eating. Look over the food log to see if it needs tweaking.
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    Keep up the great activity and log what you're eating. Look over the food log to see if it needs tweaking.

    I would agree that usually it's the food to blame moreso than the exercise.
  • Pochart
    Pochart Posts: 14
    I think you have my same issue, I slim just like a balloon deflates... outside areas first and when they really start to look slim waist inches start to come off... I would say if you know you are doing everything right, just be patient and keep in mind Rome was not built in a single day... patience and dedication my friend! this is a long term goal...
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    How many calories are you eating a day?
    What foods are you eating?
    Are you eating back some, non or most of the calories you burn?
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    What does you diet look like? If you are eating the wrong things, you won't see a difference.

    Agreed. Sounds like you are doing well on the exercise routine, and eating the right amount of calories, but contrary to conventional wisdom, it's not just about quantity, it's also about quality.

    I'm not suggesting that you're eating junk or anything, just that maybe your body wants a different distribution of calories. I ate "right" my whole life until a doctor finally tested my metabolism and recommended that I adjust my ratios of carbs - fat - protein. Then, suddenly, I started losing weight. While eating the same amount of calories as before.

    Your body processes a sugar calorie or a carbohydrate calorie with a completely different chemical reaction than it uses for a protein calorie or a fat calorie. Some people's metabolisms are better (more efficient) at processing one kind over another. So if you don't like the results you're getting, you can try messing around with your nutrient percentages.

    I commend you for sticking with it for three months! That takes dedication and patience! So do dietary changes. Any change you make, I'd try it for a full month before deciding whether or not it's helping. Since everyone's body is different, there's no one-size-fits-all plan, it's all just trial & error. Continue keeping track, be scientific about it, and eventually you'll figure out what works for your body.

    Good luck to you!
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    It's different with everyone. If you're wanting to loose weight I suggest more cardio (at least 4 days a week). If you're trying to build muscle you may want to eat some of your exercise calories back. Drink A gallon of water a day.

    You may be building muscle (which weighs more than fat), and that may be why the scale isn't changing. If you are SEEING change then that is a good sign. :-) Don't be discouraged b/c the scale and inches aren't saying much of anything. They will change. Keep up the hard work.

    And show your Diary! LOL! Nutrition is KEY to weight loss. "You can't outrun a poor diet."

    Thanks for sharing,

  • kharano
    Two ideas - 1. If you've lost weight since you started, you may need to reset your daily calories. It will reset automatially if you go to "settings"(upper right), and ask it to automatically reset. I've been at the same weight for weeks, just learned this today. It dropped me 50 calories/day for goal. Hoping this works.

    2. I have always been a "no waist, barrel chested" kind of girl. A month ago, I started a pilates class once a week. It's floor work at the gym, but it's a KILLER. I've lost several inches, have had to buy a smaller size pants (withOUT losing lbs) all because of this class. It looks so easy to do, but you can't believe how difficult it really is. After weeks of the class, I'm only just starting to be able to hold my body properly to do the exercises.

    Hope this helps!
  • smpearce13
    smpearce13 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for all the comments and positive motivation. :) I opened up my food diary (was only set to friends).

    I guess the frustrating thing is - that I had started with this site earlier in the summer (April/May) and had lost about 10 lbs (went from 253 to 242), and my routine isn't much different (well the boxing is new). I am eating back the calories I work out though, so maybe that's the biggest thing I need to avoid (thanks Promqueen for mentioning how that can build muscle!)
  • casbar911
    casbar911 Posts: 61 Member
    took a lot at your diary- some suggestions (to try to help of course)
    Looks like a lot of Sodium and Carbs - sodium can make you retain water weight - looks like your carbs are really high and you protien is very low- (protien will fill you up more) I would suggest if you are going to have the carbs to limit them to whole grain..not as many "starchy" white processed ones.
    You should try to reduce the diet coke as well.. and drink more water.
    I know we dont want to deprive ourselves of things but you may want to re think your snacks..... maybe have the cheeze it and ice cream only once or twice a week and fill up your alloted calories with other things...
    Hope this helps.... I had to go to a dietician and man did she open my eyes to the fact that yes I was eating under my calories but I not eating healthy foods
    saw her for the first time 4 weeks ago and I am already down 11 lbs....

    Dont give up.... baby steps! you will find what works for you.
    Good luck

    *edit* I track on Spark people so that why my diary is empty- Dietician wanted me on that one so she can log in and see my trackers*
  • smpearce13
    smpearce13 Posts: 32 Member
    Yeah I need to change my habits for eating some. I was afraid of that. That and eating back all my burned calories are what's keeping me stable (so to speak). I used to just eat my daily calories (not counting any burned) and that's how I was losing a few years ago.

    Thanks for all the support!