Multivitamins increases appetite



  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    A study was just released that indicates a higher rate of death among women who take multivitamins. I think you're better off just trying to get the proper nutrients from diet. Though I do take Vitamin D for a deficiency.

    Can you please cite the study?

    That article basically says that the study is inconclusive, that more research is needed.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Here it is if you have access:

    And this was in older women, mean age of 62.
  • lillysmidnite
    Yeah there is a lot of crap in those vitamins....i take Kirkman's everyday (order online) and they do not make me sick (and there are so many things that trigger me!)-they are recommended by my nutritionist for me and my kids.
    Of course what was said about eating whole, nutritious foods is spot on. These are great message boards with so many knowlegdeable people!
    Good luck!
  • SPheonix22
    SPheonix22 Posts: 90 Member
    This happened to me. B vitamins. Once your body starts getting something it was lacking it will say MORE PLEASE. Keep taking them enventually youlll get everything you need and it will calm down.
  • nilroctarp
    Check out the recent wave of scientific studies that call into question the effectiveness of vitamins. They have caused me to rethink even taking them anymore. NPR did a piece on the studies earlier this week.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    I just like the picture.

    Seriously though, your weight may have changed that way regardless of the multivitamins.

    A word of advice to any and all, PLEASE dont follow the cycle of the moon to see if it makes a difference in weight loss !!!
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Actually, I found that on days that I took vitamins, I ate less. Hmm, it must be all psychological!
  • Avispa05
    Short advise....don't listen to co workers..just kidding. Iron had increased my appetite but I would say to see your physician or a nutritionist and he or she should be able to give you answers, it is important to know which vitamins your body might need and which are already fine balanced in your body, maybe you just need a combination of certain vitamins.:happy:
  • rymea
    rymea Posts: 16 Member
    Yes. I am stuffing food in my mouth all day when I take vitamins. I've Googled it and lots of people say the same thing. That's how i came to this page. see these comments
  • muffinsog
    muffinsog Posts: 1
    I to have increased appetite when I take most vitamins. I switched brands. One that is a bit costly but no increased appetite.
  • earth_echo
    earth_echo Posts: 133 Member
    Many vitamins have fillers, weird stuff used for binding, color, etc. I used to take One A Day, but they made me so headachy that I had to stop taking them. Shop around. Look for vitamins that are as "free" as possible (no artificial colors, no yeast, no nuts, no dairy, no sugar, etc.). Freeda Vitamins are excellent. There are probably many more. That's just the one company I've used.
  • Bdball378
    Bdball378 Posts: 2
    I started taking One A Day 50+ and I noticed a significant increase in my appetite.
  • Bdball378
    Bdball378 Posts: 2
    I started taking One A Day 50+ vitamins and I noticed a significant increase in my appetite.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    Multi vitamins taken without food can make me nauseous (I'm wimpy) but nope never noticed any difference in hunger.
  • Flutterloo
    Flutterloo Posts: 122 Member
    I take a multivitamin everyday. I have never noticed an increase in appetite.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I notice the opposite. Perhaps having heard that info, there is a plecebo effect?
  • nbj1
    nbj1 Posts: 1 Member
    I recommend the actual study's link: and make sure you read the comments section as well.
    If you do take these supplements as I do, just do your "homework" well before purchasing and know why you feel your body needs them. Agree that our diets are the BEST way to get nutrients needed, but lots of factors (including environmental) to consider too....what's in the food we're putting into our bodies, organic or pesticide-infected, etc. Hope this helps.
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    I've been taking a multi-vitamin every day for a couple years now, which of course includes before I started my weight loss program. I take it as soon as I get up with my coffee, water and yogurt. The only side-effect I've ever noticed is when I was taking a brand that included iron, I would feel nauseous and get an upset stomach. I take Alive Women's 50+ now with no iron and haven't noticed any changes in appetite. I've lost 58 lbs. since last September, so...

    I suggested my young adult daughter might benefit from taking a multi-vitamin since she doesn't always eat right and I was surprised when she said, "No, they're fattening." I thought she was kidding, but she was serious. First time I'd ever heard of such a thing... until now.

    I personally don't buy into that concept though and will continue to take one every day. I feel so much better than before. Plus, since I started taking them I haven't gotten sick, not one cold, no flu, nothing. Before, I seemed to catch everything going around and would get a nasty case of bronchitis every Winter.

    Just my two cents...
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    I haven't seen any change in my diet with my multivitamin. I take mine daily with my lunch.

    There is no way I would stop taking it without talking to my doctor. I had anemia (which is one of the things I'm treating with my Mirena). He's got me taking a daily multivitamin with iron and having dietary changes to eat more foods rich in iron before another round of blood tests.

    I think a basic multivitamin is a good way to plug holes in a diet, but not the only way. Some people may be fine with just a calcium or iron pill. Others may get everything from food.

    I find it interesting that the claim about weight gain exists since there are vitamin mixes specifically on the market that are supposed to help with weight loss (contain caffeine and appetite suppressants).
  • ccg1954
    I have the same problem with vitamins. I starve. Anyone explain this to me