Is it worth it??

edited October 2024 in Chit-Chat
Sorry this is a little off topic, but I need some advice. My hubbie and I are going out of town this weekend (tomorrow morning, coming back on Sunday evening) to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary. I've lost a little weight (still have a bunch to go), so I'm feeling a little ummm...."saucy". So I bought a pretty new dress and some "unmentionables" at Lane Bryant to spice up the weekend. I spent just over $200, which is an unheard of amount for me to spend, but I wanted the weekend to be special.

So, here's my dilemma...I got home from shopping and found a coupon in my mailbox for $50 off any purchase of $150 or more (which I definitely did). I called the store to see if they would honor the coupon, and they said I would have to drag it all back in (not a problem, as it hasn't even been out of the bag yet), RETURN it, and then re-buy it to get the $50 off.

Lane Bryant is about 40 minutes from my house. And returning it to rebuy it sounds like a crummy thing to do to the salespeople....I'm sure that's a hassle for them.

Is it worth $50? I mean, $50 is DINNER tomorrow night. Thoughts?


  • $50 is totally worth it. I would. Don't worry about putting out the sales people. This is probably the least of their problems as far as customers. You're not yelling at them for something or being a wench. You just want the discount and that's totally understandable.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    if you have the time do drive back down there...DO IT!!!!!!!
  • I used to do that all the time i was a cashier and it gives us something to do.. YES $50 is soooo worth it... DO IT!!

    And congrats happy anniversary!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    if you have the time do drive back down there...DO IT!!!!!!!

    I agree!
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    As long as you're still saving money after you factor in the cost of fuel to go back for a second trip, which I imagine it will, then I'd do it.
  • becky2967
    becky2967 Posts: 124
    i would its 50$, if you have time x
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    As long as you're still saving money after you factor in the cost of fuel to go back for a second trip, which I imagine it will, then I'd do it.

    That's what I was thinking-- make sure you don't spend your savings on gas money first :P
  • I do that all of the time! Well, not ALL of the time, but quite a bit! We shop at stores that honor a sale price that goes into effect within so many days after our purchases, so we can bring the receipt in and get money back. We aren't 40 minutes away, but for $50 I'd drive 40 minutes. Depending on the type of vehicle you own, and if you could do any other errands in that area, you wouldn't be spending much in gas (also depending on where you live and gas prices)
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    heck yeah! hope gas money isn't too costly for you though! Enjoy your time with hubby:)
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I do that all the time. It's most def worth it!!! You go girl!!
  • Depends. What do you drive? How much gas will you be using to drive 40 minutes each way? By the time you fill your tank back up, you've basically spent the $50 to get $50. So, I'd look at the numbers more closely. If the store was a few blocks away, I'd say, "Do it!" This? IDK.
  • jgilhen
    jgilhen Posts: 31
    Do it! Then spend the $50.00 on you and hubby!
  • darlalu00
    darlalu00 Posts: 187 Member
    Do it!!!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    of course you should do it! that's gonna be 4 gals of gas - that's about $16 depending on where you live and what you drive - you're still to the good. though i might call corp and see if they can just do it. esp if you have their card.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    id probably do it..
    you can get an estimate of how much gas you would using going there and back @
  • lisasdoinit
    lisasdoinit Posts: 216 Member
    yep. damn right! again the gas situation should be considered, but this is the kind of thing that makes me GRRR.

    the staff are well aware of this coupon being mailed out and for the amount of $ you spent they should have OFFERED it to you!

    actually, if there is a closer one near by, i'd take it back there.

    Have a FABULOUS time on your weekend away!!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Thats a nice bottle of Champenge and some strawberries...or maybe a new whip....DO IT
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,352 Member
    definitely do it. you don't have to bring everything with you, just your receipt (i used to work at lane bryant). people did/do it all the time.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Hell Yes, it's worth it...
  • CurlyVonda
    CurlyVonda Posts: 59 Member
    I'd do it!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    For $50, yes!
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