Curvy or just FAT!?!?

Many times when I tell people I need to lose weight they always say but you're not fat, you're curvy!!! To me theres a fine line between the two. Curvy to me sounds like someone telling you, you have some extra weight on you but it doesn't look that bad. Any thoughts on this??? My measurements are 36-28-38... is this fat to you or "curvy"?


  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    Well I agree with your theroy on that one- but sometimes it may be true too. Some people carry the extra weight much better then others- so if you are one of those lucky ones it is probably true. The real question is how you feel about the way you look. I have a "hourglass" figure but at size 16/18 that hourglass is about to break! So it is really up to you... good luck!
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    To me being curvy is naturally having bigger hip bones than your waist, not having extra fat on your hips so that they are bigger than your waist...

    I would call someone who has extra fat on their hips with a smaller waist, hourglass ;)
  • Xtina_Beba
    To me being curvy is naturally having bigger hip bones than your waist, not having extra fat on your hips so that they are bigger than your waist...

    I would call someone who has extra fat on their hips with a smaller waist, hourglass ;)

    I agree! I have an hourglass shape and when someone says that I'm curvy I take it as a compliment. :)
  • lmanzi219
    lmanzi219 Posts: 32 Member
    this actually drives me crazy some days. One day I look in the mirror and think, I just have a different body type, than the next girl and thats ok. Other days I think "Get real! You need to lose a few! Stop making excuses!!!"
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Those measurements don't sound "fat" to me. It sounds well-proportioned. It's hard to tell from just numbers though.
  • Xtina_Beba
    this actually drives me crazy some days. One day I look in the mirror and think, I just have a different body type, than the next girl and thats ok. Other days I think "Get real! You need to lose a few! Stop making excuses!!!"

    Don't worry too much...I have those days too. Just maintain a healthy diet (variety & moderation), plenty of sleep & exercise (cardio/strength training) regularly. Those awful days will slowly start to disappear :)
  • jooleeyah
    Those are close to my measurements and I'd like to believe that I'm curvy not

    I'm only 5'2 though. I think those measurements on someone 6ft tall would be slender...
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    WOW that's very close to my measurements but lately I'm losing my curves more as I lose fat :frown: . Well I envy you for having that curves & I wish I have that too.

    Your stats sounds like you're in good shape, unless you have a small frame.
  • jooleeyah
    I've lost curves as well.... :(
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    My measurements are 36-28-38... is this fat to you or "curvy"?


    I wouldn't really consider myself overweight even though I'm trying to lose a couple more pounds - they are vanity pounds, but it all depends on your frame.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    It may depend on how tall you are, but your measurements are similar to mine (I'm 5'10" though, so VERY tall, and have a large bone structure and bigger boobs) and I am most definitely NOT fat. I'm well within a healthy weight range and Body Fat % and have muscle definition and even my fitness instructor told me I shouldn't lose more.

    So I would say it depends less on your measurements - or even your weight - and more on your overall health. Do you have a healthy Body Fat %? Do you have muscle definition (I don't mean are you BUFF, I mean are you fit)? If not, then work on improving those. If so, then you are good and should just focus on being fit and healthy.
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I teach high school, and I used to joke about my weight as a way of doing it first, ya know? I can't tell you how many times students would say "You're not fat." Well, yeah, I'm in the 250s right now (was right at 300 when I started), and I AM fat, but for some reason people (students) consider "FAT" to be a personality defect. I even hear kids say things like "I hate that, it's just obese" when referencing something totally unrelated to weight. (It's the new "gay." I don't use that to offend, merely to point out trends in what kids perceive to be insults.)

    I say all that to show that even though the people who are saying you're curvy are probably misguided in their thinking (i.e. in their minds, if they allow you to call yourself "fat" then they are agreeing with your perceived insult, so they say you're "curvy" instead), they do mean well, and it shouldn't be taken as an insult.

    And, based on your picture, you've got a lovely figure, so work it girl!
  • avarielle1215
    avarielle1215 Posts: 59 Member
    Fat? Only if she 5'3"!