Tips to stay away from food at work?

bottlecaps Posts: 21
edited October 4 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everybody.

So I have terrible self control. I work as a server in a Pizza restaurant, and I always go to work with good intentions and cut up veggies to munch on. However, after about an hour of serving buttery bread and oily fatty pizza, its all I want to eat!
It also is very accessible because we get a free meal with a shift. I try to get a salad usually but sometimes its so hard:(
Suggestions? Please please please?


  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Get a different job or take the calories and count for them.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Ugh, that sucks! I have no idea what to tell you! I work at a school and there is always tons of food for the teachers in the lounge! I just try to steer clear! However, having it that close to me all the time, i think I would be doomed!! I think I owuld just have 1 slice of pizza, and a huge, huge salad and water.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I work in my buddies sub shop part time! I I always take a meal replacement drink with me. Or I eat right before I get there. Also you just need to work on your will power!

    If you must eat pizza... Go very light on the cheese and sauce. Eat thin crush and load it with vegs.
  • Adelegervais
    Adelegervais Posts: 10 Member
    I have always had that problem and I work with a lot of ladies that bring in treats for everyone! My biggest tool is adding it to MFP before i eat it and see what kind of damage it will do to my day and that tends to deter me... If you find you really just cant help your self have a little peice... i find the more you completely deny your self the worse you binge so if you HAVE HAVE HAVE to have it just eat a little bit to fill that craving.... Hope that helps
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I know it's hard but you just have to force yourself.

    Your will-power is the only thing that will help, so learn to rely on it which will make it stronger.

    The first few times I munched baby carrots and sipped H2O while my family had wine, pizza, pasta and tiramisu, I thought I was going to implode. Didn't help that they were like, "Come on! One bite! It won't kill you! Your brother made this himself!" blah blah blah

    Every time I said "No" out loud, my resolve strengthened and now it's no big deal.

    You can doo eeeeet.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    This might sound goofy, and might not work for you...but it works for me. COUGH DROPS. If I am in a situation where smells, visuals or sometimes even just TALKING about food comes up and I feel like I NEED it. I pop in a cough drop. Kills whatever cravings that I might be having for a while. Seriously. As I said probably goofy :laugh: but works for ME.
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    MINT!! Chew gum or keep some peppermint candy to suck on.
  • I like reading this post because I too work in a restaurant. I am a chef so it is even harder because I can literally have whatever I want.. I have just started mfp & really dig it. What I have been doing is eating small meals every two hours & counting everything. When I start to get an urge after only an hour, I drink a BIG glass of water. This fills my stomach & helps with the temptation. I am in no way trying to give advice on weight loss since I am so new to this, but these are the tricks I am using. Eat a small piece of pizza, a banana & drink some water. Then count it all... GL
  • I also work at a school. The woman in the admin building used to always have pies/pastries/cake etc for everyone to eat, but I finally made a complaint and she now only serves lightly oiled popcorn for snacks.

    In my school building, people used to consistently bring in doughnuts, but I made another complaint and my boss started bringing in hummus, chips, veggies as a snack for teachers/staff. People still bring in the doughnuts, which sucks, but I found being vocal about my desire for health (and in turn, health for the kids - being a healthy role model) was heard.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    when you get the craving, go and brush your teeth. NOTHING tastes good after a good teeth cleaning.
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