HELP! My body has stopped losing weight.

Hey guys!! I hit a milestone a couple of weeks ago (50 pounds, and since then, I have not lost a single pound. I count my calories EVERYDAY (end with 1300 max), and either do a 60 minute spin class or run 4-5 miles at least 4 times/ week! I can see my body getting smaller, but the scale is not budging. What is wrong with me?! haha it's really quite frustrating!


  • frugalmomsrock
    I am just going to C&P my reply from a few minutes ago in a similar thread....

    I am *JUST* breaking through mine. I kept fluctuating with the same couple pounds, but I'm finally over it.

    First of all, I know it's going to sound weird. Trust me. I never would have believed it myself if it hadn't happened to me...

    I started eating more combined with exercising a little less. Now, this has happened by pure circumstance (the less exercise part). I started out my decreased exercise by having a whole week with no exercise except a walk a day with my babies because I had sick kids and couldn't take them to the gym. So I broke even or went slightly over on calories with very very little exercise. Then I got my exercise bike delivered (because of being so upset over missing the gym the week before) at the beginning of this week, and it's a good thing because I have five kids and they're only just now all getting healthy. I have been doing a little biking and walked a couple times this week, along with coming nearer to breaking even with my calories (within 20-150 calories left), and I have finally started to drop again. Today's weigh in was lower than I had ever been, so I have finally busted through!!

    * I wanted to add-I was burning from 800 to 1300 calories a day and ending up wit
  • macobb91
    My body stopped losing, paused, then started gaining again?
  • becca3211
    becca3211 Posts: 98 Member
    All i can think of is muscle weighs more than fat. i have been working out almost everyday and my weight isn't budging BUT my clothes are getting baggy on me.....
  • MaromaBeach
    I don't have any tips except to say HANG IN THERE! I lost 75 lbs 10 years ago on weight watchers, then slowly put back 35 of them over those last 10 years (I've lost 15 in the last few onths, so I'm on the right track again.)

    What I remember from my big weight loss way back then was that I would have spurts of time between 2 and 3 weeks when I wouldn't lose an ounce, and it would drive me crazy. Whenever I would keep up the good work, I would eventually in one day lose 2 or 3 lbs and breathe a sigh of relief, but when I let it discourage me, I would ruin what I was doing and just lose all that time because I would gain, then have to lose what I gained.

    I have read that when we plateau, we should increase the intensity of our exercise routine, and/or change the foods we are eating so our body gets it that we are doing something different.

    And remember, 50 lbs is AWESOME, you must feel so great about yourself. Keep it up!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I can't make any recommendations for your food because your diary isn't public, so I'm going to suggest changing up your exercise routine. I suspect you really like your cardio routine, but I'd suggest mixing in some form of resistance training...and since you like cardio, you may really like HIIT (see explanation of HIIT in my workout blog below). Give HIIT (or another form of resistance training) a try for a few weeks and see if you notice a difference. you can still do cardio on "off" days. this is my workout schedule:

    monday: boot camp (which involves HIIT and resistance training)
    tuesday: run
    wednesday/thursday: one day of rest; the other day...resistance training followed by sprint interval #1 or 2 on my list.
    friday: run
    saturday: sprint interval #3 or 4 on my list
    sunday: run, bike or rest
  • SmallerBecky
    I agree with frugalmomsrock. I was doing P90X last summer AND walking miles a day and I lost about 10 lbs. and then just stalled. Then my teen daughter ran away and was missing for 11 days. I completely abandoned all exercise for about a week except for an occasional, slow walk just thinking and crying and I stopped watching what I was eating but I was actually probably eating less because I was so upset...and I dropped another 5 or 6 lbs. within that week or so. It was like my body was like, "FINALLY, I get a break to rest!" and rewarded me with more weight loss (too bad I was too distraught to really enjoy it!). I gained it back, though, as we dealt with my daughter when we found her...hence my new start on MFP this time around!
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Hey there, just hang in there and keep moving forward, the scale has to budge at some point. Stay focused and consistant and you will get there girl.

    Also, I noticed that your starting weight and goal weights are the pretty close to each other. Keep up the good work.